Dynamic endnotes
Please add dynamic endnotes, and the ability to import them form MS Word as a dynamic not static endnotes.

This is now available in the latest version of InDesign.
Laura Reynolds commented
Please add end of book placement for end notes as an option in IDCC!
Anonymous commented
Sorry can't find how to do it? I import a document from Word to InDesign with footnote, I remeber someone told to do it via script but it doens't work anymore
Do you know how can I do it? -
Tobias Wantzen commented
I think, the endnotes have to undergo massive enhancements. I, personally, don’t understand the decision to put the endnotes in extra frames. This is not the way I would suspect to place endnotes. In my eyes they are definitely part of the story in which they are used (footnotes are implemented as part of the story, either).
They should be the last text elements at the end of the text flow. Additionally there should be the possibility (similar to renumbering of footnotes based on sections) to place (and renumber) them in one story/text flow at the end of a section! This would reflect the use case of endnotes at chapter end (while preserving the text chain throughout the whole document). -
Dwayne commented
I absolutely hate this feature. It has ruined my life! Bad idea.
Janelle commented
Is there a way to renumber once imported? I work with text in multiple chapters with heading dividers in the Endnotes.
Dries Caers commented
This is a welcome addition, although, I have a rather large improvement/request. It would be great if you were able to restart the numbering if the endnotes without having to keep every chapter in a seperate story. Basically, It would be awesome to have the option 'Restart numbering every Page/Spread/Section' like with footnotes.
md commented
The link you provided (and https://www.adobeprerelease.com) do not load. I get a blank page with four boxes that appear and disappear.
Georg Stadler commented
This is very good news for me too. I'm testing it right now and it solves the most common case (all the endnotes at the end of the book) for me pretty good. Works as expected.
RY commented
I already do enough involuntary QA for Adobe.
My employer pays me to actually design things. I can not afford the downtime to troubleshoot your programs.
Thanks for this feedback ****. Apart from this, do you find the feature useful, will it solve the problems you are currently facing?
TvB commented
That’s good news and very welcome! I have started to try it out. One thing that I already want to remark: the endnotes are to be placed in their own, separate text frame. It would be interesting if they could follow directly after the article in that same text frame.
Tobias Wantzen commented
A similar request already exists:
Please don't forget to vote there either! -
RY commented
Add a Endnote option to the Footnotes feature.
The workaround using cross-references is a real pain. It is very disappointing indesign cannot do something word is been capable of for years.
Thanks for filing this feature request.
Is this similar to the Endnote References? -
Anonymous commented
InDesign needs a dynamic way to keep track of (and insert) academic references, like MS Word does. A lot of people use InDesign to write and properly format their academic papers; thus, to them, it is essential to often insert quotations.