I can appreciate InCopy's capability of linking multiple authors. I personally never have need of that. Here's what I wish InCopy could do: Take MS Word file and make them fully compatible with InDesign. That is ... to remove all the rookie techniques employed by so many Word users, to remove all the mysteriously bogus code that creates frustrating local formatting. Sometimes you can fix these things by saving the text as RTX (or DOC instead of DOCX) from Word, but that doubles the number of text files to store - unnecessarily complicated. Often authors have copied strings of text from non-Word sources and the original formatting refuses to strip out without saving as RTX. Force-applying styles in ID risks losing any local formatting that needs to be preserved, like italicize scientific names. This might seem trivial to ID users who don't create long repetitive documents or periodicals. But I lay out several periodicals - all using Word files created by PHDs who haven't a clue how Word works. For decades, I have searched for a solution. And I think Adobe is best qualified to solve it. We need a word processor app dedicated to InDesign.
C Yarwood