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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6830 results found

  1. version 19.2 x64. The version update lost my language setting (English-Hebrew).

    The English-Hebrew setting was lost during the last few updates, which removed the ability to create bullets with a hanging indent. A minus value in the first line indent always led to an error. It was solved by uninstalling and re-installing, which then gave me the text direction options again. So a workaround is possible, but it must be done every time I update.

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  2. Text frame options (Ctrl B) doesnt open since 3 days

    Text frame options (Ctrl B) doesnt open since 3 days. Indesign freeze. And the Windows desktop background dissapears somtimes. I use this funtion for every project. So I don't know what to do now?

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  3. Items jumping to front

    My team are currently having a glitch where items that have been sent to back are jumping back to the front even if the item is locked. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to this as this is happening while working elsewhere in the documents and if often only noticed once it has been PDFd. It is effecting images/text boxes and solid shapes.

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  4. Text wrapping Bug Verson 19,2

    When I tab a text box, Text wrapping an image doesn't work

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  5. Graphic was exported and printed as gray "fast display" placeholder

    I exported a book and checked that with preflight for missing linked images and correct printing resolutions. everything came back ok. however one picture was not correctly linked and exported as the gray placeholder usually seen when "fast display" is enabled.

    Apparently, the resolution of the gray placeholder is high enough as not to trigger the "too low res"-preflight setting of the printer. They did flag a different picture, which i replaced, but this square was undetected.

    The image was "corrected" by relinking it, even though the linked path was correct and it did not show up in the linkpanel…

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  6. Chapter number variable doesnt change

    I tried to make the chapter numbers automatic in each chapter, but it doesn't change; it just says "1" in all chapters.

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  7. cant drag object

    In the middle of working on a document and suddenly can't drag or duplicate objects (alt - drag).

    Indesign is fully up to date. Windows 11.

    I am so freaking sick of all of these bugs. I pay enough for these programs to not cause me so much wasted time. I'm so done. Anyone have a good alternative to Adobe that they like?

    I see some old posts about people having this issue with Photoshop open. I do not have Photoshop open and haven't used it all day.

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  8. Typing after pasting

    When pasting text in a story, the first character typed after pasting doesn’t work. For example, if I paste the character “s” then try to type “port” (so it becomes “sport”), it will only start typing at the “o,” so I will have “sort” instead of “sport.”

    I have this problem on my MacBook Air as well as on a Windows machine, so it’s not an OS issue

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  9. Unable to Re-Order Master Pages

    When dragging Master Pages, you can no longer re-order them. In pervious versions, you used to be able to move Master pages to different spots in the order by dragging them between other pages. This feature no longer works. Please bring it back so we can have documents with some better structure and order.

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  10. iCloud

    When opening files stored on iCloud, most of the time InDesign freezes/crashes (spinning beach ball forever). The file usually opens, but then freezes once you move the cursor around a bit or try clicking a menu, etc. I've tried opening the same files saved to my local drive with no problems. The links in these files also reside on iCloud. If I download the InDesign file first, sometimes it doesn't crash. However, if I have links to update, I have to make sure to update each of them first or InDesign crashes.

    macOS Sonoma 14.3.1
    MacBook Pro M3…

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  11. Not opening

    I keep running into a bug where InDesign won't open. I click the application, get the first loading screen, and then it disappears and closes. I've tried restarting my computer but the issue persists. The only way I've found to fix it is uninstalling and reinstalling the program. It's a pain to have to do it everyday though.

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  12. Can't add a single page to the end of a document with spreads. Pages add at weird locations.

    When I try to add single page to the end of a document with spreads, either nothing happens, it adds a spread, the single page adds itself to the second spread instead of at the end, or if I try to delete a page, InDesign crashes. This on top of not being able to save PDF settings, and not being able to rearrange the "parent" pages.

    I'm reverting back to 2023. 2024 is nothing but bugs. Had enough.

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  13. Arrowhead scaling percentage no longer accurate

    I have just realised that the arrowhead scaling percentage no longer works as it should.

    Scaling an arrowhead to 50% no longer means that the size is reduced to 50%, it the arrowhead only shrinks to something like 90%.

    Similarliy, a 200% size adjustment gives me around 110% the original size. See image.

    Not even a 1% setting gives me the 50% size I'm looking for.

    I'm on a MBP M3 Max with InDesign 19.1.

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  14. No Way to Place Files Saved as "Cloud Documents" (.aic, .psdc, etc.)

    Why is there no apparent way to place files saved as "Cloud Documents"? Eg. I save an Illustrator file as a cloud document on my account (.aic, no local copy), but then there is no way for InDesign to locate that file and place it as a linked or embedded file.

    Illustrator has a button in the file picker window that allows selecting "cloud documents" instead of browsing local files, but there is no such button in the InDesign workflow (as far as I can tell). Photoshop also has a similar button (though only if you choose "Place Embedded", not…

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  15. Hide blue L brackets onscreen in endnotes

    Need a way to hide the blue "L" brackets that appear at the beginning and end of endnotes. It's very distracting when looking for details in the text while typesetting. Thanks.

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  16. Copying originally English text in InDesign and it's pasting as Chinese characters

    Really weird - been trying to copy and paste directly from an indesign file to external documents while sub-editing a page, and noticing it's pasting as a string of Chinese characters.

    E.g. see attached screenshot is pasting as:
    渀 倀愀爀椀猀 琀栀攀爀攀ᤠ猀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 爀漀洀愀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 栀攀爀攀 椀琀 挀愀洀攀 椀渀 愀 樀漀礀昀甀氀 挀漀氀氀愀戀漀爀愀琀椀漀渀 戀攀琀眀攀攀渀 䜀倀 ☀ 䨀 䈀愀欀攀爀 愀渀搀 椀渀琀攀爀椀漀爀 瘀椀猀椀漀渀愀爀礀 䬀椀琀 䬀攀洀瀀⸀ 䤀渀昀甀猀攀搀 眀椀琀栀 眀栀椀洀猀礀 愀渀搀 䬀椀琀ᤠ猀 琀爀愀搀攀洀愀爀欀 猀琀漀爀礀琀攀氀氀椀渀最Ⰰ 琀栀攀 挀漀氀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀猀 愀 昀愀戀甀氀漀甀猀 猀攀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 猀欀椀渀渀礀 愀渀搀 昀愀琀 氀椀渀攀渀 猀琀爀椀瀀攀猀 瀀氀甀猀 愀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀搀 挀攀氀攀戀爀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 刀漀戀椀渀愀 䨀愀挀欀 挀攀爀愀洀椀挀猀

    But only into certain programmes. Pastes in English in google search or directly into a google chat, but pasted into Whatsapp desktop or a fresh email or apple notes app (etc) it pastes as Chinese characters...

    For reference, using InDesign 2023, font is Adobe Caslon Pro, language is set to UK English...

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  17. InDesign freezes when a new document is created

    InDesign freezes when a new document is created

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  18. Adobeフォントを600個近くアクティベートしていると起動はするがフリーズ状態になる

    windows11 23H2

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  19. Share for review is not working properly

    I've seen other people comment on this, and have had this crash several times in several different docs, but the Share for Review tool in InDesign is basically broken on a regular basis. Update content constantly just gives me a spinning wheel. The image quality is extremely lo res when reviewing (which was "resolved" by an Adobe team member saying "it would slow down load speed" which in this day in age is frankly absurd. Fix your "Share for Review" feature, I've almost lost two clients to it who thought we sent them garbage and who also needed something delivered…

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  20. I can't export pdfs with broken Hyperlinks? It considers an Apple Shortcut link as a broken URL?

    I added URLs with Apple Shortcut link (Shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=***) and I couldn't export as pdf due to broken hyperlinks. It used to work before and Now it keeps giving me an error message whenever I try to export it.

    Update: exporting pdf doesn't work with no apparent broken links or apple shortcut links

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