InDesign to Acrobat Accessibility Bug
When performing Acrobat remediation on InDesign publications containing correct export tagging, the Acrobat Reading Order tool shows "P" tags at the end of each line of text (as well as additional "P" tags in the middle of lines). The Acrobat Tags panel shows no paragraph tags -- just broken up lines of text.
Fortunately, these broken up lines are not reproduced as such by the screen reader. So why does Acrobat identify each line of text with a "P" in the first place?
This issue needs to be fixed as it creates a dilemma and lot of unnecessary remediation work for those who are unaware that screen readers are able to bypass broken up lines and read the full paragraph.
I'm currently using InDesign 2021 but this has been happening with earlier versions as well.
I initially submitted this as an Acrobat bug and was advised in response that it is an InDesign issue.