My feedback
11 results found
141 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
42 votes
The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.0.1.205). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Adobe InDesign Team
Anonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
8 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Same issue--InDesign auto-updated to 2024 and didn't give me the option to retain preferences from the previous version, just trashed all my preferences and it takes hours to reset everything. Just another straw on the pile of this abusive relationship Adobe has with its longtime professional customers.
6 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
42 votes
The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2022(v17.0.0.96). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Adobe InDesign TeamAn error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I am getting a black background when placing a transparent .psd file into InDesign. I've tried every possible solution listed here and nothing worked. I am so sick of this. This is the second Adobe bug I've had to deal with today and it's taken up half my paid day. Adobe, this is my livelihood!! "Reviewing the issue" doesn't cut it.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
ID 2020 15.1 - All text variables (including page numbers) replaced by "ss" text
Adnotare 2020-06-19 220139.png 78 KB -
Annotation 2020-06-18 114245.png 3 KB -
Annotation 2020-06-18 113938.png 2 KB -
Annotation 2020-06-18 113957.png 18 KB -
Screenshot 2020-06-18 at 14.54.05.png 10 KB -
Fehler-Querverweise.png 670 KB -
Caminando por Fe_sample 5.pdf 431 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 12.46.36 PM.png 128 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-06-16 at 22.04.35.png 96 KB -
corrupted text variables.png 4 KB -
proper text variables.png 8 KB
223 votesThe fix is now publicly available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign teamAnonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Upgraded to 15.1.1 and still having the problem.
26 votes
As confirmed by a customer over the thread that the issue is fixed in InDesign 2020(v15.1.2.226).
We recommend you upgrade to either InDesign 2020(v15.1.2.226) or to the latest InDesign 2021(v16.0.0.77) for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Adobe InDesign TeamAnonymous supported this idea ·
29 votes
Hello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have been able to improve the performance with span columns but it is till work in progress.Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the incremental fix.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0 Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Still experiencing this annoying issue in ID 2020. As a professional book designer, this is costing me serious money and stress. I've used Adobe products for 20+ years but I'm ready to cash it in and re-train myself on other software.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
When using Span Column for headers, editing text anywhere in the document (headers, body text, and footnotes) becomes extremely slow, each letter typed taking several seconds to appear. When I change the header paragraph style to Single Column, the typing lag disappears. (If I change only the current header to Single Column, the lag remains; I have to eliminate Span Column from the entire document for typing speed to be normal.) Gets even slower the longer the editing session goes on. Per Adobe chat rep I reset prefs, updated to CC2019, latest Windows update, and updated video card driver, to no avail. I'm using recent PC with Intel quad-core, 64 GB ram, Windows 10. Seems many others are having this issue with Span Columns. For prof book designers the slowdown makes InDesign virtually unusable. Turning off Span Columns and creating separate text boxes for every header is a huge hassle. Please fix this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
ID 2019 is still unusable when using span column and multiple columns. Typing takes 5-6 seconds to respond before each letter appears. I'm a book designer, so I can't NOT use multiple columns with spanned headers! Unacceptable.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
40 votes
We’re reviewing this issue.
Adobe InDesign teamAn error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Any explanation for why upgrading to InDesign 15.0.2 did not fix this bug? Still experiencing very slow performance when using footnotes and span columns.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I have updated to 15.0.2 and I am still having slow performance when using footnotes and span columns. No improvement from before the upgrade.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
412 votes
Hello All,
Kindly provide more information about this ask. How do you plan to use the Action Panel in InDesign? Do you want it to work exactly like that in Photoshop? What are the most important actions/operations that you want to record?
Abhinav Agarwal
Product Manger – InDesignAn error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Yes, capturing keystrokes exactly like in Photoshop would be very useful. For instance, in book design - to click a shortcut that enters a glyph for a chapter start, adds a paragraph style to the title etc. I would use actions like that many times in the course of a day for book design. And it would have to be easy and quick to create, just like in Photoshop, so that I can capture keystrokes on the fly just for a particular function on a particular project. There is so much that I do that is repetitive in book design that could be made much easier by a keystroke capture function.
112 votes
Hello All,
Following up on the comments stating that the issue is yet not fixed, we did our investigation and found that, the issues being called out in the comment section, though maybe relevant but are different than the one for which this thread was originally created.
This particular thread caters to a very specific case which has been fixed in the last update of InDesign.
If you continue to face performance related issues with InDesign, we sincerely request you to create a separate thread so that we can categorize the performance related issues and address them completely.
In addition to track the performance issues effectively, it will also enable us to reach out to you in a organised manner when we investigate into each category of performance issues.We are extremely sorry for the troubles you are facing with InDesign and we are determined to resolve them as efficiently…
Anonymous supported this idea ·
Auto-update to 19.0 trashed my prefs without even giving me an option. Hours to rebuild everything during my busiest time of the year. This is my livelihood, people. Adobe products used to be stable and reliable. As soon as you went to a subscription model, everything went to he**, just one problem after another and costs me time and money. And yet you keep consistently raising your prices, without fail. If I were a younger designer, I would decamp to Affinity. Instead I'm a prisoner to this abusive relationship and pay $100 a month for the privilege.