Hiding Pages in a Document
It would be helpful to hide pages in a way similar to hiding columns in Excel. I don't want the information gone, I just need to minimize it so I can focus on the specific pages I need. Accessing this action via a right click in the pages menu would be ideal.

The ability to Hide Spreads in a document is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Renan Barros commented
I came to request the same feature and I agree with David B that this should not be set as complete. Hiding a spread from export is not the same as hiding a page from preview.
David B commented
Sanyam, this feature is NOT completed. The feature in InDesign 2024 does not fix the problem that the original poster wrote!
The current feature only makes spreads non-printing. -
Pierre Ruiz commented
as said by others: Hidden pages' numbers (page name) should optionally be excluded from the total numbering!!!
Only then will this idea have completeness. -
Viacheslav Horobchenko commented
Hidden pages' numbers (page name) should optionally be excluded from the total numbering!!!
Only then will this idea have completeness. -
Rob Hutchings commented
It's been a while since there was an update to this @Abhinav...
I think this needs to take the form of Illustrator's recent update whereby you can filter the layers panel according to various options, except here we do something similar with the pages panel. So if a page gets flagged as hidden you can then filter the panel to not show these (or only show them) thus enabling the user to navigate through the document more quickly. This could also be useful in that by flagging a couple of pages with say a colour (a name, or whatever) you could easily see these two pages and flick between them side by side simply by filtering on that colour even though the pages are separated by any number of additional pages.
chrichrichri commented
Hi, it would be super helpful to have a hide and lock button next to pages similar as at the layers. We often create documents, where certain pages will be finalised later based on review and should not be published yet - these pages should stay in the document, but not printed and hidden for faster workflow. Locking final Pages would help to secure final pages for changes.
Mike Drake commented
How is this not a thing already? I was so surprised to find that this isn't a feature. Just like you can disable layers, you should be able to disable pages. I would have thought that this was a must feature for people...
Luis E. commented
Just, filter pages... by colour tags or something.. a must!!
Anonymous commented
I use indesign to create manuals and it would be awesome to be able to make changes but also keep a copy of the previous version within the same document to easily track the changes of a product over the years. It would cut down on the many file version history saving and then tediously looking through to track them.
Serena... commented
I'm currently updating a booklet for print, where we're adding more pages so we no longer need the two filler 'notes' pages at the very end to get the amount of pages needed to print. We'll likely be updating it again in the future though, so it would be nice to just be able to hide these pages for now, so I can easily re-add them once they're needed again.
Quinn McGinley commented
How is this still not a thing? There's a page I want to keep but that a client doesn't seem to want. I'd rather just hide it and keep it in the same file, order, etc. Right click in page menu please!!
Adrianna Lee commented
Please make this feature available - even powerpoint has this feature I'm surprised inDesign doesn't.
Anonymous commented
Apple Keynote has such a feature. You klick a small triangle next to the slide thumbnail, the slide folds away and is skipped in edit and presentation mode. Would be great to have this as an option in InDesign. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
In adobe Design there is no way to hide pages. Meaning if the documents has a number of pages, i should be able to hide a page from the rest of the document. In this way the program will show only all visible pages and page numbering will automatically adjust for the visible pages. This feature should also affect printing documents.
You can use example Microsoft PowerPoint, where you can hide or unhide a slide. The slide is hidden but when printing or displaying it does not show the hidden slide.
Reason this feature is needed, sometimes you may have more than one idea while developing a document and sometimes the editor may want to omit a particular page/s. Rather than deleting the pages or creating/saving a new document with the changes. The designer can work with one document rather than having many saved document versions on the system that takes up space.
sue Boylan commented
This would be helpful when ideating. You could hide your least favorite options without deleting them, while only seeing the select edit of designs. This would eliminate the need for keeping several revisions documents.
Chris Chong commented
How is this still not a thing? So many good reasons have been put forward in the comments.
Don K. commented
This is helpful when for example creating a catalogue, but a certain page needs to be hidden because it is not certain if the product on the page will make it to production. If it does, you don't want to have to create the perfectly good page all over.
horas napitupulu commented
I am making a full set presentation showing 5 components of my project. As the project goes, 2 components are being revised and presented several times, while the rest of the components are already approved and can be set aside. I want to keep the approved components in the INDD package but do not want to keep printing those sections (or un-select it from printing again and again)
Mark Bishop commented
This would be so helpful. A lot of my documents have common pages, but not all are appropriate to every finished pdf. Rather than having to export specific pages, it would be great to be able to turn off a page but keep it for the next time it is needed.
Stuart Aitchison commented
One scenario I would find it helpful for is my portfolio - I have many sections, industrial design, interior, graphics etc.
I would like to have all my pages in a master document, but create page sets and name them 'product' or 'graphics' etc. so I can view only these pages, a bit like a filter, and export it with corresponding page numbers.
Furthermore, I would like to be able to assign a page/s to more than one set, because some pages might be relevant to more than 1 section.