next page doesn't work
Hi there,
When inserting Type=>Special Characters=>Marker=>Next page InDesign inserts the CM marker which is the current page. Consequently where I need the next page number to appear it displays the current page number.
Kind regards
Mike Howell

The text frame containing the Next Page Number Marker has to just touch the text frame and the correct page number gets picked. No need to link the text frames together. Just the fact that it touches the text frame will make it automatically pick the correct next page number that the text flows to in the document.
Hope that helps.
Adobe InDesign team
Karl Jablonksy commented
I am working in 2024 with ID 19.3 x64 and this is still a thing??
Please repair it!! -
Tejus Shah commented
"How can we improve InDesign?"
LISTEN TO YOUR USERS. Please fix this.
Anonymous commented
Is this a joke???
Isnt it a way to insert the previous or next page number in one click without a workaround.
Isnt this a bug important enough ( and silly enough ) to be taken care immediately.
For God sake, InDesign is a software meant to design an manage long documents. How can you afford having this bug arround. -
Anonymous commented
Is this for real?
Please fix this bug. It is such a basic option that feels awkward discuss about it.
Anonymous commented
It may be the Red Bull and caffeine talking but I can't believe what I just read... Please fix/change this.
Filip Blazek commented
Ravi, do you realize how absurd your answer is? Next page is Next page. There is no meaningful reason for the text frame to touch next page. Why do you still advocate this stupid bug? If I can insert current page into the document, then it must be simple to add previous/next page number.
I give you a formula how to do that: previous page = current page minus one and next page = current page plus one. It is as simple as that.
Please stop defending this bug persistent in InDesign for almost 20 years and finally make next page number what it is – next page number.
Just a question: How would you make text frame on page 3 in a book touch page 4 to display next page number? Or do you have another workaround?
Just correct this annoying bug please. -
Filip Blazek commented
Unfortunately, Adobe refuses to correct this annoying bug, they claim this is the expected behaviour! Ha ha ha. It is a pity the programmers never use the app.
There is a workaround. Create an extra text frame on the page you want to refer to and link both text frames together. Then the Next page number will work es expected. But the second text frame must be placed on the next page. You can place both linked text frames in page template, it will work. Annoying, stupid, but at least it works.