preferences update
Preferences, templates, custom sizes, actions should be carried forward as standard. Having to reset everything every update is excruciating and a large waste of unnecessary time.

Anonymous commented
Same issue--InDesign auto-updated to 2024 and didn't give me the option to retain preferences from the previous version, just trashed all my preferences and it takes hours to reset everything. Just another straw on the pile of this abusive relationship Adobe has with its longtime professional customers.
Dan Forzano commented
Just had the same issue updating from ID 2023 to 2024. Request that prefs all be carried forward, but on first launch of 2024 it reports old prefs are not compatible and creates new (default) set. As original post notes, you lose everything.
This is not just an inconvenience, it may be the straw that finally causes the break. Affinity Publisher looking better and better.
I am not left trying to remember and reset all preferences. Even my custom templates are gone. The time spent trying to rebuild, or see if these are recoverable somehow (reinstall 2023 and hope prefs still exist somewhere?) may be equal to just moving to competitive software.