I lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality (everything is grayed out). To save my work, I have to export as an IDML .
Lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality while working.
To save my work, the only thing to do is to export as an IDML file. Force quitting to recover the file doesn't work. This has been happening to me since InDesign 5.5. I am currently using InDesign CC 2018. There are no particular steps, it happens at random. I can have several files open and it only happens to one file, or sometimes it's more than one file. It happens whether I'm working off of my Desktop or on our server.
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ID_problem_1_Save.mov 13446 KB

As part of the investigation into the cause of this issue, we personally reached out to many of you over email. We have so far heard from only some of you.
Of the responses we have received, the conclusion we’ve come to is:
This issue was intermittent, happened once during the course of work but somehow got resolved and has not happened again. This issue can’t be reproduced now.
Over a period of time, this thread has not thrown any fresh clues on why this issue seems to occur randomly for some and then seems to resolve itself. So we’re closing this thread.
However, even though we’re closing this thread, if you again run into this issue any time on a consistent basis, please report it here on UserVoice (in a new thread) with supporting assets like:
A) a test file,
B) detailed steps to replicate the issue
C) any specific type of content that causes this
D) a screen recording, etc.
E) ID version, OS, etc.
(You can put the testing artifacts at a shareable location and share the link with us, reaching us at sharewithID@adobe.com OR rkiran@adobe.com.
This will help us immensely in determining a proper fix for this issue.
We seek your continued support to help improve InDesign. Let us do it together.
Adobe InDesign team
Bastian Saris commented
@Ravi Kiran: I did NOT get an E-Mail when you updated your question... is this suppost to be like that? :)
Bastian Saris commented
Are you trying to drag-drop from Bridge into InDesign? => No
Did the file you were working on (when you ran into this issue) come from an older version of InDesign => Yes, most of the time - (in our case) those are Templatefiles we use to paginate products using EasyCatalog by 65-bit and have been created in previous versions (CS6 or Early CC - can't recall exactly).
Bastian Saris commented
OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 - no Tablet connected - no Tablet drivers installed.
It's happening on several of our machines at work - we could never narrow it down because it seems to be absolutely random. but it is as annoying as it is random because you end up loosing a lot of work depending on when you last saved your file. (Even IDML doesn't work for us - it just crashes InDesign and the changes are lost.)
Laura commented
Same to me.. what can I do? please help
Bastian Saris commented
THIS happens to us way too often and my collegues are freaking out about it.
Are you using any Plug-Ins? Are you working on a Fileserver?
What OS are yu using?
maybe we're in things that are the same for us and can track down the issue.
Ariana Dufour commented
We save files directly into a folder in our Dropbox drive which would be syncing at any given time to Dropbox's servers.
When the alert is thrown I am not able to Save As or Save A Copy, those options are disabled in the File menu.
Ariana Dufour commented
Save function stops working mid-production. While working on a document, InDesign version 13.0 stops allowing me to save my work. Usually I use the short-key Cmd+S periodically throughout my workflow. Using the short-key doesn't produce any noticeable save or error until I go to close the tab. At that point I get a prompt asking if I'd like to save my file. When I click save an error appears saying file cannot be saved. If I go to the File menu all save options are grayed out. I am forced to lose all work on my file since last save which can be at various points in my workflow since I cannot tell at what point my save function stopped working. I'm not sure if this is a bug from the latest update to InDesign (13.0), this same issue happens to my other designer on staff as well. This issue does not happen with every document I work with, I can't seem to pinpoint what triggers it.
Dan commented
Also have this issue!!
mohammed commented
Same problem here
Dan commented
Version 2017.1
Unable save a .indd file to my hard drive.
But it works when I use the .Idml file format.Here is a screenshot.
What´s the problem?
I already reinstalled the program.
Teemu Junkkaala commented
Same problem here. This is not acceptable, people are trying to make a living with this pile of junk. There must have been at least dozen corrupted files past year. Either they can not be saved or they will crash down the minute you start / try to do anything to them. Not looking for compensation, looking for a priduct that actually works.
Anonymous commented
To many problem with Adobe Creatibe Cloud, next month i will give up the subscription
Indesign not work so well, Illustrator very slow, so You like our money, but you give to us obli problem. I pay 200 euro month, and you never refund our time lost
I am not anonymous, my name his Mario
mario@cmstudio.eu -
Anonymous commented
To many problem with Adobe Creatibe Cloud, next month i will give up the subscription
Indesign not work so well, Illustrator very slow, so You like our money, but you give to us obli problem. I pay 200 euro month, and you never refund our time lost -
Anonymous commented
No Idea but a BUG
After working one hour on a project, I could not save the document, the save, save as, save a copy, deliver ar not enabled
And when I try to exit, indesign ask me if I want to save the documet, I click Yes, but, another windows with, Canno't save the document show me, and here start a loop Yes, I cann'ot etc... -
Ernie commented
I found the best way do get around it is to save as and IMDL file. Then I can open the IMDL and resave it as a regular INDD. That's the only way to not lose your progress. I've also contacted Adobe about it a couple of times to no avail.
Emelie commented
I have reported this before and still nothing happends, the fist report i did was many months ago.
I cant save any new or old documents get the error code 1 or 0 all the time, i only can save IDML files.
1. Adobe indesign 2017 ( on Mac.
2. Open an existing file or start a new document, change the content or makes a new design, when i want to save it dos not work. Error code 1 or sometimes 0 comes up.
3. A saved file without problems
4. Can't save the files, just an IDML file. Can't eiter pack the file. Really effects my job! -
Athila commented
This is happening to me.
Even reopening, any change, does not allow me to save, or undo. -
Ernie commented
InDesign stops allowing me to undo anything or and then doesn't allow me to save my file. Horrible.