[ID-4252110]Place (cmd+D) can't see tagged folders on mac
Place command (cmd+D) can't see the tagged folders, so i can't find my documents quickly as it should be...
All other commands (export cmd+E for exemple) allow me to navigate from my tagged folders.
Please add the same option to place command.
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Alana commented
Please fix this....
Mendi commented
Where there is no issue:
- in save \ export (Command+S\E)
- in tagged *files* of any kindWhere there is issue:
- Place (Command+D)
- in tagged *folders* when searching by tag -
שניאור זלמן סגל commented
זה ממש מציק, אשמח אם זה יתוקן בהקדם
ישיבת תורת מנחם נתניה commented
It will be a lifesaver for us
שניאור זלמן מעטוף commented
It is very difficult to work like this. We will be glad to have it fixed. Thank you!
מענדי אלהרר commented
גם לי זה קורה
Mendi commented
Please fix this!This is basic support!
I shouldn't be digging through my folders to import from a folder that is already tagged for quick access