Multi-relinking with one click
In large projects like catalogues in different languages on own layers, I often have to relink a lot of identical signets (eps) with the appropriate ones in another language on another layer. Sadly it seems to be impossible to do that with one single click. I have to relink every single file separately. The command "Relink all instances …" only works at link folders but not on a group of selected links filtered with the layers in the links panel column. It would be great to relink only a selection of links of the same image with only one click.
David M. Greenbaum commented
Yes this I critical and valuable!
Alexis commented
I need to update an old instance of a publication to a new one. Essentially, when I relink, I want to replace it with this year's PDF. It has 64 pages and is the same configuration. Not adding or deleting pages. I used to be able to do this with one click, but now I have an error message saying the "Cannot crop to trim box. Either the trim box is not defined, or is empty." Grrr. #$#%^&. What's going on? Is there another way of doing this? It would be foolish to have to relink every **** page again. I am attaching 2 screen captures.