[ID-4257796]Provide an ability to disable IAMs and other In app notification
These are annoying/distracting, and I cannot turn them off!

Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Tim commented
Stop forcing these popups. I have work to do. InDesign 20.1
Marc Girouard commented
Yes these are terribly annoying across all adobe apps. Please give the option to disable entirely.
Anonymous commented
As a developer, we are resetting our InDesign preferences at least on a daily basis. We also do this before every demonstration of our software. Each time we do, in InDesign 2025 we are confronted by a host of what I will call "marketing messages" (e.g. suddenly showing the History Panel and the Context Menu - if I see that guys face one more time...), and a host of other features that Adobe wants to draw attention to. This is incredibly disruptive to our development and end-users have complained that this hurts their productivity as well. Perhaps there can be an initial presentation of these new features, but there must be a way to shut them off completely. Otherwise, as it stands now at every reset of InDesign preferences, these messages start all over again. A simple preference to "suppress marketing messages and help popups" or something of that nature would be very well-received by both developers and end-users alike.
JB Will commented
It would be nice if we had a way to turn off the stupid Tip box that pops up on every tool every time we want to select a different tool. It's annoying to the 11th degree. It doesn't matter if I look at the tip, click "got it," make a wish, do an Indian rain dance, or whatever. It always comes back, and there have already been three versions of updates since it started happening. Enough is enough. We need a button, an option in preferences, a way to opt out or something. Its annoying.
Ivo commented
INDD 20.0.1
annoying pop up windows - those in blue window or other window, with some random totally UNWANTED tips.THis has never been so bad before, it keeps repeating even after i click on the cross in next day or two the very same pop up window appears!!!!
this is super annoying, I have no time to waste may time to click on that every time it appears!
chris commented
Stop it with these stupid popups. Your software is expensive, professionals don't want this distracting **** when working.
Why does this even have to be spelt out?
No more popups, new features, reminders, EVER.
pixelzauberer commented
I find it unprofessional that Adobe InDesign constantly provides tips for “better usage” while I am working. It feels outdated, reminiscent of Windows 95 or Clippy, and disrupts my workflow. This feature should be revised to be optional and less intrusive.
Rachael C commented
Agreed. Please give us an option in Preferences to turn on / off these tutorials.
Tim commented
Stop popping up these tool tips and "tours." I don't want them. I don't need them. I have work to do.
Phantom Steve commented
Please make an option to turn these off.
It's the most irritating addition to any software i've ever experienced.
No problem if I can disable them — but I can't !! -
Phantom Steve commented
Please give us the option to turn off all the annoying blue pop-ups.
I keep having to turn them off. Every day. Over and over.
I've used Indesign for decades — I really don't need this rubbish. -
Mary commented
The constant interruption of blue bar "helpful" suggestions, while using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, is infuriatingly disruptive to the working professional. The fact that I'm here trying to solve an unnecessary issue during my self-employed working hours pretty much sums up the problem - I cannot bill for this time. Please allow us the ability to get rid of the constant advertising and let us get on with the software we once loved - we've got work to do.
chris commented
Yeah WTF who the **** decided that in a professional app, it's a good idea to randomly pop up some "did you know you can do this?" over someone's production work? Don't disrupt us, we don't care.
How about instead of this absolute ****, make existing features work properly, like, I dunno, maintaining the workspace I always use instead of reverting to "essentials" every time I launch the app? -
H Chinaski commented
This is not only valid for beta releases, right? I just got this appallingly useless popup right in my face.
Christ the King Church commented
Provide a clear and instant solution to DISABLE these disruptive pop-ups. Workflow is being impeded by these unwanted interruptions and costing money. We are not paying the high subscription cost for Creative Cloud to have our daily work hijacked by constant AI pop-ups. Adobe has turned this into the "Office Assistant" Paper Clip - is that what they were going for???
Derek Blackburn commented
See this?! Nice work adobe. You think we f'in want your stupid a$$ popups?!
Derek Blackburn commented
Dido Lod commented
Adobe marketing headers on the open screen, in my opinion, is the policy of the Adobe company itself. each company implements elements of this policy differently. Some involve customer service https://wow24-7.io/customer-support-for-ecommerce ecommerce, some create agents to attract investment in the company
Sarah commented
The temporary blue banner alerting me to the changes to Pantone's integration with Indesign has frozen in place partially off the screen and cannot be dismissed. I haven't restarted as I'm in the middle of a task and the functionality remains, it's just overlaid with the banner near the bottom.
Seth McGinnis commented
Make hover tool tips an "opt-in" instead of making pros turn them off every time we update.