A pdf setting that allows me to Set the "opening view" properies of a pdf from indesign
Allow setting of the PDF "opening view" properties on creation instead of after creation.
When I send a proof, I want my customers to see the pages panel, and view the files at a specific size and layout - Doing this has saved thousands of cock-ups - unfortunately it has cost me hundreds of hours doing the same thing over and over.

This feature already exists in InDesign, or are there some enhancements over and above what already exists that you are requesting here.
Bart Van Put commented
And maybe also the bookmark panel (or is that what pages means...) then nm.
rupfi commented
Specifically: the view setting that we usually want to incorporate are:
Display the pages panel and page -
See below screenshots for what the currently available options are.
@Scott, i don't understand what Display the pages panel means here. Can you elaborate on this a little more.
***** -
Rainer Klute commented
3) View "Fit in Window" :-)
Scott commented
Specifically: the view setting that I usually want to incorporate are:
1) - Display the pages panel and page
2) - View @ 150%These I cannot do in the create pdf dialogue... or can I?
Rainer Klute commented
You cannot choose the size of the viewed PDF if you make a print PDF – instead of an interactive PDF, where it is possible.
Tobias Wantzen commented
This could be done at least since CC 2015.