Unable to package a file to a server after upgrading to Mojave.
Dear Adobe,
Yesterday we upgraded to 10.14 Mojave and I am not able to package files from windows server. Indesign freezes every time.
I can make packeges from my MAC or from external hard drives. The network is working correctly. On High Sierrea everything worked properly.
Indesign CC 2018: 13.0
Mac: 10.14

Hello All,
We have concluded our investigation into the issue and found that the issue is specific to few versions of MacOS 10.14.×.
As a part of our investigation we had reached out to many of you, where many of you have confirmed that the issue gets resolved after upgrading to MacOS 10.14.5.
If you are NOT using MacOS 10.14.5 and still facing this issue, please upgrade your MacOs to 10.14.5 version.
In case you continue to face the same issue after the upgrade, you may reach out to us at sharewithid@adobe.com.
For any other problem related to packaging workflows please create a new thread.
We are closing this thread for now.
Thank you for your patience all this while.
-InDesign Team
Kathy commented
Also same problem InDesign crashes when I go to package something. Packaging to same folder.
Using InDesign 14.0.1 and Mohave 10.14.2 -
Anonymous commented
Having a similar issue, trying to package a file that is hosted on a server to the desktop, and indesign freezes when packaging links, using mojave and latest indesign.
Paulina commented
Same thing happened to me -- Save/Save As/ Undo all greyed out. Interestingly, it only applied to my 21-pg doc with text and images -- not the single pages images. All docs + images are stored in cloud. I am using InDesign 13.1 on Mac El Capitan 10.11.6. I had saved a previous version, so didn't lose all work. I quit ID and reopened and all seemed to be working again.
Anonymous commented
Any update on when this is going to be fixed? I can't package to my local MacBook or server
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem when my stupid IT person upgraded to Mojave while I was away, I am unable to package Indesign files where I use 2019 Indesign CC or 2018 v13.1
I have the latest 2019 CC packages on my laptop using High Sierra and I have no issues.
So when is this going to be fixed, as I don't want to have to manually collate my files, we aren't living in the early 2000s...
Guido Meyer commented
We've got the same issue. we stored our graphics on a windows SMB storage and if we select "refresh linked graphics" indesign gets freezed.
Anonymous commented
I Just wasted an entire morning trying to package one file....InDesign keeps freezing on me...I am beyond disgusted right now.
Magdalena commented
Same here, please fix this soon!
Anonymous commented
I am also having the same issue. I have tried packaging to a network & locally on my MacBook. Neither work.
Anonymous commented
Same problem with Indesign v13.1 and with v14.0 as well, freezes on packaging. Please fix this issue on Mojave.
Anonymous commented
Larry commented
I'm having the same issue after updating to Mojave and CC 2019. Freezes while 'Packaging the links.' It's making my work impossibly difficult.
Jeannie commented
I am also having this issue after updating Indesign CC 2019 and updating the Mac OS to Mojave. The application freezes in the "Packaging links (this could take several minutes) and does not go beyond that point. I have to force-quit the application.
Monsta commented
Will there be a fix soon. I can't even export to jpeg or png from Indesign.
Monsta commented
Same issues here too, since updating to Mojave. Have gone back a few versions of Indesign so as not to stop my workflow. I have also found that the same issue occurs when exporting to jpeg or png, it goes through the motions but no result at the end, works when saving locally though.
Claire commented
I am having the same issue.
Indesign 14.0
Mac OS 10.14I am trying to package files that live on a dedicated network (storage hosted on windows server) onto my desktop.
It happens every time I try, even after a restart
Jonathan commented
I'm having the same issue packaging up ANY files.
MacBook Air running latest OSX with the latest InDesign
Some files are stored on a qNap NAS device, some are local but I every time I click on package my inDesign freezes and then I have to restart OSX Finder as well to get my computer working again.
This is unacceptable in a professional application used EVERY DAY. I literally can't do my work – I can't package document up for print. I have documents with hundreds of links and its not feasible to go through my computer and server to find every image and collate them into one folder manually to send artwork to printers. Considering the cost of your professional software this isn't something that should be happening at all. I understand there are errors with releases but this is a critical part of many designers workflow.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same issue. Currently using ID 2019 and Mojave. It won't package any files, just keeps freezing.
Chris Place commented
This is basically stopping our studio using the latest InDesign. Its unusable until you can package files. Please get this one sorted, new features are all cool, but basic functions are more important to workhorse users.
Stefanie commented
I have a similar problem. I have updated InDesign up to CC 14 working with Mojave. Since then I can' package my Indesign files anymore.
The MAC always looses connection to the server. It starts packaging but after few seconds it appears an report that InDesign can't package the file because copying the necessary linked files an the InDesign file isn't possible. The ID file always looses all the linked files, so I have to relink them.