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Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests

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17 results found

  1. Media Panel is missing all playback settings for MP4 files in InDesign 2020

    CC 2020 is missing all its control settings for playing MP4 files in an interactive pdf. Until this year's upgrade you had multiple options on what Controller Functions appeared when playing/displaying MP4's in an Interactive PDF document.

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    Navigation Points have been re-introduced in the Media panel. This feature is available in the latest release of InDesign (version 16.0). Please use this release to use Navigation Points for Video/Audio files.

    However, the Controller options will not be available. As communicated earlier, all options (Controller options being one of them) related to Flash/Flash player have been removed from InDesign as Flash Player is now being EOL’d (End of Life).

    InDesign team

  2. Just change one word in the preferences of German InDesign!

    The German word "Textumfluss" is used two times in InDesign but with different meanings:

    Within the preferences "Smart Text Reflow" is "Intelligenter Textumfluss".
    And then there ist the "Text Wrap" panel, which is named "Textumfluss" in German, too.

    So "wrap" gets the same translation as "reflow"? Noooooo! These are two different thing and should not be named the same!

    A better translation for reflow would be "Textumbruch", so please change just one word in the German preferences, from "Intelligenter Textumfluss" to "Intelligenter Textumbruch".

    It's easy to do: just five letters to change! One small piece of code. Done in a…

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  3. Adding an option to increase the anchor point handle size

    Adding an option to increase the anchor point handle size, to make them easier to select

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    The option to increase the size of Anchor Points, size of Direction Handles, and Bounding Box Display size was included in InDesign 2022 release.  

    This option can be found in the Preferences dialog > User Interface Scaling. 

    The size can be increased in 4 increments from Small to Large.  

    -- Adobe InDesign team

  4. Remove hyperlink:

    Remove hyperlink: There is no simple convenient way to remove a hyperlink. When you check, you find, "Edit Hyperlink" or "Go to destination". So, you go to "Edit" and find the hyperlink field, with the only option to delete the hyperlink being the word/letter info of the link that's in the entire field. But then it won't let you do that, saying: "! Invalid Entry". So, you have to reenter the text you had hyperlinked, then delete the text with the hyperlink. Please add a menu line, in both "Text-Hyperlink" and right-mouse-button "Hyperlink" that says and does "Remove Hyperlink", along…

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    If you have InDesign CC 2019, when you select a Hyperlink and look in the Properties panel, you will see 3 buttons – ‘Remove Hyperlink’, ‘Edit Hyperlink’ and ‘Manage Hyperlink’.
    Remove Hyperlink does what it says – it removes the hyperlink. However, it retains the applied Character Style which can be manually changed by clicking the [None] style in the panel.
    Manage Hyperlink opens the Hyperlinks panel (if it’s closed) and Edit Hyperlink lets you edit it.

    Hope this helps.

    Adobe InDesign team

  5. Why is the InDesign Bug Fix not part of the program download?

    Just downloaded the InDesign 2018 yesterday, but the bug fix is dated November 3.

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    Closed: Fixed  ·  Anonymous responded

    I understand the confusion and apologise for the same. Before we could get out the issues in a release we posted the workaround plugins for any users who were blocked due to the bugs.

    We have now send out an update to all InDesign users which has those bug fixes in them. Again sorry for the inconvenience.


  6. Make the Keybaord shortcuts consistent across InDesign, Illlustrator and Photoshop

    Plz make the keybaord shortcuts consistent across InDesign, Illlustrator and Photoshop.

    For common operations, the shorcuts are different across 3 apps.

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    In the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog, user can choose [Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts] or [Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts] to change InDesign’s shortcuts to match those of Illustrator and Photoshop respectively.

    This was implemented in InDesign CC 2018.

    Adobe InDesign team

  7. Batch Single Page PDF Creation

    Please add an option to export ranges of pages as single page PDF files from Indesign like Illustrator(save individual artboards). This would simplfy sending pages to assembly station for imposition and corrections afterward.

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    Closed: Fixed  ·  Anonymous responded

    Hi All, this feature is now available in the latest version of InDesign i.e. InDesign 13.1

    Kindly update InDesign to get access to this feature.


  8. Allow Adjacent Bordered Paragraphs to Share Their Border

    It's great that Paragraph Borders are now included but it really needs an option to "Connect Border to Adjacent Paragraphs Sharing the Same Style" so that the border runs around multiple paragraphs if needed. I know you can work around this with forced line breaks and empty lines but that jars with me and doesn't give me proper style sheet control.

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    Closed: Fixed  ·  3 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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  9. Stop making the CC Libraries the default!!!!!!!

    I am sick and tired of the Library panel popping open because there are embedded defaults that make EVERY new thing I make think it needs to be added to the cc library.


    If I want to use them I will decide.,

    STOP MAKING IT THE DEFAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  10. Update the analytics feature on the Publish Online Dashboard so you can see all the individual analytics for each document

    Currently on the overview you can see many analytics for all your documents combined, but on the document trends screen, only views and readers are available. It would be helpful to offer our clients more specific analytics.

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  11. 196 votes

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  12. Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style

    I'd like the option to not add space between paragraphs of the same style, even if those paragraphs have space above or below. Microsoft Word has a checkbox that does this, and it's great for list styles. You can create a list style with space above and below and then check that box so that space only appears before and after the list, not between list items.

    In order to achieve the same effect in InDesign, you need three or more styles (one with space above but not below for the first item, one without space above or below for…

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  13. Make InDesign be able to import/Export comments from/to PDF

    I want to be able to get the comments from PDF into InDesign so that I can easily incorporate/respond on the comments from people.

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    68 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  14. More options when creating Forms via InDesign

    InDesign has a few features that make it possible to export an interactive PDF-Formular directly from InDesign.

    This CAN save a lot of time when customers require changes on these Files but sadly InDesign is missing out a lot of features that Adobe Acrobat has - even though it'd be a lot easyier to set everything up in InDesign.

    So in my opinion the Formular menue needs some improvement and get more functionality (In Acrobat you can define a font VS via InDesign you can't) since more and more customers request Interactive PDF-Forms etc.

    It would be valuable to us…

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  15. Can Idml file open with his own name

    When I open .idml file in InDesign, it opens as Untitled-# document. Is it possible that when I open .idml it opens as the filename instead of "Untitled-#"? Because I have received some many idml files, I am spending time save as file into INDD.

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    Closed: Fixed  ·  Anonymous responded

    Hi All, this feature is now added in the latest version of InDesign i.e. InDesign 13.1.

    You can upgrade your InDesign to get access to this feature.


  16. The option to remember PDF export settings on a document by document basis

    Currently InDesign remembers the PDF export settings across the program which is good but we have to export either print or interactive based on the file. It would be really useful to have the document itself remember the settings so we don't have to keep changing back - often forgetting and sending clients print PDFs where they should be interactive.

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  17. Make the »instructions.txt« file choosable when packaging

    Just add a button so that it will be possible to unclick the writing of the (often useless) instructions.txt file when packaging an InDesign file.

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