Why is the InDesign Bug Fix not part of the program download?
Just downloaded the InDesign 2018 yesterday, but the bug fix is dated November 3.

I understand the confusion and apologise for the same. Before we could get out the issues in a release we posted the workaround plugins for any users who were blocked due to the bugs.
We have now send out an update to all InDesign users which has those bug fixes in them. Again sorry for the inconvenience.
You should be getting a notification in the Creative Cloud app, with a description what the changes are. You would need to update InDesign to get the bug fixes.
Anonymous commented
SO do I need to go to the creative cloud and download these fixes? I do not know. please advise!
thank you! -
Anonymous commented
I just downloaded CC Indesign and it is STILL making blurry pdf, jpgs, etc.
PLEASE! I BEG YOU.......my livelyhood is at stake!!!!What can I do to fix this asap!!!!
11/26/17 -
Klaas commented
Indeed that is a huge problem. Most users have no knowledge about such Fixes, which causes huge pain.