Option to make all stories in ID file editable by editors using InCopy
Why should I have to go through and export each story I want them to be able to edit? It would make more sense if I could tell ID that all the stories (or all of them except a few that I opt out) are to be editable by my editors. We don't use assignments. I export all the stories they need to be able to edit and they open the ID file in InCopy. But with dozens or hundreds of captions and other items in addition to main stories, it's quite annoying. I am curious what would make the current system necessary. Maybe there were programming or technological limitations 10-15 years ago that required it. I have been using both ID and IC since their beginnings and I recall IC being quite a pain in the early days, and it really hasn't changed much.
It would probably still be necessary to lock a story while someone's editing it, but beyond that why is the whole assignment/export for InCopy system still required in workflows that don't use assignments?