[macOS Sonoma]White Screen on drawing marquee/highlighting text in CPU and Overprint Preview modes
Since I've updated my mac mini to Sonoma, when I use InDesign, the documents flash every time I click on it. If I click and hold, the screen become completely white. This is very annoying, almost impossible to work.
Please help me!
Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 12.22.58 PM.JPG 449 KB -
Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 12.22.49 PM.JPG 244 KB -
WhatsApp Video 2023-11-16 at 15.41.24.mp4 3953 KB -
Document White Out Issue.png 204 KB -
Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 1.29.41 PM.png 457 KB -
Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 1.28.37 PM.png 558 KB -
problema ao varrer com mouse.mov 8944 KB -
Bildschirmaufnahme 2023-10-04 um 07.20.52.mov 8674 KB -
Screen Recording 2023-10-02 at 16.33.48.mov 28320 KB -
Screen Recording 2023-09-27 at 1.52.40 PM.mov 1406 KB -
Enregistrement de l’écran 2023-09-27 à 09.37.35.mov 6228 KB

Eddie Deighton commented
Unfortunately, it hasn’t. It still flashes once when selecting an object or text box and moving it. This occurs every time you do something, even if it’s the same item, not just the first time. Is this an Apple issue then?
Eddie Deighton commented
Here’s a frustrating issue that is stopping me from working efficiently. I’m on InDesign 19.1 and this problem was occurring with the previous version, too.
Whenever I switch my project to Overprint Preview and left-click my mouse to make an action - move a box, select text, anything - the entire screen flashes white/blank for a second. When selecting text it flickers constantly until you release the mouse. It’s really frustrating and causing me eye strain with the constant flashes.
This wasn’t an issue in earlier versions. Illustrator, InDesign - both now have GPU preference issues. Why are there so many problems with GPU preferences with Adobe software?
I’m running a Mac mini, Sonoma 14.2.1 with Samsung U32J59x Display.
Jules Holdsworth commented
Do you know when 14.3 (not beta) will be available? My company does not allow beta versions and we need this issue fixed ASAP, it's gone on too long.
Stephanie Robison commented
New OS 14.3 Beta works, no longer having the problem. A little worried about the other new issues I'll be dealing with having a Beta OS, but this problem is solved for me. Thank you!
Francisco Emilio Surian commented
Dica. Não arrastem o mouse.
1. Posicione o marcador de texto no início do texto que deseja marcar.
2. Clic na tecla SHIFT e segure.
3. Agora clic com o marcador de texto no final do texto a ser marcado.
A tela piscará 1 ou duas vezes apenas, mas o texto estará marcado corretamente.Não é a melhor maneira de trabalhar, mas é agora a maneira possível de se fazer.
Francisco Emilio Surian commented
Até agradeço a dica. Mas vamos lá. O "Sonoma" lançado oficialmente já deu todo esse problema. Imagine o que pode acontecer com um "Beta" ??? Sinto muito. Mas é uma questão de credibilidade, confiança e parceria. E com o lançamento do "Sonoma" Esses três parâmetros foram quebrados pela APPLE. E não estamos falando aqui de problemas com softwares de JOGOS ou outra qualquer diversão. Estamos falando do principal software de Editoração (InDesign) da Adobe. Adobe e Apple sempre foram sinônimo de eficiência. E certamente se a Apple tivesse retardado o lançamento e feito um pouco mais de pesquisa em seus laboratórios teria evitada o mal estar e todas as dificuldade enfrentadas por milhares de profissionais.... Vou esperar a atualização oficial. Espero que a APPLE esteja trabalhando duro para reaver a credibilidade, a confiança e parceria perdidos!
Fabio Giuliani commented
Do you know when 14.3 (not beta) will be available?
Dave Schneider commented
Its a beta of an OS release, this is something that needs to be handled carefully. A better way to word this might be: Based off the beta release of Sonoma 14.3, this issues is being addressed by Apple and the upcoming version of the OS will fix this issue. Make sure people understand its a Beta OS release and what that means, and instead of just saying this is how you get this. Make sure people understand that caution should be used when updating an OS to a beta version, that there can be risks.
Jules Holdsworth commented
Got today's update and this issue was not fixed? Are you kidding me? This is a critical issue! It makes working in InDesign VERY DIFFICULT. When will this be fixed????
This has been "under review" for OVER A MONTH! How is this issue not fixed yet???
Jules Holdsworth commented
When will this be fixed!!!
Edgar Gonzalez commented
this Bug has to get fixed PLEASE causing serious issues and Suffering from seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. or in your case poor coding. FIX IT! been several months now and I DID UPDATE.
Martin Fischer commented
The following problems occur when CPU power is activated (InDesign 18.5.1 and 19.0.1, macOS 14.2):
- optical duplication of text lines
- character clutter
- sometimes long waiting times (> 2 minutes) after opening long text documents; sometimes without end. -
Jen Hines commented
What a big mistake upgrading to Sonoma and InDesign 19.0.1! Come on Adobe & Apple! Get your acts together! You're making it very hard to work on projects for our clients!
Israel Barros commented
This is not resolved! It's hard to believe that this bug only comes from Apple. Why Photoshop and Illustrator work correctly? I also had financial problems because of this. Perhaps a lawyer in the US could launch a class action against Adobe?
In Europe, I gather information to launch prosecutions. -
Lee Hodgkinson commented
Looks like Apple has released macOS 14.2. Any news if the released version fixes this issue or does it still persist?
Laurent Dieusart commented
Fed up, impossible to work with your latest version. Everything freezes and remains white. I have osxSonama. My clients are getting upset since I can no longer provide them with their documents. All other programs work except indesign. React quickly otherwise I will leave the Adobe suite and file a complaint with the European Commission for fraudulent software.
Jeffhk commented
Sadly this issue remains.
Adrian Braddy commented
It's not fixed. I updated to the latest beta version and the exact same problem remains.
Scott 'Q' Marcus commented
I just updated my system and it only takes me to 14.1.2 and the problem still exists. Any idea when 14.2 will be available to the general public?
Jules Holdsworth commented
Turning off rulers did not help. This is a critical issue for me. Please fix it! I use InDesign 8-9 hours a day, and this is making work VERY difficult, not to mention it's migraine inducing!