[ID-4206781]Text wrapping has changed to before 2019 use textFrame based indent
To place a graphicItem with text wrap, it is not an object-based indent like 2020, but a text frame-based indent before 2019.
1 Version
2 Steps to reproduce the issues
1. Make TextFrame. To places graphicItem above the textFrame and set text wrap.
2. The indent set in the textFrame does not take effect for the object for which wrap text is set like before 2019.
3 Expected result
Indent set in the textFrame does take effect for the object for which wrap text is set like 2020.
Please refer below Community article.
4 Actual result
The indent set in the textFrame does not take effect for the object for which text wrap is set like before 2019.

Thanks for reporting. We will review it
-InDesign Team
bizarre_n commented
Not only was the bug not fixed in 2021, it was not fixed in 2022, and documents created in 2020 will have to be reworked.
I am very troubled by the fact that the bug has been fixed, but it has reverted back to its ancestor.2021ではバグフィックスされなかったばかりか、2022でも修正されておらず、2020で作成したドキュメントは作り直さなければならなくなっている。
せっかく修正されたのに先祖返りしてしまい、とても困っている。 -
S. Krupkowski commented
This is still a problem. [InDesign 16.2.1/Windows 10 Enterprise].
I submitted a new bug report, but was unable to attach the INDD file. Error message stated "File type for [filename.indd] not supported." Didn't matter if I dragged file, or clicked to upload.A screen shot is attached here instead.
See attached screen shot.
Lora commented
Updated to Indesign 16.1, 2021. Still had to change the left indent to have the type with the appropriately gap, but now it recognizes the bullets so they wrap as well. Thank you
Lukas Engqvist commented
Having ability to insert emspace followed by ”indent to here” would be an alternative, or compliment.
Ten commented
In the 2020 version, there is a document that places an object with text wrap set on top of the indented textFrame. When we open it in 2021, the indentation is kept normal. However, if we edit the indented part in the textFrame or move the related object, the story information in the textFrame will be reconstructed and the indents will change.
This change in textFrame has an effect on the part that is wrapping around, so even if it is normal when the document is opened, the part where the paragraph moves in the story is automatically indented based on the textFrame.
It can be said that it is a very dangerous state because the existing part changes dynamically where it cannot be seen.
As you can see by checking the attached file, adding one line on the first page will destroy the appearance of the second page.2020バージョンにてインデントを設定したtextFrameの上にtextWrapを設定した状態のオブジェクトを配置したドキュメントがあります。これを2021で開くとインデントは正常に維持されています。
添付ファイルをご確認いただければ分かりますが、1ページ目で1行追加すると2ページめの体裁が破壊されます。 -
Anonymous commented
Noooo. This was fixed last year and now it's broken again.
Using Adobe InDesign 2021 (16.0.1)
macOS Catalina 10.15.7 -
kata1963 commented
Ian Davies commented
This has broken again with the 15.0.2 update. Correct behaviour 2 weeks ago, now open the same document this week and if you move a text-wrapped object, the indent gets applied twice on subsequent lines.
**EDIT** Helpfully(!), the images get displayed in the reverse order they were added, so the first image is the incorrect behaviour with double indent, and the second image is the original, correct behaviour.
Kim commented
I'm having this same issue with numbered lists. I'm making edits to an existing document. I've updated my InDesign since the last time I worked on it, and now anywhere that I have icons in numbered lists, the alignment has gone whacky (it doubles the left indent for every line after the first line that wraps around the icon). Is this a bug fix that is coming any time soon?
Lora commented
On my machine it looks like it's completely ignoring the text wrap. I'm on a Mac OS Mojave fully loaded. This is a major problem for us as we use nothing but bulleted type.
jamaica commented
HELP! The Bulleted lists feature does not work regardless of text wrapping or not. Cannot be corrected via tabs or paragraph palette. Instead, bulleted lists need to be created manually via hanging indents and the good old bullet symbol. OR, saved back and built in 2019.
CS5 omachi commented
This is not Fixed!
Text indent has been changed to be relative to the text wrap boundary, but the tab origin remains the frame inset. In this state, it works as expected for indented lines, but it does not work as expected for bulleted or autonumbered lines.
To completely fix it, the starting point of the tab position must be the boundary of the text wrap. -
Paul Nylander commented
Just stumbled across this problem myself—apparently Adobe hasn't addressed it yet, as I'm running the 14.0.2 version of InDesign, and still see it. It becomes especially apparent when only some of the bulleted lines are affected—in this case, the red box has a text wrap around it, and although it doesn't actually touch any of the text (in other words, it isn't even doing anything) the two last items in the list are kicked to the left just a bit. A real problem.
Jamie Nisbet commented
I am also having this problem!
Anonymous commented
Text wrap is using the scaling of an image to also scale the hard number keyed in. For example, and image scaled to 75% with a text wrap of .25" will wrap the text at .1875".
Zach commented
This is a major issue in InDesign. I cannot rely on bulleted lists to behave properly and often have to manually setup bulleted lists.
Tobias Wantzen commented
Thanks, that’s great to hear!
Tobias -
Tobias Wantzen commented
Thank’s Payal – you can download the video from my server:
http://www.wantzen.com/TextWrapKillsIndents.movThe image box in the left is set to »wrap bounding box«.
Payal Awasthi commented
Can you please just add a small demo video (on WeTransfer/Youtube/Dropbox) and share the link, so that we can properly understand the problem you are facing.
You can also send the link directly to paawasth@adobe.com
-Payal (InDesign Team)
Tobias Wantzen commented
I'm wondering, if this is a feature request or a bug report ...?! Anyway.