Lukas Engqvist
My feedback
58 results found
320 votes65 comments · Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests » Cloud services (Typekit, CC Libraries etc) · Admin →
Thanks for making this request. In order to understand the use-case more better I have a few questions:
1. Whats the role of the different people working collaboratively on the same file. Are they always only designers or are other personas also involved.
2. What is the use-case here, some parts of this request suggest an Editorial collaboration whereas others suggest collaboration amongst different designers. I am trying to separate these 2 requests out.
3. What are the different kind of files (brochures, books, magazines etc) for which this is required.
4. Does it need to be a web based service, or having the user be able to collaborate on one shared file using InDesign or InCopy on the Desktop will work? What is the advantage you feel over a web-service over the desktop app?
5. How do you workaround this need today? What are the most important problems with…An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
Technology has advanced so that it would seem within reach.
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
Trying to attach file in comment since the bug does not admit indd files
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
Trying to attatch file in comment
Lukas Engqvist shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
I do understand the idea. How would you envision this? If it should not clutter the interface then right-clicking a value field to set the unit for that field would be convenient.
This is similar to the discussion in InDesign Secrets. (¬if_id=1659300602729657¬if_t=group_comment_follow)
I would a parametric approach where we could add equations and/or formulas (as an example indent = 2*x-height or indent = Em etc.) and this could then be added as a unit of measurement?
51 votes
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
135 votes
We've just released InDesign 17.2.1 version which addresses this issue.
Please update to this latest version using Creative Cloud Desktop application.
In case the fix does not work immediately for you, please try the following:
1) Quit InDesign.
2) Delete the following:
on Mac:
/Users/[yourname]/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign
/Users/[yourname]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign
on Win:
Relaunch InDesign & see if it works properly now.
InDesign team
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
Thought these screenshots would help to clarify
Lukas Engqvist shared this idea ·
19 votes
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
1 vote
Lukas Engqvist shared this idea ·
2 votes
Lukas Engqvist shared this idea ·
7 votes
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
7 votes
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
Distorted Text and Graphics in high sierra
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219 votesThis is a macOS10.13 issue, specific for some Intel GPU cards. Apple has fixed(partially) this issue inside macOS10.13.4 released build.
Following are the workaround for resolving this issue.
1) Update your mac machine to latest macOS10.13.4. Here, Apple has fixed this issue to some extent. You will face very less number of rendering issues.
2) Disable GPU preview and set display performance as typical.Once you have updated to macOS10.13.4 .You might still face some rendering issues. Since, Apple has not fixed this issue completely.
Please switch off GPU rendering for these cases and report a separate post for tracking.Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
95 votes
Thanks for reporting. We will review it
-InDesign Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
Having ability to insert emspace followed by ”indent to here” would be an alternative, or compliment.
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
Therer are plugins that do this (with the help of Photoshop) look at Zevrix Link Optimiser. See also this article on workflow
251 votes
Thank you all for the votes.
Can you help us understand the key problems that you face in the absence of ability to send an anchored image backwards?
What’s the current workaround that you have to follow?
What are the use cases wherein you need that the text appears specifically on top of inline anchored image?
This information will help us evaluate the functionality better.
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
@Abhinav there are plenty of examples in the comments of those voting even if not in the original post.
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
It is a bit like hanging a swing on a branch before you plant the tree. It could mean that the whole page needs to be loaded before it can be drawn, like it used to be on the old RIPs. What you are asking for is that object stacking should be non sequential. It's a nice Idea from designer perspective but a big ask. :) I'm in if it can be done.
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Lukas Engqvist commented
It is possible with multiple up. Elements that are to be on each page Should be on master page. Note that you can set the Spacing of modules in the data merge dialog and anchored objects are not “seen” by the module bounding box.
13 votes
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
19 votes
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
29 votes
Lukas Engqvist supported this idea ·
The difficult part is to have rights management.
I would prefer this to use the same "assignments" as we have with an InCopy workflow where artilcles can be assigned, checked in and checked out.