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71 results found

  1. Please allow the ID/IC workflow to function with the Creative Cloud Files area

    Right now, if you store your InDesign and InCopy files in CC Files and share (collaborate) that folder with your team, all the files are synced EXCEPT the lock files for InDesign and InCopy. This prevents users working on the same project from knowing if someone else has opened an InDesign file or has checked out a story (ICML) file. SO people try to use Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box, all of which have figured out how to sync the lock files for checked-out stories at least. No one as far as I know has been able to sync the…

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  2. Allow InCopy to be edited remotely by 3rd Parties (eg clients)

    We prepare large copy-heavy documents for our clients using InDesign and InCopy. However, our clients are not technically minded and do not have access (or the technical ability) to the Adobe software needed to open such documents and provide edits/comments.

    We therefore have to cut/paste the InCopy into a Microsoft Word document and send this, so that the client can edit/change/comment as necessary. They then return the Word file to us, and we re-link or re-copy the changes back into InCopy.

    Unfortunately, during this process we often lose the formatting and pagenation, increasing the time it takes for the edits…

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  3. Make Track Changes visible in Layout view for InCopy

    Add the ability to see track changes in Layout view for InCopy. It is incredibly annoying for editors to have to switch views constantly to review eidts and then see the layout.

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  4. InCopy should have a mobile app

    Microsoft word has an app for android which can be used to write ideas while away from the computer and then open up the same file on the desktop for editing. InCopy should have the same functionality with a mobile app that can open or create an icml file to type a story. It wouldn't require any editing, only the bare bones so ideas don't get forgotten.
    Thank you

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  5. Please rename the Assignment panel to the InCopy Workflow panel

    We don't use Assignments and we don't know anyone who does, we all work on the layout; but use the Assignments panel to track the status of our stories, in the "Unassigned InCopy" category. The panel should be renamed to InCopy Workflow, though the ability to create assignments can stay for the minority of people who use that feature.

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  6. Add Index panel to InCopy

    It seems to me to be a great oversight that the Index panel of InDesign does not exist within InCopy. To create an index is a natural part of content creation (although the actual generation of an index is naturally part of design).

    Given that the anchors for index entries are in-line with the text as found in both the story editor and galley view, it seems that there should be a way to work with these within InCopy.

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  7. Track Changes Visible/Printable in Layout View

    The ability to view and print tracked changes in layout view for InDesign and InCopy would be an epic game-changer. Workarounds become tedious (especially when working with large publications) and plug-ins become outdated.

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  8. InCopy mobile?

    It’s weird, but I hate to write while sitting at a desktop. I would love to be able to curl up on my couch (or at a coffee shop, or on my porch) to write and then sync the text I just wrote into a library to import into InDesign on my desktop.

    I think an Adobe mobile text editor could be a lightweight and flexible solution that accomodates us tempermental writers!

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  9. "story list.xml"

    Can someone please explain what the "story list.xml" is about, which (from time to time) is created when exporting to InCopy?
    I have not found any documentation on this.

    Some inexperienced users are very irritated about this!

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  10. Send Assignment Notifications to InCopy Users

    It would be nice if InDesign/InCopy sent notifications whenever an assignment was created. Otherwise, I have no idea I have a copy assignment waiting for me unless I'm constantly checking the assignment folder to see if our marketing director has assigned anything to me. Currently, he relies on email or phone to alert me that a new assignment has been created.

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  11. InCopy XD Integration

    It would be superbly handy to be able to work with our copywriters to develop copy in InCopy for use in XD prototypes. We utilize the InCopy workflow with InDesign for print material, but that workflow would be equally beneficial for our web team.

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  12. Add Endnote Support for InCopy

    Please add endnote support for Adobe InCopy. Without it, InCopy sadly is pretty much useless.
    InDesign Footnotes are too inflexible and working with manual Footnotes is not really feasible in larger documents.

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  13. InCopy - Give more pdf options in InCopy (pdf presets available)

    It would be very helpful if the pdf preset options exist also in InCopy. Here, it is the Incopy user who creates and sends the pdfs for corrections (after his last adaptations). The options in InCopy are very poor…

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  14. Make a real collaboration with InDesign/InCopy via CC

    It was hard to see, that InCopy is still using E-Mail to collaborate with editors on another place. I thought it's all in the CC!! For this is a must have: I'm sharing an InDesign-document (or parts of it) save it for my incopy-editor. The editor gets a notification (email or instant) and will open it and makes changes and new content, save it and the designer gets a notification that there is new content from editor xy. He can now accept this and the new content is inside the InDesign-document. Finish.
    But ash the moment it's very hard to…

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  15. Need to View and Edit Alt Text in InCopy

    As an editor I need to be able to preview Alt text for Images and also edit that Alt Text if needed. Currently I need to go to Indesign to do that.

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  16. Accessibility to Authors

    For long book publishers (200–300 pages or more), the appeal of InCopy is being able to share text between the designer, editor, proofreader, and author. But InCopy is $240 for 1 year of use, so of course no freelance proofreader or author is going to buy it. Microsoft Word is far more accessible, $100 for one year and that includes the entire Office suite. Many people also use free online versions from the web or from years past.

    I would suggest making Adobe InCopy free or at least available for a much lower price. Making it free could actually make…

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  17. Include InCopy editorial notes in grouped/anchored objects in PDF comments

    Currently if you add a note to an anchored or grouped object these do not appear as comments in exported PDFs from InCopy. This leads to artworkers possibly missing important change requests from InCopy users. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a technical limitation but it is not stated anywhere in the documentation for InCopy. User expectation is that all notes will be included as comments in exported PDFs.

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  18. A free basic version of incopy for client amends.

    Being able to send clients their copy to make minor amendments would be hugely convenient

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  19. Notes for images/picture-frames (InCopy)

    It's possible to select some text to attach a note, but it's not possible to select images to attach notes (for example the editor like to have the image brighter and like to communicate this to the designer)

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  20. Changing Paragraph Style in InCopy story does not prompt check-out dialog

    1. InDesign 13.1 and 14.0 both exhibit this behavior.

    2. If you have an InCopy story that is not checked out to you, and you attempt to change a paragraph or character style, the following happens:

    • The style change does not take effect (this is correct)
    • The newly-selected style appears to be selected in the paragraph style panel (incorrect)
    • The "You must check out the contents of this frame in order to make changes. Check out now?" dialog does not appear. (incorrect)
    1. I expect the "You must check out the contents of this frame in order to make changes. Check out now?"…
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