15.1.2 No cursor visible in Input fields in Light/Medium Light themes
Since installing 15.1.2 on iMac 10.15.6 (and after restart) , I can't see my cursor (blinking) in the Find/change input field. I can type in some text though, but still no cursor visible

The issue has also been fixed in the latest update of InDesign 2020 (ver. 15.1.3).
Please update InDesign 2020 to version 15.1.3 to get the fix.
— Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
Not fixed! You need to run the patch for version 15 too as lots of people need to run older systems for 32bit apps for the moment. Pretty poor response Adobe.
Jeff commented
Another vote for "Please fix in version 15"; need to stay on High Sierra for other critical software we use
Anonymous commented
Please fix in version 15! We have to use some plugins that still require the CC2020. It seems a minor update to change the mere appearence of cursors...
Ignacio commented
Is it going to be fixed in version 15 as well?
Steve Ghannam commented
When using the find/change function, the cursor is missing. The function works accurately but I can't see the cursor in the text fields. A minor nuisance. I have v15.1.2
Blanny commented
This is incredibly annoying. Please fix it.
Colin Flashman commented
noticed this when trying to enter in new GREP searches - the blinking cursor is nowhere to be seen :(
Ignacio commented
Same problem since updating Indesign from 15.01 to 15.1.2. On Mac OS 10.13.6. In attached, the cursor is somewhere in the Find field. I have tried resetting the preferences.
I have also tested it on Mac OS 10.15 and it's the same problem. Can you please fix this? It's very annoying. -
Jeff commented
Same here, no cursor in all palettes. Should have known better and not updated.
Mac OS 10.13.6
InDesign 15.1.2 -
Shlomit Heymann commented
Same problem on Mac OS 10.14.6, ID 15.1.2 Middle Eastern Version.
No visible Insertion point in all fields when Light Interface is selected. -
Paul commented
Is there any resolution to this yet? Would be really grateful as I also much prefer the lighter interfaces. Thanks
Magnus Gaarde commented
As Jeremy Howard pointed out below the cursor is not missing it is just dimmed to a degree of it being almost invisible. This is a consequence of picking a lighter color theme. the cursor goes lighter with each change of theme towards the lightest one.
The cursor should not change brightness.
macos 10.15.6
Indesign 15.1.2 -
Anonymous commented
Could someone check, if this solves the problem? (but not for "Tom L", as he uses 10.15.6):
https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/kb/indesign-and-mac-os-high-sierra.html (macOS High Sierra 10.13 Supplemental Update from Apple)
I do not have High Sierra anny more, so I cannot check
Jeremy Howard commented
The insertion point indicator (the flashing line that shows where your cursor is placed in text) appears to be missing from text fields in dialogs.
The issue occurs when using the lighter color settings in the interface appearance. I have discovered that the indicator is not actually missing but the color of it is changing, based on the chosen interface color. The indicator is near invisible when using the lightest interface color while it looks fine when using the darkest interface color.
To reproduce the issue, set the interface appearance preference to the lightest color option and create a new document. Now, go to the Find-Replace dialog and you will see that the insertion point indicator seems to be missing.
System specs:
• Adobe InDesign 15.1.2
• Mid 2020 iMac running MacOS 10.15.6 -
C W commented
Same specs here: MacOS 10.14.6, Indesign just updated last night to 15.1.2 -- no cursor in most if not all boxes.
Anonymous commented
MacOs 10.14.6 - Retina display
Indesign 15.1.2By clicking in any field (font size, line spacing, mask for inserting texts in the index etc.) the cursor is no longer displayed after updating Indesign to version 15.1.2
Robert Wagner commented
Since the update to Indesign 15.1.2, the cursor is invisible when you click in menues/input fields. See demovideo attached
Julie Foster commented
Having the same issue! No visible cursor in any pop up boxes-- find text, paragraph styles, etc. Please fix!!
Cathie commented
InDesign on iMac 10.14.6
I prefer the "light" interface for InDesign. Lately (I'm pretty sure since the last upgrade), I am unable to see the cursor when making changes in panels and menus. After trying replacing Preferences and other things, I found that the cursor CAN be seen slightly in the medium light interface setting, and more clearly in the other two darker settings. So it does seem this is a new glitch in the program itself. Can this please get fixed ASAP? Very annoying. Thank you..
Tom L commented
Not only in F/C input field, but in ALL text input fields!