Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
511 results found
CC2021: Alternate text for hyperlinks
I am reposting this from
Because despite Adobe's claim it is STILL NOT FIXED IN 2021 16.2.1
"In CC2020 a new function for writing alternate text for links was introduced.
Using this function and generating a PDF Leeds to wrong PDF notation. The alt text in PDF is presented by alt text, which is forbidden in the PDF world, where alt text only should be used for non text elements, e.g. pictures. By presenting only the alt text the accessibility is lost – this is against the goal to hav a better output!A correct output would lead to…
1 vote -
Exporting accessible PDF – wrong BoundingBox
InDesign Version: All
An accessible PDF needs for all graphics and pictures a bounding box.
This is used by AT e.g. to set a focus to a visual impaired user.
Using the PDF export a bounding box is defined for all linked images.Problem:
Often the bounding box does not fit to the visible area.
AT user get wrong information, in fact the file is not accessible.Steps to reproduce the issues:
Place an asset, where only a part of the linked asset is visibily placed in InDesign, the rest is cropped.Expected result:
Bounding box fits to visible…18 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We will review the bug shortly
-InDesign Team
Tags not Exporting Correctly and other Accessibility Issues
The latest versions of InDesign often does not export tags to PDF correctly. Other accessibility issues also tend to occur from time to time, but the most common is tagged artifacts lose their tags when exported to PDF. I backsave to InDesign 2019 and re export. All is consistently correct from that version. Would love for Adobe to look into this issue and correct. Our sight-impaired populations require software that makes accessibility easier with each upgrade, not harder. (Reinventing the process every few upgrades doesn't help either.) Thanks!
7 votes -
InDesign Buttons and Forms NEEDS an "image field"
InDesign Buttons and Forms NEEDS an "image field" due to ease of ADA Accessibility logical reading order ease. Adding image form fields in Acrobat is fine but obviously more tedious work is required to order properly. This is a much needed feature in todays ADA demanding environment
4 votes -
InDesign to Acrobat Accessibility Bug
When performing Acrobat remediation on InDesign publications containing correct export tagging, the Acrobat Reading Order tool shows "P" tags at the end of each line of text (as well as additional "P" tags in the middle of lines). The Acrobat Tags panel shows no paragraph tags -- just broken up lines of text.
Fortunately, these broken up lines are not reproduced as such by the screen reader. So why does Acrobat identify each line of text with a "P" in the first place?
This issue needs to be fixed as it creates a dilemma and lot of unnecessary remediation work…
2 votes -
Embeded fonts in forms
When I make forms in Acrobat that use some fonts with licensing restrictions, Acobat show a warning with message.
In Indesign I think you should make the same.
Thanks.2 votes -
Incorrect replacement of special characters in hyperlinks while exporting to interactive PDF
In InDesign, the special characters in hyperlinks are converted while exporting as interactive PDF differently depending on the platform (Windows or Mac) and the type of hyperlink and are thus made unusable.
If the hyperlink replaces a text without further intervention in the document, special Characters are sometimes incorrectly replaced.
The replacement is different depending on how the hyperlink is used in the document:
- text that is a hyperlink
- Assigned hyperlink to a text
- buttonIn addition, Mac and Windows export result in further differences.
So far I only have tested the letters äüö, but cannot rule…
2 votes -
variable font using no font style after PDF export for fillable form
When using a variable Font (Acumin from Adobe Fonts) for a text field in a fillable form it isn't using any font style when exported to PDF.
Static fonts act as expected.
InDesign 2020 16.1 64bit, Windows 10
3 votes -
InDesign 16.0.2 exports improper TAGS for "lists" (bullets)
The InDesign source file, which we use annually to produce a report, is now exporting all lists (bullets) with individual <P> tags and not as a grouped (nested) list of <L> tags.
Prior to the upgrade to InDesign 2021 (v. 16.0.2), the source file exported proper <L> tags. The same file, now converted (saved) as InDesign 2021 (v.16.02) has bad tags for bullet/list formatted items.
V. 16.0.2 gives LESS ADA 508 compliancy on the export than the prior 2020 version.
3 votes -
Try to export a small file size pdf but get error message everytime
The previous InDesign document exported to a pdf no problem but for some reason next updated version will not! INFURIATING...I'm on a magazine deadline too!!!
InDesign 16.2.1 x64
and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC version 2021.001.201551 vote -
PDF Files Not Exporting
When I try to export any file in InDesign to a PDF of any type or size nothing happens. No error messages pop up and nothing happens. My background tasks say export failed but no indication why. Also there are no corrupted files, disconnected links or errors in my document and it has been exported before.
2 votes -
1 vote
1 vote
Textbox not showing after exporting
After exporting my work in pdf form I observed that many of the text boxes in the document did not appear. I tried saving the work in IDML form and resaving but that did not work too. Please can someone help me?
1 vote -
no PDF x-3 or x-4 export
ID 16.1
mac os 10.15.7Suddenly i cant export any X-3 or X-4 PDFs. Fields are greyed out. No possibility to set certain profiles like FOGRA39.
Sounds like the 2 year old bug has reappeared...1 vote -
title of file is wrong and shows up in pdf bowser tab
When Indesign converts to pdf, it is carrying over a title that I can't find or edit to the pdf that then becomes the title of the browser tab when it is uploaded online. Horrible! It has done this with every newsletter now for years and we can't find where to change it. Title should not say "Kailin Mooney, Eastlake Resident/Food Bank Employee". How can I change this?
1 vote -
Interactividad de botones en Indesign no funcionan al exportar a PDF interactivo
Versión utilizada: Indesign: 16.0.1
El programa no me permite la interactividad de acciones creadas con botones al exportar a PDF , tampoco en epub ni publishOnline.
Adjunto captura pantalla.1 vote -
Id CC 2021 pdf export failure
This is an issue I and my coworker have been having with previous versions of INDD CC, along with 2021 (16.1). It's been a problem for about a year now. We work off of a server, and exporting to a PDF fails frequently. It usually works if we export to our desktops, but exporting to the server is very hit-or-miss. It doesn't matter if the file is older or has just been created, and it doesn't matter whether it contains linked files or not.
I have never had it fail to export to my desktop, but she has. She had…
1 vote -
Adobe Indesign 16.1 on iMac 2020
Can't import PDF profiles
1 vote -
Linked PDF Drawings in Indesign Document not showing in Exported Document
Linked PDF causing exported PDF File to not show embedded information, with pop-up showing "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem
1 vote
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