Indesign M1 Beta expired
The beta suddenly stopped working and won't allow med to access InDesign on the M1 machine, no update on the Creative cloud installer beta section, and removing and reinstalling the app doesn't solve it.
Will there come a new beta update soon?

Fix for this was available in the previous release of InDesign – InDesign 2021. Please update to the latest update of InDesign 2021 or install the latest version of InDesign 2022 to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
taiyodayo commented
I know Beta is not supposed to work like golden master,
but how can Adobe just kill it intentionally?the broken Beta is still being released to the world via the CC App.
I've been "testing" the new version before my team,
that means *working* on some projects that only require PDF output. (ie. no .indd ping-pong)What do Adobe expect us to do?
Just "play" with it? -
Lissie commented
This was a terrible move on your part Adobe. The beta was a functional app and now both the prerelease and the current release of InDesign run terribly. Actually they barely run at all. I can't even edit text without a spinning ball. How could you stop the beta before giving us a usable program? Why do I pay $53 dollars a month for instability? I rely on accessing these programs and now I can't do my work. Thanks
patrice commented
Follow the instructions from Adobe. Sign up for the prerelease program. The download is not on the website. Within the creative cloud app, there will be a tab for it (below the beta tab). If you can't see it yet, restart the creative cloud app. Try restarting your Mac.
It worked for me. InDesign now works with silicon as prerelease.
David Niosi commented
5. You can download the latest available build (16.3) from “Builds and Plugins” section on the page.
No build 16.3 available...the last (newest) build is (
Please fix this! and in CC App there is no Prerelease category... -
Till Krueger commented
@Tudor Vedeanu : Just a shot in the dark, but did you get to the page where you have to agree to the terms? I was stuck there for a bit until I realized that you do *have* to click on the terms before you can agree to enter the program...maybe Adobe's programming logic is smart enough to not enroll people in the program until they properly agreed to the terms? Just a wild guess.
Tudor Vedeanu commented
I signed up for the prerelease builds but my CC app doesn't show InDesign in the Prerelease tab. I logged out, restarted computer etc., still nothing :(
MR KSB commented
Signing up for prerelease builds and restarting the machine made the "Prerelease" appear in the side menu on the creative cloud app, just beneath Beta apps.
pharwood commented
Restarted my Mac and the Prerelease tab showed up. InDesign 2021 (Prerelease) now installed.
Till Krueger commented
I also find it ludicrous that Adobe would EOL a well-working beta *before* providing a working alternative!
But hey, it's not like the Adobe Suite is a professional software suite that millions of people and agencies rely on for their daily bread and pay good money for to not be left out in the rain...
Get a grip, Adobe, and have some respect for your customers!!
EDIT 05/20/2021:
After following the instructions, I was also able to install the InDesign Prerelease, which appears to be the same version as the EOL'd Beta, just re-labeled as Prerelease, so I take back what I stated above...all I had to do was RTFM :-/
jeffHalmos commented
What is this? Just let us have the beta back, which actually works well, until Adobe has a replacement. How hard is that?
You know, or make all of us paying customers mad.
pharwood commented
Latest build at is That's 9 months old. The release notes for tell you to instal via the Creative Cloud app. I followed all of the instructions in the release notes and the Prerelease tab does not appear in the Categories section.
designer commented
혹시 모를 한국인 편집디자이너들을 위해 한글로 남깁니다.
당황하지 마시고 프리릴리즈 버전을 받을 수 있습니다.adobeprerelease.com에 로그인 하시고 InDesign Prerelease 프로그램을 검색하셔서 참여하시면 됩니다.
재부팅을 하시면 CC앱에서 프리릴리즈 메뉴가 보이실꺼에요. :)이 상황이면 조만간 정식 업뎃이 있을 것 같네요. 똥줄 탔는데 프리릴리즈로 그때까지 버티기 다행. ㅎㅎㅎ
Gunter commented
Latest "builds and plugins" dates back nine months in Indesign Prerelease. And if you follow the instructions in the release notes, you need to see a tab "pre-releases" in the Creative Cloud manager, only to find there is no such tab.
Always check before you send
designer commented
페이지의 "빌드 및 플러그인"섹션에서 사용 가능한 최신 빌드 (16.3)를 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.
찾을 수 없습니다...
Anonymous commented
Yes please! Can't go back to my Mac freezing every 10s...
pharwood commented
Same here. Like wading through treacle using the non-M1 version. Please fix.
Gunter commented
People - if you set your clock on the macpro M1 back 23 hours it still works. Might buy us some time for a new build to be released!
Anonymous commented
Same here. Would be nice if it was fixed :-)
Gunter commented
I need this to work too. The Indd 16.2.1 not only crashes itself, it takes down the whole mac. One crash required a full reinstall of Mac OS X from scratch.
So I cannot go back.
Urgent action required Adobe! We are paying licenses to have working apps. Not software to crash our macs. -
com'en vrai(e) commented
Pas mieux ici !! La version non beta serait-elle passée en native M1 ?