Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6911 results found
Cannot paste buttons
My version of InDesign (18.5 for Mac) will not allow me to copy and paste buttons correctly. The pasted button shows up in the buttons list, but it is not visible or selectable.
1 vote -
Sinhala text render issue
When typing or copying texts in Sinhala unicode font, the output is rendered incorrectly. For instance, "ෙ + ට +ා" must be rendered as "ටො" but in indesign it is rendered as "ටො". It does not create any difference by changing the keystroke pattern. "ෙ + ට +ා", "ට + ෙ + ා", "ෙ + ා + ට" renders the same output. I tried changing renderer to "World-ready paragraph renderer" but nothing changed in rendering.
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Eliminate Generating PDF dialog box
I am constantly bothered by the Generating PDF dialog box for two reasons:
First, it doesn't play well with my dual-screen setup. If I have InDesign on one monitor, the dialog box often shows up on the othe rmonitor, blocking whatever applications or windows I am working on outside of InDesign. Then I must manually drag it over to the InDesign monitor to get it out of the way. Come on Adobe! Many users have multiple monitors. Your apps should remember the locations of all dialog boxes, windows, and panels and not arbitrarily show up in random places.
Second, and…1 vote -
Indesign v 18.0 will not open on 16" Macbook pro
Every time I try to open Adobe InDesign it blows out and won't open.
If I delete all preferences it will open. ONCE. I tried launching it in safe mode and that didn't work either. This is a brand new install of an Ventura 16" Macbook Pro M1 Pro Max chip.
I uninstalled and then reinstalled the software. Did not help.
I deleted all the preferences. Opened once. Quit the software, wouldn't open again.
Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and Bridge all work fine. InDesign does not.
1 vote -
Missing font is not displayed as missing
When opening the file in InDesign (tested in ID17, ID18.5 and ID 19 Beta) the font is not reported as missing.
Nor does it appear as missing under "find/replace font...".
However, it is highlighted in pink; so ID notices that the font is missing.My expectation is that the missing font will also show up as missing in "Find/Replace font...".
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one click font size changer in whole file.
During translation, the text expands too much, and we have to reduce the font size to fit the text. But if it is a booklet we have to keep consistency throughout the file. Therefore if I reduce the font size in the heading will need to check and reduce the font size in the body text as well. It is time-consuming if the document is not set properly with styles.
Let's say I need to reduce font size by 1pt throughout the document. and I have multiple variations in sizes like the Heading 20pt, subheading 18, body size 12 pt…
1 vote -
Adobe InDesign 18.5 missing Fonts
Missing Fonts in Adobe InDesign 18.5.
Our Corporate Font is always missing in Adobe Indesign 18.5. Our IT checked the Font istallation, Libraray Font Cache ... and we got the Info, it is only an Adobe InDesign problem. Cause the corporate Font is in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop available.The complete Grafik Team has installed otf and ttf Fonts. (And no we don't use Postscript Typ 1 Fonts.) 😉
Our Typedesigner tested the Font, everything is ok.
We are using InDesign 18.5 on Mac Ventura 13.5. Deinstalling and install InDesign 18.5 new didn't solve the Problem. The complete Font-Family…1 voteHello Romana
Can you try putting all these fonts in the folder: /Applications/Adobe InDesign 2023/Fonts and see if it solves the issue?
Adobe InDesign team
1 vote
Error on Save : "Indesign is unable to save this file. We tried, but appears to be damaged."
Just started happening with v18.5. And only with very specific files? Have a fairly simple file that I drop PDFs into. If the PDF's on the page that generates the thumbnail it'll fail. If you then resave over the same filename it'll save happily. Doesn't happen if you start from a new file, or from other more complicated files but is very replicable.
Have tried clearing preferences.
1 vote -
Position de l'objet et filtre N/B
Super !
Mais il faudrait arriver à développer un outil qui arrive à gérer les plans des objets (arrière-plant et premier plant) un peu comme dans Word ou on a une aide à la position en 3D.
Il serait bien aussi un outil qui puisse appliquer des filtres photo rapides comme en N/B.
Bien cordialement.1 vote -
System wide “Emoji & Symbols” panel is not working
The “picker panels” of macOS and Windows are really nice to quickly get an emoji or special character. The keyboard shortcuts for both work system wide. Almost. It works in applications from Adobe on Windows but not on Mac. I do not understand why this is blocked.
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Ao importar texto que contenham números ou caracteres automáticos do word ou RTF a numeração vem toda alterada
Ao importar texto que contenham números ou caracteres automáticos do word ou RTF a numeração vem toda alterada
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Document Setup -> Adjust Layout only partially works
I needed to blow up an A4 design to 2000mm high and the Adjust Layout (see image for settings I used) does not produce the same layout. See attached images.
MacBook Pro retina mid 2014, Mac OS 11.7.9, Indesign 18.5
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GREP Change all Option Bug
When applying the following formula, the GREP Change All Option caused a formatting problem in my content:
could you please check and suggest? I have attached my inputs here for your review.I am using Adobe Indesign CC 2021+ and MacOS Mojave version 10.14.6
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InDesign failing to start up
I'm experiencing an issue where InDesign is repeatedly crashing during start up. The only fix I have found is unistalling and reinstalling which fixes the issue temporarily, but I am having to do this multiple times daily.
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Error when pasting hex color code with #
When pasting a hex code with a hash character prefix (#) in InDesign 18.3 (macOS 12.6.8) you get an error that it is a incorrect color format. Even if I try to "correct" the pasted text by removing the hash character, I can‘t get InDesign to accept the pasted color code.
This annoying "bug" applies to the color window/palette.
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relink with file extension bug
Relink File Extension is not working. This bug seems persistent so I can only assume not too many people are reporting it, but it's slowing down my productivity. When I try to use Relink File Extensions and choose the option to link images that have the .psd extension rather than a .jpeg I get the error message "Failed to find 1 links in new folder. These links have not been relinked, and will remain selected in the Links panel." Each time I've attempted to do this over the last couple of months, I double-check that the only difference in the…
1 voteHi Kevin & others,
It looks like you may be inputting ".psd" when it asks you for the filename extension.
Try inputting just "psd" - that is, without the period in front.
See what happens - it should work.
Let us know your findings.
Adobe InDesign team
Share for Review
Share for Review and PDF export have been consistently not working. Below is a screen share of my attempting to export a PDF and share for review. I recently got a new computer. I don't know if it's an issue with syncing but it's happening with every document I open. I get notifications from time to time saying PDF won't export because of a PNG file that is misplaced but it doesn't mention what file. Imagine trying to locate the needle in a haystack.
I've closed the files, restarted inDesign, verified that it was up to date, scoured the forums,…
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Pictures placed via copy-paste are not shown in link panel
When inserting a picture via copy+paste, it is not shown in the link panel - neither as missing nor as "embedded".
Is this a bug?1 vote -
Actions Panel like in Photoshop and Illustrator
If this existed in Indesign like it does in Photoshop and Illustrator it would save me HOURS of time. Please please make this happen,
1 vote
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