Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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5144 results found
Add a 'Quantize' function
A Quantize function should align selected vertices and layout element to the nearest document grid points. This allows for quick layout / design sessions to be aligned to grid after wards.
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Convert Table to Form
Should be a simple way to tell InDesign (and later Acrobat) that a table is a form.
Column A are the Field names, column B are the blank fields. No field recognition necessary, just spreadsheet logic. Even a dialog where you define which rows/columns are what would be a huge boost.
Would save 3 headaches: 1) not knowing if Acrobat will recognize the fields, 2) renaming each field 1-by-1, and 3) setting the text formatting 1-by-1 (Acrobat can batch this but InDesign can't).
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spell check
Spell check in Indesign is not fit for purpose in its current state, it is slow and clunky and gives no indication of where you are when checking a long document, could it not give a list of words like links panel that you can click to go to? At least implement some sort of progress bar and indication of how man words are incorrect/need reviewing. The forwards and backwards button do not help in any way - i'm sure the reason you need the change direction is only because its so slow and clunky that it goes past a…
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Hover over panels to expand them and let them collapse automatically
When working on a single (and small) monitor setup I am constantly collapsing and moving the panels of Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator because that specific panel is hidden behind another expanded panel.This should fix that problem and should save me multiple clicks:
The option to expand panels when hovering over the panel's icon and auto-collapse them when the mouse leaves the expanded panel. The workspace stays clean that way and I don't need to constantly close unused panels.2 votes -
Change colour of text dependent on immediate background colour
Some of my jobs involve text being placed on a background image or company logo. Often,, this background has wildly contrasting colours/shades and the text immediately in front of it becomes invisible. I then change the colour of that text from, say, black to white, to render it visible again.
Unfortunately, if there are then any amendments to the text, the white text now lies over a light background and becomes invisible. Currently, I just go over the text with a beady eye and make the amendments accordingly.
Is it, would it, be possible for there to be a script,…2 votes -
Allow InCopy to track which file is imported (either by filename, path link?)
I work in magazines, and we go through several Word file versions of a story before it gets placed into the layout (InDesign/InCopy workflow). There have been times when the story has been updated after the copy has been imported into the magazine, and it would be great to see which version is currently in the layout to ensure we're working with the most recent versions of the Word file. Just as you can see the linked images placed in InDesign, InCopy should be able to show the filename in which the copy was imported from!
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Tracking: highlight tight and loose lines with two colours
I typeset books and it is often useful to see at a glance where text can be tweaked in order to make or lose a line. Having two colours would make it much quicker and easier to identify affected lines. Being able to modify the colours would be a bonus.
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Arc or Warp feature for conical label designs
Please include warp features in Indesign so that labels for conical and tapered shapes can be created easily on an arc. The ability to create a curved template via inputting the top and bottom circumference of a cone should also be included so that curves can be customised. If this is not possible then possibly a PDF warp feature of exported flat designs from indesign would be useful. At present 3rd party software or plugins that offer this functionality (similar to Studio by Esko) are very expensive.
Thanks, Justin
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Option to hide fonts
One thing that I would love to see is a hide button that allows you to hide rarely used and/or system fonts from the main list. Having to scroll through a large list of often useless or irrelevant fonts, to find the ones that might work for your project tends to be frustrating and inefficient, especially in an application meant for text and document layout. Having an option to reduce the amount of visual clutter, would make for a better user experience and more effective workflows. The document is a quick mockup I made to show what it might look…
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Character Limits, Comb Line Form Fields and Font Alignment for Form Fields
I would like to suggest that character limits can be set for comb line form fields. Also I would like there to be a possibility of creating comb line form fields (without creating tables). In addition, there should be alignment of the text as an option in the form field (whether left, center or right). This would save so much time and effort so that once the document is exported as a tagged PDF, those features mentioned would also be set. Finally, there should be a way to tag layout tables so that it does not register as a…
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Horizontal column/row guides when creating a new document
Ability to create rows as well as columns as guides when creating a new document so that we can easily grid a page. Often I have to put items 4-up or 8-up and so forth and having the vertical columns is helpful but it would be even better to be able to have horizontal rows at the same time instead of having to measure them and drag guides down.
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After 2023, InDesign will automatically transform Type 1 font in OTF font when opening document with Type 1 font
After 2023, InDesign will automatically transform Type 1 font in OTF font when opening document with Type 1 font
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Smooth trackpad two finger scrolling
Smooth trackpad two finger scrolling. Using Macbook Pro with m1. Currently, scrolling two fingers via trackpad is laggy. Wish it was as smooth as scrolling while using the hand tool.
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Additional View Options
I would like to be able to view my pages in a grid format, similar to viewing art boards in a grid in Illustrator, for ease of design review across many pages and spreads.
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Automatic page shuffling on books (indb) should be opt-in
InDesign automatically changes numbering of files listed on a indb book.
That's handy but may easily lead to disasters and should be an opt-inSometimes I only create indb books when I'm near to finish a book. Each file is already numbered correctly and chapters begin on even pages.
If I'm adding files to my indb one by one and unknowingly skip one of them, InDesign automatically changes page numbering on my files. The problem is that InDesign will also shuffle pages and save files as soon as I add them to my indb.
On simple text books, that doesn't…
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Super/Subscript Pair
A style which will display superscript and subscript values stacked over each other and only occupy a single character space within text. This would be similar to the MathML <msubsup>.
This functionality would allow for some STEM publishing to use InDesign natively rather than creating hacks (or using other programs) to present information needed this treatment.
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File Handling selecting recents..
File handling selectively delete recents.
It would be great if you could selectively delete recent files by right clicking on them with options rename, delete, copy, replace. PDF expert by readdle is has a great way for doing this and is very helpful and fast for filing docs.2 votes -
Why is accessibility not one of the Idea categories on this site?
Accessibility is a very important and specific area. It needs its own entry on the list of idea topics on both the request and bug report forums.
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Update the dictionary in all languages
Hi! Make updates to the the dictionaries part of the updates that come down from creative cloud. Or make it easier for a user to update their own dictionary. Words like coronavirus should be included, these are easily spell checked with Google but not in InDesign.
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Migrate published links between accounts
It would be helpful to be able to transfer hosting of published InDesign links between licenses of the program - for instance, if someone moves from one institution's license to another and does not want their existing links to become inactive, or if somebody leaves a company and the work that they uploaded on their license needs to stay online. The main reason this would be helpful is to allow stability of the links, rather than having to re-upload and then make sure that all interested parties are given the new updated link.
2 votes
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