Please allow the ID/IC workflow to function with the Creative Cloud Files area
Right now, if you store your InDesign and InCopy files in CC Files and share (collaborate) that folder with your team, all the files are synced EXCEPT the lock files for InDesign and InCopy. This prevents users working on the same project from knowing if someone else has opened an InDesign file or has checked out a story (ICML) file. SO people try to use Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box, all of which have figured out how to sync the lock files for checked-out stories at least. No one as far as I know has been able to sync the .idlk files generated when an ID user has opened the ID file.
ALL OF THIS should be supported by Adobe. They are all Adobe apps. Companies who try to use CC Files to collaborate w/InDesign files and/or InCopy files run into major problems because they assume that's the point of CC files. to collaborate on live files created by Adobe apps, especially since other cloud solutions allow this.
PLEASE fix this, thanks!

Michelle Arnett commented
I work with other team members on projects in InDesign and other CC apps. We want to have the ability to collaborate and edit the files without needing to download and save multiple versions. As much as Microsoft irritates me, at least they have figured out how to do this. Please add it to InDesign.
Anonymous commented
It is absolutely incomprehensible to me, this basic idea of cooperation was sobotaged by Adobe itself.
Dylan commented
Couldn't agree more, I can't begin to express how important it is the files in the cloud get locked when someone is using it!
I've tested this in other cloud services, even if the InD lock files syncs, it becomes useless anyway for some reason, therefore users can still open the document.
Anonymous commented
This is essential for collaborative workflow. I upgraded to CC to improve workflow by using Creative Cloud and only then discovered that Adobe's promises of a new integrated way of working were, basically, a load of bull.