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704 results found

  1. Layer nesting facility

    The ability to nest layers within layers would be lovely. See image attached - it's a point of sale artwork example which has Adidas shoes and Nike shoes on separate layers with sub-layers for the prices and images - it has a common background on a separate layer. I'd like to be able to nest the 'image' and 'price' folders within each brand folder - this would really help negotiate files can contain up to 20 different brand folders .

    Thanks in advance.

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  2. "Update Table of Contents" in right click context menu?

    Off course after right clicking inside TOC text.

    I don't know, why it isn't there already...

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  3. Add Sticky Notes to Incopy like in Acrobat

    The Layout and the the Editors work pretty close together in our company. The ability for the Editors to correct their text in the Layoutview is a nice thing for both... Layout and Editors. But we really miss the "Sticky Note" Feature known from Acrobat. When the Editors try to communicate, that they want changes being applied to the Design, thats not really possible with Incopy right now. For example, the editors would love to click the sticky note tool, so that they could place it right next to a picture and add their notes. For exmample: "make this one…

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  4. Object style frame fitting: add 'align towards/away from spine'

    This feature very useful for paragraph styles, for aligning type on facing pages on a spread. Would be equally useful for objects, so can align images towards/away from spine

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  5. Select multiple anchored objects

    The ability to Shift+click to select multiple anchored objects to be able to make changes to all of them.

    One situation this would be useful in is when you have multiple anchored frames for interactive text boxes to update all of their shared properties like font, and font size.

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  6. Effect presets

    When working across projects, I tend to take a screenshot of effect settings I use and then manually type adjust them to be the same. I wish we could save effect presets so I can just quick apply ones I use frequently.

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  7. Update the QR Code dialog box

    The current QR Code dialog box has options for very basic QR codes, but does not take into account recent improvements and developments for the QR Code syntax. It would be great if the dialog could also include options for calendar events, map coordinates, etc (syntax can be found at

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  8. Transform Each

    There should be a Transform Each or "Transform Individually" tool, just like there is in Illustrator

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  9. select page on PDF place with drag and drop

    When I drag & drop a multipage PDF it place ever the first page. It could be useful a shortcut to select the other page

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  10. Desaturate-filter / Black&White adjustment-layer on photos/graphics

    A simple and proper way to desaturate photos/graphics to greyscale using pure black.

    Also, a Black&White adjustment-layer on photos/graphics to output greyscale using rich black.

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  11. Auto numbering of poetry verses

    Add the ability to automatically number poetry and drama every 5 or 10 lines or paragraphs

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  12. text box with columns of different widths.

    i would like to have the possibility of having a text box with columns of different widths.

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  13. Package items included on pasteboard

    Basically our agency puts together loads of creative presentations in inDesign.

    A great way to do this is having mock-ups on main page, but build an associated inDesign editable graphic and we normally put that to the side so if we need to make changes we can do on fly and get the editable file right which we can then very quickly update a PSD smart object mock-up for example. So we can keep all workings in one ID doc and it is easy to manage.

    But if you package work it doesn’t include pasteboard links and I can get…

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  14. Pathfinder operations working on open paths

    Pathfinder should work with open paths. That would make it easy to cut a number of open paths to form. Can be very performant for preparing threaded text paths for curved prints like adhesive labels, stickers or price labels where text must follow the outer shapes.

    Alternatively: Allow text wrapping with text on text paths!

    Uwe Laubender
    ( ACP )

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  15. Please make the text size in panels bigger.

    It is hard to read the headings and the small instructions in the panels. It would be great if you as a user could adjust the size. not only the size of panels (when you drag to make it bigger) but also of the tect inside of the panels.

    If this alternative already excist please give me a hint.

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  16. Multi-relinking with one click

    In large projects like catalogues in different languages on own layers, I often have to relink a lot of identical signets (eps) with the appropriate ones in another language on another layer. Sadly it seems to be impossible to do that with one single click. I have to relink every single file separately. The command "Relink all instances …" only works at link folders but not on a group of selected links filtered with the layers in the links panel column. It would be great to relink only a selection of links of the same image with only one click.

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  17. chart panel

    It would be great to have a chart panel that allowed you to make charts and graphs from indesign. Something with the same capabilities as powerpoint chart/graph making tool.

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  18. Add "transform" to images

    Would speed up my work if i could transform images (free, perspective warp, ...) in InDesign and not only in Photoshop.

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  19. Add the ability to 'warp' live text

    We do the vast majority of our designing in InDesign, so having to go to Illustrator to manipulate text is quite a disconnect to the workflow.

    Unless you take the entire layout to Illustrator it is hard to get the text 'warp' accurate to your layout. It involves too much trial and error jumping between the programmes.

    We know Illustrator is very capable, but so is InDesign. In fact some of the vector drawing tools in InDesign are far better designed than Illustrators equaivalents - so much so that it is often easier to create artwork entirely in InDesign.


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  20. Align to selection / Align to page

    Pressing Alt button could switch from "align to selection" to "align to page" when clicking on one of the align icons.

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