Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
207 results found
[ID-4258070]Disappearing Punctuation Marks in Hebrew RTL Justified Text in Exported PDF
Severity Level: Critical
Impact: Severe disruption to Hebrew text layout workflow and document integrityBug Description
Punctuation marks are randomly disappearing in justified Hebrew text blocks (RTL direction), specifically at:
- Paragraph endings
- Forced line breaks
- Last lines of justified paragraphsTechnical Context
- Text Direction: Right-to-Left (RTL)
- Language: Hebrew
- Text Alignment: Justified
Affected Punctuation Marks
- Periods (.)
- Semicolons (;)
- Commas (,)
- Colons (:)
Specific Behavior in RTL Context
- When Hebrew text is set to justified alignment, punctuation marks vanish:
- At the end of paragraphs
- Before forced line breaks
- Exception: Punctuation marks remain visible if the last line is…
397 votesHi,
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4246352]NIKKUD (accents/diacritics) selection has become invisible
InDesign version: v20 (both Mac & PC)
Hebrew letters can use NIKKUD - vocalization diacritical marks (function like Vowels) under/above the letter.
- In previous versions (-2023) it was possible to select only the NIKKUD (attached image) of the letter. (in order to specify the position of the NIKKUD using the Diacritic Positioning panel or to change color, etc.)
- In the current version (2024-2025) the selection is on the entire letter, and there is no visual indication whether the letter or the NIKKUD is selected (attached image).
Note: Sometimes there are two NIKKUD characters and even in such a case in…
219 votesHi,
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4243320]Cursor moves differently in MENA builds.
InDesign version: v20 (both Mac & PC)
In right-to-left languages (Hebrew & Arabic) the cursor movement went crazy:
- Left key - goes up
- Right key - jumps to the end of the line...
We can't work that wayNote: both (23\25 indd) set to 'Visual' in preferences > right-to-left > cursor movement (of course, changing the setting to 'logical' doesn’t solve it)
187 votesHi,
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4228495]Export Tagging: ‘i’ character in class name exports as blank space
I just did the 2018 update, so I think it's the most recent version: 13.0 x64
I have a document template that contains many character and paragraph styles with export CSS tags that contain the lowercase ‘i’ in them. This character is being exported as a blank space, which completely breaks the CSS, like this:
should be: <p class="bright"></p>
getting: <p class="br ght"></p>This problem was easily replicated in a fresh new document, so it’s something with InDesign, rather than my template file.
This workflow involves complex style mapping through to CSS classes. Because so many of the classes contain…
107 votesWe are reviewing this issue.
InDesign team -
[ID-4206781]Text wrapping has changed to before 2019 use textFrame based indent
To place a graphicItem with text wrap, it is not an object-based indent like 2020, but a text frame-based indent before 2019.
1 Version
16.0.1(macOS10.14/10.15.6)2 Steps to reproduce the issues
1. Make TextFrame. To places graphicItem above the textFrame and set text wrap.
2. The indent set in the textFrame does not take effect for the object for which wrap text is set like before 2019.3 Expected result
Indent set in the textFrame does take effect for the object for which wrap text is set like 2020.
Please refer below Community article.フォーラム/indesign2020ではできていた回り込み時のインデント設定の維持が2021ではなくなっている/m-p/116770714 Actual result
The indent…95 votesThanks for reporting. We will review it
-InDesign Team
[ID-4224416]PDF comments: Delete <FEFF> marker after removal of all comments
After choosing »Delete all comments« from the fly-out menu of the PDF comments panel at every position, where a comment was before the removal, a <FEFF> char is left behind, which shows up as a zero-width colon (:), when special characters are turned on.
Since this is a useless char after deleting the comments, the <FEFF> should also be removed, when selecting the removal in the fly-out.
<FEFF> shows up with XML tags, notes and index markers, so we can’t simply do a TEXT search for <FEFF> to remove it.
\x{feff} doesn’t work in GREP search, which is kind…46 votesThanks for reporting. We will review the issue shortly.
-InDesign Team
[ID-4253441]"Don't Save" and "Cancel" Positions are reversed in InDesign 20.0
"Don't Save" and "Cancel" Positions are reversed in Indesign 20.0.
Why in the world would they do this??? Yet another meaningless update to hinder production.
Not OS related, as I have not updated my OS since updating to Indesign 20.
Mac Sonoma 14.7
3.6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9
AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT 16 GB
43 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4219714]CEPHtmlEngine maxes out CPU to 100%
macOS Catalina 10.15.5. and InDesign. 15.1.1.
Massive problem with CEPHtmlEngine Helper. After a while, my MacBook Pro fan is running high and in the activity window, CEPHtmlEngine Helper is running between 90 and 100%. It is no fun to work with a system that runs crazy.
Why? Solution needed.41 votesThis issue is being reviewed again.
Adobe InDesign team -
[ID-4236204]Using “Paragraph Borders and Shading” on frame grid, it is incorrect to base them on grid attributes possessed by the frame grid
InDesign Version CC2018 or newer
“Paragraph Borders and Shading” are usually generated based on the outline of the glyphs in the paragraph to which they are applied.
This is true even if they are grid-aligned on a text frame (Figure 1-a, right).
However, when the same settings are made on a frame grid, for some reason, they are generated based on the grid attributes of the frame grid, not the glyph outlines.
This always occurs based on the grid attribute of the frame grid, regardless of whether the text in the frame grid is grid-aligned or not (Figure 1-a left).…
39 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4216943]Slow InDesign
This latest update for late August/September is really really really slow. It lags crazy. It's not efficient to work in. Even with small documents.
It's the most unpleasant InDesign experience ever!39 votesThank you for reporting the issue to us.
We are currently reviewing it.
InDesign Team -
[ID-4213629]Indesign performance issue : Slow work of Indesign when editing text with large footnotes
I'd like to report a bug. Please follow the scenario below:
In a single column with lots of text in it, make two columns for a fragment of text
In text within the two-column setup, make a footnote. Add several lines of text to the footnote
Turn on the "Span Footnotes Across Columns" feature so that footnote ends up in the same group with the footnotes at the bottom of the page rather than below the two-column fragment
Expected behaviour: normal editing can be performed after these manipulations
Observed behaviour: any text editing after turning on the "Span Footnotes Across…
39 votesWe’re reviewing this issue.
Adobe InDesign team -
[ID-4257731]No Redraws on Object Highlight
- macOS version only
- version 18 (2023) and later
- Screen Mode: Normal
- GPU Performance OFF (CPU Preview)
This issue occurs 100% of the time under these conditions. Note that Overprint Preview forces CPU Preview, causing the issue even in Overprint Preview mode with GPU Performance ON. It persists across macOS versions and Intel/Apple Silicon platforms.
Steps to Reproduce
- Prepare an InDesign document with multiple pages.
- Place any object on the page.
- Switch to the Text tool.
- Hover the mouse over the object (MouseEnter), without selecting it.
- Press the Cmd key while the mouse is over the object.
- The object is…
36 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4216880]Placed graphic displays and exports outside stroke.
A placed graphic will show onscreen and in graphic exports like PNG and JPG outside the stroke when the stroke is aligned to the inside of the frame. InDesign 2020 and earlier. To reproduce: place a graphic, add a stroke to the frame, align stroke to inside, export the page to jpg or png. A thin portion of the image is visible outside the stroke. Obviously, this is most noticeable when the stroke is thick and white.
35 votesThank you for reporting the issue to us.
We are currently reviewing it.
InDesign Team -
[ID-4257732]CMYK color specified in MathML does not match the set value
InDesign 20.0 (2025)
Windows /macOSWhen I apply a preset or a newly created CMYK swatch to MathML, the color does not match the value.
It appears to be CMYK via RGB color.Original text (Japanese):
RGBカラーを経由してCMYKになっているように見えます。33 votesThank you for trying out the MathML feature in InDesign! The math objects created using this feature are placed as SVGs, and hence they exclusively support RGB colours.If you try to apply a non RGB colour (CMYK/LAB/HSV-based), then by design it is converted to RGB before it is applied to the math object. This conversion is designed to enable users to continue using document colours that are not RGB-based for the math object SVGs.
[ID-4257734]When you place an object with ‘Corner Options’ and ‘Text Wrap (Wrap around object shape)’ on a frame, the text moves.
Checked on Windows 10 Japanese version, InDesign CS5 to CC2024
1.Create a new document
2.Create a frame grid with the Horizontal Grid Tool
3.Insert a few line breaks at the beginning and assign sample text
4.Draw a rectangle with the Rectangle Tool
5.Set the shape in Corner Options to anything other than ‘None’
6.Set the text wrap to ‘Wrap around object shape’
7.When the drawn rectangle is placed on the frame, it is pushed out by one characterIt’s strange that the text moves even though the rectangle is not placed on top of the text.
Conditions for the object…
30 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4257796]Provide an ability to disable IAMs and other In app notification
These are annoying/distracting, and I cannot turn them off!
29 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4257735]One Frame Grid Remains Unchanged When Modifying Multiple Selected Frame Grids
InDesign CS4 (v6) and Later
When changing the “Number of Characters per Line” or “Number of Lines” for multiple selected frame grids, one of the frame grids always fails to update. This bug, first observed in CS4 (v6), remains unresolved.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Select multiple frame grids.
2. Go to the menu and choose “Object > Frame Grid Options...”
3. Modify the “Number of Characters per Line” or “Number of Lines” settings.Result: Changes are not reflected in one of the frame grids. It appears that the frame grid with the smallest object ID does not get…
28 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4245422]Underlines are drawn in the space left by "danraku jisage".
When I use "danraku jisage " in the "mojigumi akiryou settei" , an underline is underlined in the empty space at the beginning of a line.
Since there are no characters in the empty space, it is correct that underlines are not underlined in the same way as when indentation is used to lower the line.「文字組みアキ量設定」で「段落字下げ」を行ったとき、行頭の空いている部分にも下線が引かれてしまう。
空いている部分には文字はないので、インデントで下げたときと同じように、下線は引かれないのが正しい。28 votesHi,
The issue is currently under investigation.—
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4257736]InDesign hangs when placing CJK tagged text with ruby
I'm currently using ID 2024, but I have tested other versions of ID, back to CS6, and they all have the same problem. I'm currently running Windows 11, but the problem also occurs in Windows 10.
- Install the Adobe font family, Source Han Sans TW, on your computer.
- Download and unzip it
- Open InDesign in the CJK version
- Create a new document with these grid attributes: Direction = Vertical; Font = Source Han Sans TW, Normal; Size = 16 pt; Vertical = Horizontal = 100%; Char Aki = 0 pt; Line Aki = 10 pt; Characters = 40;…
27 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[ID-4251249]Exiting Presentation Mode makes InDesign's Window smaller when connected to external monitor.
When entering presentation mode (shift+w), and then escape,
InDesign windows becomes fullscreen.
It would be great to get back to same size and position.InDesign Version: 18.0
Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 15.51.31.png 9658 KB -
Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 15.51.10.png 1651 KB -
Bildschirmaufnahme 2023-01-25 um 3864 KB -
bug_setting.png 929 KB -
standard_setting.png 899 KB -
Grabación de pantalla 2023-01-11 a las 10444 KB - 2786 KB -
Screen_Shot_2017-09-29_at_00.20.51.png 560 KB
27 votes -
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