Scroll bar disappears in Pages panel, swatches panel,Layers panel and background task panel loses its boxes on the right.
2017.1 Release, x64 build
The pages panel loses its scroll bar and doesn't display all pages. Panel needs to be opened wide to display anything. This cuts off easy access to document's later pages.
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Hello All,
Thank you for your patience all this while. The fix of the issue is now part of InDesign’s latest update, Id 13.1
Update your InDesign through Creative Cloud app to Id 13.1
Jerry Jurkiewicz commented
Abhinav, please test InDesign with Windows screen scaling set to 200% to try and replicate the problem. This seems to be affecting users with ultra high resolution displays (Surface Pro/Book, MSI 4K dispalys)
Marking the issue 'Need more Info' to gather more inputs
Anonymous commented
This issue we have narrowed down to two root files in the AppData folder of Indesign... they keep becoming corrupt and the 3 techs at Adobe I have talked with have understood the issue but don't have a permanent fix. The temporary fix only lasts for a few days. Really unacceptable.
Jerry Jurkiewicz commented
Jerry Jurkiewicz commented
Jerry Jurkiewicz commented
Jon Whitaker is using a Surface Pro, and Rex is using and MSI GS60. Both of which have ultra high resolution displays and leverage Windows 10 screen scaling to magnify the display. I'm almost certain this bug is related to screen scaling in Windows 10. It will effect users that have the setting "Change the size of text, apps, and other items" set to something something over 125%, in Windows Display settings.
Trashing InDesign Preferences does temporarily resolve the problem until the preference file becomes corrupted. There are 2 files that need to be renamed or deleted:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\Version [#]
File Name: InDesign Defaults
Local Cached Data Folder:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version [#]\en_US\Cache\
File Name: InDesign SavedData
Jerry Jurkiewicz commented
Hi Jon,
I have a hunch that this is somehow related to Windows 10 screen scaling. I have a user on a Surface Book and is also experiencing this exact problem. He is using native resolution (3000x2000) and screen scaling is set to 200% by default. As a workaround, you can trash your preferences files (just google "trash preference files indesign"). You can also try keeping good copies of the preference files and replace them when the scroll bar disappears.
1. Do not dock or undock your Surface Pro while inDesign is open.
2. Make sure your Surface Pro is off before docking
3. If your Surface Pro was in sleep mode or not shutdown before docking, restart the Surface Pro while docked before opening and using inDesign. -
Anonymous commented
I can only see the left hand side of the background tasks panel which means I can't cancel tasks. see Print Screen
Jon Whitaker commented
I'm using a Surface Pro, and am wondering if that's part of the issue. I don't remember seeing this come up before making the switch. Is that the same for others here?
Jon Whitaker commented
I have a continuing issue where the scrollbar disappears from my pages panel. Additionally, the dock at the bottom of the page that holds the new page tool stops working.
I've tried removing ID preferences, which doesn't work. A complete uninstall / reinstall will fix the issue temporarily, but it will come back. Additionally, I recently did a fresh install of windows 10. Took less than a week for the issue to come back.
I'm working on the most recent version of the surface pro, with the most up-to-date version of windows 10, adobe CC, and adobe ID
Jon Whitaker commented
I'm experiencing this same issue. Have been for the last 3+ months. A complete wipe / reinstall of ID helps temporarily, but it will come back again.
Anonymous commented
I also have this bug. Have attempted to reinstall Indesign to no effect, latest CC 2017 version installed.
Anonymous commented
Trashing InDesign Preferences does not help!
Chris Bamborough commented
I am getting the same problem with pages disappearing off to the side.
Rex commented
and very diffice to see color page because have no roll bar
Rex commented
Me2 at MSI GS60 6QE Ghost Pro(4K)
John Paul commented
Having Problem with adjusting the size of the Pages pallete, theres a big space on left of the pages pallete. I't hard to clear up the work space with that huge pallete.