Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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71 results found
Changing Paragraph Style in InCopy story does not prompt check-out dialog
InDesign 13.1 and 14.0 both exhibit this behavior.
If you have an InCopy story that is not checked out to you, and you attempt to change a paragraph or character style, the following happens:
- The style change does not take effect (this is correct)
- The newly-selected style appears to be selected in the paragraph style panel (incorrect)
- The "You must check out the contents of this frame in order to make changes. Check out now?" dialog does not appear. (incorrect)
- I expect the "You must check out the contents of this frame in order to make changes. Check out now?"…
5 votesThank you for submitting this.
It falls under the Feature Request category and thus being moved to the Feature Requests page.The Adobe ID Team
InCopy needs to have 125% and 175% scaling support.
InCopy is my favorite word processor and works perfectly with InDesign. The one issue is not working properly on 2880x1440 displays and its is due to the lack of scaling options.
5 votes -
Fix the inconsistency of the text wrap from Indesign to Incopy - we randomly get where the text wrap is lost in InCopy.
Fix the problem with InCopy dropping the text wrap. So irritating - this needs to get fixed!!!
5 votes -
Improve Incopy
Incopy, as it stands today, has lots of problems. We cant use it while working with remote editors. Similarly my clients dont wan to use InCopy as the user interface is too complex for them. Also, some clients can't download a desktop product because of restrictions in their organizations.
InCopy is a good product but doesnt fulfill the needs of today's world. Please improve it5 votes -
Lock the ability of InCopy users to change things like kerning, leading and character compression
InCopy users sometimes take too many liberties with their abilities to change copy. Flowing copy is one thing, but shoehorning in more or less copy than intended allows for too much grey area, and it can take more time to go back and fix what they've broken than it would if that ability was limited for them. If InCopy settings in an InDesign document had check boxed that toggle which abilities InCopy users would have (and grey out disallowed settings), that would be wonderful.
4 votes -
Import PDF comments in InCopy
If we're using a workflow that includes stories in InCopy, it'd be great if our editors/writers can manage the edits/markups to their content through InCopy so they can truly own the content (and prevent the back and forth of review/edits with designers and writers after a document has been reviewed).
4 votes -
InCopy - Export to PDF - option for hyperlinks
An option to include hyperlinks in InCopy's Export/Adobe PDF function would:
- Help editors in proofing rounds with authors
- Free up designers from having to export hyperlinked PDFs for author proofs from InDesign.
My editors work in InCopy and export PDF proofs for our authors to proof. Unfortunately, since the hyperlinks don't export, authors can't check them for accuracy.
Worse yet, Acrobat tries to make the links work but URLS split between lines result in broken links, giving Authors the impression the hyperlinks are there but incorrect. Having the hyperlinks actually export from InCopy will help our authors more accurately proof…
4 votes -
Turn on Track Changes by default for InCopy
Track Changes is not a default option when exporting assignments for InCopy; can this please be made default? Too much of a faff at the moment to ensure this happens every time InCopy assignments are exported.
4 votes -
We need an automated process to create multiple documents with one template.
Imagine a process where Company1 creates an InDesign doc/template. They attach it to a customer account where that customer can upload a CSV file to populate the stories in that doc. Let's say 5 stories
If that CSV had 30 rows with the 5 stories in each row then the InCopy > InDesign functionality would create 30 unique documents with potentially unique content.
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Allow incopy to access object states
It would be perfect if incopy could access and change all object states content. I do not understand why this is not possible today.
4 votes -
I can appreciate InCopy's capability of linking multiple authors. I personally never have need of that. Here's what I wish InCopy could do: Take MS Word file and make them fully compatible with InDesign. That is ... to remove all the rookie techniques employed by so many Word users, to remove all the mysteriously bogus code that creates frustrating local formatting. Sometimes you can fix these things by saving the text as RTX (or DOC instead of DOCX) from Word, but that doubles the number of text files to store - unnecessarily complicated. Often authors have copied strings of text…
3 votes -
Import pdf comments into InCopy
I would love to have my copy editor have the power to review and approve/deny the PDF comments.
3 votes -
InCopy - Split screen view for Story and Layout
In Incopy it's only possible to use one view. Gallery, Story or Layout.
It would be great if we could also combine 2 views into one.With the 27" displays now in general use, we should be able to show one half of the screen in Story mode and one half in Layout mode.
This allows for users who need to change texts to show also the overset text in the story mode when the text in layout mode is not visible (due to the overset text).
Sometimes when editing the texts in Layout mode and then switching to Story…
3 votes -
Highlighting and Differentiating Notes/Comments for various users
As a copy editor and proofreader, it would be fantastic if InCopy/InDesign had a highlighting feature. The swatch options are fine but not great when I am trying to print a book in black and white and someone forgets to remove the colors.
I, and the designer I work with, would love to have some way to differentiate between Notes/Comments for editors, other proofreaders, and designers. Right now, everyone has to read all the comments, which takes a substantial amount of time to look through. Thanks!
3 votes -
Add an import options dialogue for importing InCopy documents into InDesign
Just like when importing Word documents, you can select what stylesheets and attributes to bring into the InDesign or InCopy document, add the same options dialogue window when importing InCopy documents into InDesign. Oftentimes the writer of the InCopy story doesn't use the same stylesheets as the InDesign document. In my case, I build newspapers and we are constantly improving the design and simplifying the naming process for stylesheets. The reporters forget to use the template and therefore old styles or misnamed styles get brought into the document. There are ways around this of course, but when I need to…
3 votes -
Option to make all stories in ID file editable by editors using InCopy
Why should I have to go through and export each story I want them to be able to edit? It would make more sense if I could tell ID that all the stories (or all of them except a few that I opt out) are to be editable by my editors. We don't use assignments. I export all the stories they need to be able to edit and they open the ID file in InCopy. But with dozens or hundreds of captions and other items in addition to main stories, it's quite annoying. I am curious what would make the…
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Allow InCopy to track which file is imported (either by filename, path link?)
I work in magazines, and we go through several Word file versions of a story before it gets placed into the layout (InDesign/InCopy workflow). There have been times when the story has been updated after the copy has been imported into the magazine, and it would be great to see which version is currently in the layout to ensure we're working with the most recent versions of the Word file. Just as you can see the linked images placed in InDesign, InCopy should be able to show the filename in which the copy was imported from!
2 votes -
Endnote text should appear in galley and story views in InCopy
They could work the same way that footnotes do, inside of a stylised bracket at the location of the note marker.
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Include 2 or 3 InCopy licenses in CC or InDesign subscriptions or MAKE IT FREE!
InCopy is a great collaboration tool between two or more people.
But the way Creative Cloud subscription is going, InDesign is a powerful tool to me, but InCopy is totally USELESS. As a designer (not writer), I never need to use InDesign and InCopy at same time. In fact, I never need to use InCopy myself at all. InDesign along with InCopy suppose at least two people working on same job. Most of time the writer, who could actually use InCopy, is my client. It makes no sense to include InDesign and InCopy expecting that the same person will use…
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Visual change history in layout mode
I'm surprised why this has not been already implemented, but surely changes by multiple users (contributors) should be visible in Layout mode too. Also, a cross-checking feature between project versions should be considered. I am aware there are a number of plug-ins available, however they are not robust and surely such a low-level feature should be implemented into the main software. Most third-party office software have such features as standard.
2 votes
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