[ID-4253523] InDesign has to be "Force quit" if background task(Export to PDF/IDML) hangs
In all the years that we've had background tasks, I've almost never been able to cancel one successfully. Whenever a task hangs up for unknown reasons, and I hit cancel, it just hangs on the 'cancelling' step and the only way to stop it is to force-quit InDesign, which can equal lost work and damaged files.
I would like to see a more assertive way to force shut down of a background task that isn't cooperating.

Thank you for reporting the issue. We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Rob Hutchings commented
Any idea of a timeline for this @Adobe? How long does it take to conduct a review?!
Rachael C commented
I'm going to rudely piggyback on this to add that an option to disable background exports is very much needed. All of our files export to PDF in the foreground without a problem, but exporting the same file in the background crashes the program completely.
We've had to work around this problem for years, but the DisableAsyncExports workaround no longer works in InDesign 2025.
Anas Alkassim commented
Same problem. Task in the background processing. Please fix this, its very annoying when a designer in a rush to export a project and then get surprised by the background processing nonsense. Its affecting the user experience dramatically!!!!!
David Kaisel commented
I'm learning to loathe cloud-based apps that presume fast/broad internet service. I live in a rural area (though less than 100 miles from Adobe HQ) and no Adobe apps function reliably, much less quickly, on my Mac running Sonoma 14.5.
I am likewise stuck with a interminable background task, and now have to force quit the file and start again from scratch. That's an hour of my time (including this screed and waiting from the file to update, which it didn't). Can I bill you?
Plus, I no longer use X due to the megalomaniac owner. Will default to Google
Kristin Moro commented
@Adobe please fix this bug asap
Sampsa Sipilä commented
"If you are on a Mac you can Force-Quit the program in the following manner. Click on the desktop and use the keyboard command option-command-esc. This will bring up the Force Quit Application window. You can then click on InDesign and select the Force Quit button to quit the program and stop all of the background mayhem that you have going on. On a PC you would Press Ctrl-Shift-Esc to directly open the Task Manager."
Silvertree 21 commented
Please fix this issue! Rossitza, I totally agree with you! I can't quit the background 'Activating font' that's been going on for 2 days! And, I cannot save my current indesign file cause it say's 'it's in use by a background task'.....A task that I cannot quit!
Rossitza Ribarova commented
I don't even get an option to cancel the background tasks... there are 4 tasks "in progress" or waiting currently, all trying to activate Adobe fonts, and I can't even close my file. It's so frustrating! It's 2023, so four years of ignoring users and going....
Eric Bignell commented
Too bloody right.
ian crawford commented
This has been here since... for ever. In the old days it resulted in a good 'ol crash. Now, we get an annoying, eye-distracting spinning icon in the menu. For me, it's mainly the result of loading fonts from Adobe, but can also be exporting pages to pdf. Such an odd 'can't fix, won't fix' from Adobe...
Adriana commented
Here we are in December 2022, and it's still happening. Background tasks window shows one task (saving a PDF) that cannot be cancelled. Don't like having to force quit for this.
There were 4 tasks, 3 of which I could cancel. But that last one hangs on no matter what I try. Then I force quit InDesign, export a new PDF, and same thing, there is one that is always hanging there.
Yehudis Blicksilber commented
I can't believe nothing has been done about this yet. It's super annoying and slows the program down appreciably.
barbara commented
Marked "critical" as it is happening *right now*
CW commented
Adobe - please fix this!!! I have not once been able to cancel a background task - always have to force quit the program. Very annoying and disappointing.
Anonymous commented
Yup. Shouldn't have to force quit the entire program just to shut off a stupid background task. Waste of my time.
Anonymous commented
I am so frustrated by this issue and other glitches with the recent updates I think I'm switching to Canvaa and procreate
Mark H commented
Yes, Me too!
This is the first time I have ever had this happen with Background Tasks hanging up using InDesign on either WIN or MAC. We are now into October 2020 and I can't find a fix that works yet.
Using WIN10 and ID 15.12 64 bit.
Jen commented
Adobe, please fix! It's annoying to see the blue circle go around and around and around forever while I'm working, and there's no way to stop it. Here, it is trying to activate a font, and it gets stuck here, and there's no option to cancel it. I even tried to change the font (which is not want I want to do if it's truly a font I want to use!), but it's that annoying, and it still won't stop trying to activate a font I'm now not using. How about an on/off button.
cade commented
added screenshot
cade commented
STILL an adobe fail.
Mac OS X mojave, indesign cc 2019