links labeled as "modified" when actually "OK"
ID= v13.1
MacOS= 10.13.4
Problem: Open any ID file and links that should be "OK" are labeled as "modified". I do not get any error window that pops up notifying me this. Without taking any action, I close the ID file and reopen it and links are now labeled as "OK". Open it up a third time and links are "OK". I QUIT out of ID and open that same file and see links as "OK" and now they are labeled as "modified". This process repeats. Attached video to show. All links in these ID files are not modified or changed. This poses a quality control problem. Please advise.

Hello All,
Thank you for your patience all this while, We have concluded our investigation into the issue and below is our finding.
This issue is due to the use of a specific version of Extensis Universal Type client: version 6.1.6.
The issue is reproducible only with Id 2018 as Extensis UTC 6.1.6 is not compatible with Id 2019.
Please note:
If you are using Extensis UTC 6.1.6 with InDesign 2018 please use any other version of Extensis UTC which is compatible with Id 2018 to avoid this issue.
Or you can upgrade to Id 2019 and used compatible version of Extensis UTC.
InDesign Team
AmybethM commented
I am at the beginning of an enterprise deployment. Indesign CC2018 on Mac High Sierra.
See Reported Bug notes:
If I open from Indesign idml, the file can update links,
and the option to “find other missing links in this folder?” Is disabled.Then, if you open an Indesign.indd file, the
File forgets its links,
If you relink, and save the file, it forgets it’s links all over again.
My workaround has been to open from idml,
update links, export again as idml, save the indesign file.
I still need to open from the idml. So, it kind of makes the indesign file redundant.
The worst part of this is that when updating the links, the option to “find other missing links in this folder?” Is disabled. -
AmybethM commented
I have the same issue
Skender Hajdari commented
flat plans Pages and connect with InDesign - we need something like that !!! -
Wolfgang Housseaux commented
Well, thanks, nobody at Extensis told us about this v6.1.7!!!!!! Will try is immediately. Thanks!
Livio Udina commented
Extensis has a new version of client. Version 6.1.7. it should do the trick.
Anonymous commented
I can confirm that when I rolled back to 6.1.5 the problem was indeed fixed.
Wolfgang Housseaux commented
Aman, I do confirm that the problem is fixed when returning to previous version of Extensis Universal Type Server Client 6.1.5. Extensis does know that there is a problem, but they don't seem to care about it... Thanks!
Bastian S. commented
I randomly have this problem and i don't even have Universal Type Client :)
Wolfgang Housseaux commented
Well it seems that the bug is coming from using Extensis Universal Type Client version 6.1.6. The answer from Extensis: Erase the version installed with a Terminal-type command and re-install previous version 6.1.5... I just hope that it will be a temporary solution...
Livio Udina commented
Funny you should say that. I suspected it was UTS this morning while troubleshooting another user within my company. Besides the linking "modified" issue we were experiencing some rainbow pinwheel freezing as well. We disabled UTS and everything worked fine. I even disconnected from the server completely, restarted, and established connection and the freezing stopped, but the modified links came up again. I think there is definitely a correlation. I haven't tried to downgrade my UTS version yet, but will let everyone know if I do and the results. Thanks Uwe.
Uwe Laubender commented
Hm. I found this in the Forums:
8. Re: Links status perpetually set to "Modified"
MadsDaniel May 30, 2018 11:35 AM (in response to JamieMcKee)"We are having the same problem on several installations, and this is in our case related to Universal Type Client 6.1.6.
If i disable UTC plugin everything works just fine - I'am contacting there support now.As a temp. solution it's seems to work if we SAVE AS.
New documents are not having this problem.:: Mads Daniel"
Hope, that helps.
Uwe -
Livio Udina commented
Ive been in contact with Adobe Tech support. It is now escalated for a fix and update. The only workaround is to use Indesign 2017 version and not the 2018 version. By using Indesign 2017 you do not get these modified warnings. Ill keep you all posted once I hear anything else.
Anonymous commented
Same problem here. When opening the file, it is modifying the links to the date and time you open the file. After updating and saving the files revert back to their original time stamp - therefore they are modified again. Very annoying. I have removed the complete CC and installed one by one - still no joy.
Vince Yim commented
I got this too. Closing the InDesign file and reopening it generally takes care of the problem, but it can randomly show up as modified while I'm working on the file, even when the file time stamp is exactly the same as it was before. Also, once the files show up as modified, saving the document makes it so closing and reopening the document makes the modified label permanent until I update all the links. FYI, I'm working off a shared network drive.
Wolfgang Housseaux commented
Same problem here! InDesign keep asking to update links THAT ARE OK! Overtime I save the file, it keeps putting it back to MODIFIED! ANNOYING!