Undo Not Working properly in InDesign 2020
InDesign CC 2020 Undo goes back to last saved version. It does not go back one step with Command-Z. Therefore, I lose all edits made since last save. It also crashes frequently

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.2.
Please update your InDesign application to get this fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Thorsten Rösch-Allgeier commented
Hi Török, maybe you discovered the same issue than this one:
https://indesign.uservoice.com/forums/601180-adobe-indesign-bugs/suggestions/38991835-undo-not-working-properly-in-indd-2020 -
Thorsten Rösch-Allgeier commented
Coincidentally I found out that ID2020 hasn't had full disk access and since I activated it, this error didn't show up anymore. I'm not sure if this is a real solution or if I'm just a lucky guy, so please – Pierre, Andy, Kevin (and you guys at adobe) – could you check this, too and tell if it works for you?
Pierre commented
We need a quick patch.
Török Milán commented
Can't undo after document save. It's been bugging me for a while, and caused quite a few extra time in my workflow. Especially when I outline all my text and forget about that. :)
Török Milán commented
Can't undo after document save. It's been bugging me for a while, and caused quite a few extra time in my workflow. Especially when I outline all my text and forget about that. :)
Andy commented
I duplicated a page, did a bunch of changes to it, then hit "undo" and it jumped all the way back to the page duplication. No way to get that work back. Redo won't do anything to fix it.
Thorsten Rösch-Allgeier commented
InDesign 15.0 on macOS Catalina 10.15.1 (MacBook Pro 15" 2019)
Thorsten Rösch-Allgeier commented
There is another bug that shows up after this issue occurred: Text that flows in two linked text boxes doesn't wrap automatically anymore when changing the size of the first text box. You have to fit the box size with [cmd]+[alt]+[C] to adjust the text flow.
Thorsten Rösch-Allgeier commented
This happens to me reproducible after right-click on a placed image > "edit with" > "Affinity Photo".
Thorsten Rösch-Allgeier commented
Anbei ein Screen Capture eines weiteren Zurück-Fehlers: Durch Ausführen der "Zurück"-Befehls wird nicht die letzte Aktion rückgängig gemacht, sondern zum zuletzt gespeicherten Stand zurückgesprungen. Alle zwischen dem letzten Speicherpunkt und dem "Zurück"-Befehl ausgeführten Schritte sind verloren und müssen erneut ausgeführt werden.
Thorsten Rösch-Allgeier commented
Anbei ein Screen capture eines Zurück-Fehlers: Nach Rechtsklick auf ein eingebundenes Bild und der Kontextmenüauswahl "Bearbeiten mit" > "Affinity Photo" ist die "Zurück"- und "Wiederholen"-Funktion deaktiviert.
Anonymous commented
I had the exact same issue this morning.
I save automatically using quick keys (Cmnd S) every few changes so didn't realise that after 7.5 hrs of work my InDesign file wasn't actually saving. I was unable to Save, Save As or Save a copy, all options were greyed out and not selectable in the File menu.
I was working on a pretty basic InDesign file (mostly text and tables) using the latest InDesign CC 2019 version 14.03.3 running from my hard drive on macOS Mojave version 10.14.6 running on an iMac Pro (2017). I understand the software had updated to the latest version automatically that morning.
I was also unable to package the file (an alert advised the file could not be saved). Luckily I was able to export a PDF, but didn't think to export as an IDML before the program spontaneously Quit itself and I lost 7.5hrs work.
I have had CC for less than a month after being forced to upgrade to a subscription from my trusty CS6 which worked fine on my previous iMac but is no longer supported on the updated iMac Pro.
Such a huge 'bug' to have in your software Adobe given how expensive subscriptions are and how sole traders like me rely on the software for our income. This is a massive stuff-up yet I see you have closed the previous thread related to this. This should be being investigated and addressed so others don't lose hours of work.
Please fix!
Chris Messedhead Dono commented
InDesign has been broken for years now. What is going on?
The bug below is more than a bug:
"I lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality (everything is grayed out). To save my work, I have to export as an IDML ."It should not be "closed" it should be "open".
it happened again this morning.
Chris Messedhead Dono commented
Same. This has been happening for years now. The only "solution" is to export as IDML, close everything and then try to re-open the IDML file.
But then this morning even thr IDML file didn't work for me.
Lilly Bosnyak commented
I cannot close indesign because it will not save my work.
Stephanie commented
I have InDesign CC 2019 installed and updated, and it is completely unusable. Cannot undo or save my work. This is more than a bug. Advice?
Anonymous commented
Update from Indd CC17 to Indd CC18 removed ability to "Edit > Undo" after saving file as a new file-name. Please bring back this simple feature.
Thank you.