Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
260 results found
[ID-4256710]InDesign 20.0 is unable to open INDD files without any error or alert
InDesign 20.0 can't open some files - they start to open and then the process is just somehow cancels and nothing happens. No error - you can try again but the files doesn't open.
I have macOS 15.1 on a 2.4GHz 8-core Intel Core i9 macBook Pro
10 votesHi,
We are aware of one scenario where the issue is reproducible. The workaround resolves the known scenario as stated below:
- Open the document in InDesign 19.5.
- Export it to IDML.
- Open the IDML in InDesign 20.0.
Please share the document with us at
Adobe InDesign team
[ID-4257733]The amount of “Indent to Here” in a paragraph with a “Text Wrap” object at the beginning of the line is wider than usual.
- Version of Adobe InDesign Windows CC2023-2024
- Steps to reproduce the issues Place an object with "Text Wrap" at the beginning of the line and insert "Indent to Here" in the paragraph.
- Expected result Wrap at "Indent to Here"
- Actual result A gap is created where the "Text Wrap" is added to the wrap of "Indent to Here".
I suspect that the issue mentioned in the post below may be related to it being fixed in 2023 (18.0). was working normally until CC2022, but problems have been occurring since CC2023.
Explanation of the attached image
"Paragraph 1.: Indent to…31 votesIn a Bulleted list as shown in the video, Left Indent and First Line Left Indent is typically used.
Why is "Indent to Here" being used in a Bulleted list?
Adobe InDesign team
Document made in InDesign 2024 no longer loads in InDesign 2025
InDesign 2025 (v20.0)
is unable to open a document (a 400 page book in one single file) that I finished a few days before updating InDesign. It was made using version 19.5. I've tried several versions of the book: both the last work file and a finished packaged version on a separate drive. I have also tried opening an older version before the latest changes with no luck.
There are no error messages. It just starts loading it and then after a while, doesn't anymore. The book doesn't appear in the Open Recent list either even after several attempts and…
3 votesWe would require more information for the same. Are you not able to open any InDesign document created from ID19.x version in ID20.0 or is it specifically happening with only a specific document?
CMYK Black is shifting to gray upon export after updating InDesign 19.5.2
I'm working on some files that have tone on tone colors, and last night when I exported my PDF everything was fine. Today I updated my software to version 19.5.2 and suddenly my black is shifting to gray upon export. I've checked output, removed everything from the surrounding artboard, removed all RGB colors from the swatches. When I export PNG everything is as it should be, so this is solely a PDF export issue. All other colors seem to be normal as well, only Black is shifting.
1 voteCould you share a sample document with us?
If yes, pl. put the same at a shared location (like Dropbox, etc.) and share the link with us.
Adobe InDesign team
V 20.0 Bugs
Text box content disappearing. Only will reappear after box is moved or typed in. Some content may appear and some will not be visible until box is moved again. This happens often when typing or deleting text.
Also, now I only have 2 undos. History only shows two items.
Just updated to 20.0 and these issues occurred right after. Please fix!2 votesWe will need more info on this, is this happening with all documents or with some specfic documents.
Does this happen after creating or opening documents or both?
What are the steps you have performed which are not there in History?
IDML file exported from InDesign CC 2025 moves objects randomly
A file exported from InDesign CC 2025 and imported to CC 2024 is corrupted. Some objects (page numbers on parent pages) are randomly relocated. This is pathetic.
1 voteWe would require more information on this.
Is this happening with all files or some specific files?
Are only page numbers getting relocated or other elements as well?
Is this happening with only parent page objects or with objects on normal pages as well?
An screenshot of indd and idml would also help.
Please share your OS version.
Navigating through pages with keyboard shift page up / page down jumps multiple pages Indesign V19.x and 20.0
Navigating through pages with keyboard shift + page up/down was already flaky in the last couple versions of Indesign jumping two pages at once, especially after opening a document. With version 20.0 it now jumps two and sometimes three pages at once and even back when it should go forward. Sometimes navigating stalls completely and ID is "thinking" for several seconds before it jumps huge amounts 10-20 pages or completely at the end /beginning of the document. This behaviour is not seen when navigating via the pages palette.
The documents in question do not have large media files linked where…
2 votesWe would need more info on when you are using shift + page up/down key and what is the expectation. Are you using these when in Presentation mode?
Using page up/down key, does not solve the purpose?
Layers not exporting properly to PDF (v20.0 2025)
Before the 20.0 2025 update I had a simple ID file with multiple layers. I exported with PDF 1.5 presets, Create Acrobat Layers checked and Export Layers: All Layers chosen. All layers visible in the PDF and opens up in AI as expected, with layers.
Since the update, same file, same presets etc. I export and all layers still visible in Acrobat, but does not open in AI properly. Instead all laters in one layer, as paths.
1 votePlease send the following information to
- Reproducible Steps:
- Assets:
- Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)
- PDF Present
- Video recording of the issue
Adobe InDesign Team
InDesign Window Keeps Moving
I keep running into issues with my InDesign application window moving around. The window continually resizes itself slightly or moves to the side of the monitor (cutting off access to some of the tools) when I haven't tried to resize it. This isn't a 'once in a while' issue; it's happening consistently, multiple times a session.
I'm running Indesign 2024 on a MacBook Pro with Apple M2 Pro Chip and macOS Ventura 13.5.1.
The issue also persists on my laptop monitor and when connected to external monitors (I run one 4K colour-accurate monitor and one standard 1080p monitor).
It would…
3 votesHi Stephanie,
We're investigating this issue. Could you share a screen recording of the issue? If yes, please put it in a shared drive and share the link with us so that we can understand the issue better.
Adobe InDesign team
PDF Workflow shows syntax error in exported PDF Version 18.5
I read that there was some Problems with PDF export since InDesign version 18.4. And i want to report that there are still issues with the latest version 18.5. Our Workflow reports syntax error in pdf and aborts procession. Its a full stop, no detailed error messages were shown. The only solution for us is to place the PDF again in older InDesign (17.4) and export a PDF from there.
5 votes -
InDesign 19.4 for MacOS ignores PluginConfig.txt
InDesign 19.4 on MacOS ignores PluginConfig.txt and doesn't load the desired plug-ins on startup.
Steps to reproduce:
- Place a plugin somewhere outside the InDesign app folder.
- Create a PluginConfig.txt that points to this plugin.
- Place the PluginConfig.txt either in the InDesign app folder or the Preferences folder.
- Start InDesign.
- The plugin won't be loaded.
I have checked this on multiple machines and also have confirmation from someone also on the user forums:
The Windows version seems to work correctly.
1 votePlease share the “PluginConfig.txt” for review at
Try the below workaround and let me know if it works for you -
- Quit InDesign.
- In macOS, go to <Install Dir>\Resources\Cookies\ENABLE_POSIX_PATH.
- Launch InDesign.
Thanks and Regards
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Errors in file creation means that some devices cannot open epub file. ID Version 19.3
E-Pub checker defines issues consistently
"data-idGenAnimationEndState" is not a valid custom data attribute (it must have at least one character
after the hyphen, be XML-compatible, and not contain ASCIl uppercase letters). The errors are always in reference to lines 17 and 20 in the code. When I attempted to load the file I received notice: The (ID created files) are 'not supported' and cannot be uploaded to this site. The publications with these errors contain gifs. They play ok on my mac and android devices though not on some similar devices.1 votePlease send the following information to :
- Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when the issue occurred?
- Video recording of the issue
- Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)
Adobe InDesign Team -
M1 Mac Graphic Problems Continue
As others have mentioned InDesign graphic performance on M1 Macs is unacceptable. This was marked as "fixed" but it continues with macOS Ventura 13.0.1 and InDesign 18. For example, the screen does not always redraw when scrolling or jumping to a different page until you move your pointer. Switching to a different program and then back to InDesign also fixes the problem for a while. It doesn't matter whether GPU Performance is on or off. This is the most fundamental functionality. Please figure it out and fix it once and for all.
17 votesID18.1 that was released yesterday should have the fix for this issue.
Please update to this version from CCD app & confirm if the issue is still happening.
Adobe InDesign team
Adobe InDesign 18.5 missing Fonts
Missing Fonts in Adobe InDesign 18.5.
Our Corporate Font is always missing in Adobe Indesign 18.5. Our IT checked the Font istallation, Libraray Font Cache ... and we got the Info, it is only an Adobe InDesign problem. Cause the corporate Font is in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop available.The complete Grafik Team has installed otf and ttf Fonts. (And no we don't use Postscript Typ 1 Fonts.) 😉
Our Typedesigner tested the Font, everything is ok.
We are using InDesign 18.5 on Mac Ventura 13.5. Deinstalling and install InDesign 18.5 new didn't solve the Problem. The complete Font-Family…1 voteHello Romana
Can you try putting all these fonts in the folder: /Applications/Adobe InDesign 2023/Fonts and see if it solves the issue?
Adobe InDesign team
Color Picker causes InDesign to Crash
Every time I try to use the eyedrop Color Picker tool in InDesign it causes InDesign to crash and close. It will not allow me to drag the eyedropper to pick up a color, and if I try to drag the eyedropper it makes the color box freeze to where I cannot click "Ok" or "Cancel" and I need to press the "Esc" button on my keyboard to get out of the color box. Shortly after closing the color box, InDesign will crash and close. I have tried updating InDesign to the newest version, turning on/off my computer multiple times,…
7 votesIf you are still seeing this crash happening in InDesign, please do the following:
- do a screen recording
- attach a test file
- mention the OS version, InDesign version.
Put the screen recording and test file in a shared drive and share the location of the same with us.
Adobe InDesign team
relink with file extension bug
Relink File Extension is not working. This bug seems persistent so I can only assume not too many people are reporting it, but it's slowing down my productivity. When I try to use Relink File Extensions and choose the option to link images that have the .psd extension rather than a .jpeg I get the error message "Failed to find 1 links in new folder. These links have not been relinked, and will remain selected in the Links panel." Each time I've attempted to do this over the last couple of months, I double-check that the only difference in the…
1 voteHi Kevin & others,
It looks like you may be inputting ".psd" when it asks you for the filename extension.
Try inputting just "psd" - that is, without the period in front.
See what happens - it should work.
Let us know your findings.
Adobe InDesign team
Symbol の Ohmが印刷すると欠落します。PDFで印刷するときちんと表示される。
1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. However, we are unable to reproduce the issue inhouse and would need more information
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)
Please share the information with us at
Adobe InDesign Team
Absurd translation of the word "spread" in Czech UI
Please correct the absurd translation of the “spread” on the Effects window. In this context, you cannot translate it as “dvojstránky” (= two pages) but rather “rozšíření” – in InDesign CS6 the translation is correct.
Please note that in some languages one word can have multiple meanings. For example, in Czech we have one word for month and moon. The words are not interchangeable, you can’t say “the moon of July” in English. But this is exactly how you translate the aformentioned expression!
It is the same with the word spread in English, it has multiple meanings and cannot be translated…
4 votesOur translator proposed "Šíření" as the new translation.
Would like to know if we should go ahead & make this change.
Pl. let us know.
-- Adobe InDesign team
InDesign crashes/freezes on Quit
When quitting from MacOS Dock (right-mouse click on the icon), Indesign crashes like most of the time.
5 votesThere are many internal as well as external factors that can cause the InDesign application to crash/freeze/hang.
We would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please submit the crash report to us. (Guidelines to submit crash are available at
Buttons Reverting to Top-Most Destination
I set up all of my buttons on different parent pages and amended pages based on parent pages, gave them all unique names and set their destinations. They worked perfectly for precisely one export to interactive PDF and then most of the buttons reverted to the top-most destination in the list when I reopened the document.
1 vote
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