Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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149 results found
Make gradients constant within the same table.
Gradients within table cells change direction when the rows are adjusted. If the columns are adjusted the gradients stay the same, why not the rows? It's extremely timely having to constantly fix the gradients within the cells if I have to adjust the rows in any way. The gold row gradient at the top is correct but after adding a row to the grid I have to manually manipulate each cell to get the gradient right.
1 vote -
ID - Lock option - color fields / color groups
Hey there,
i wish i could lock color fields / color groups to prevent any resulting sources of error.
For example a fixed logo color which shouldn't be different.
Kind regards and big thanks!
6 votes -
A workflow for properly exporting a dual colour-profiled document
Having both RGB and CMYK in swatches is a great advantage if you want to have a single document exported both to screen and print - but it turned out to be a swatch mess... what about a way to acknowledge similar colors as "equivalents" so we could replace entire document swatches from RGB>CMYK (or the other way around) when this export is needed? changing them individually will eventually cause mistakes.
and what about replacing entire link library from RGB>CMYK in order to export proper colours? I converted them and assigned all of their profiles in PS but now i…1 vote -
color picker isn't consistent with other software.
Please allow users to change color picker to Photoshop color picker. Indesign is great except for the nuisance of having a horrible UI for the color picker. I make all my colors in photoshop copy the code then paste it into Indesign.
88 votesHello All,
Starting Id 16.0 we introduced HSB in Color Picker.
Does that resolve inconsistency issue for you?Please tell us in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik
Product Manager, InDesign -
Update changes in CC Library Color Swatches in objects using theses colors
At the moment I have to change every single objekt wich uses the changed color manually. There should be a Library-Function to do this automatically.
That would be REALLY helpful.
2 votes -
Add a preference to have to toggle the checkbox default for "Name with Color Value"
Add a preference to the InDesign Preferences panel so that the checkbox default for Name with Color Value can be set. When creating a new swatch in a document, the default is for the checkbox to be on, but checking the box off changes the name to New Color Swatch. Fine if you're adding one color or many colors in a row, but if adding colors in new documents all the time, this gets annoying.
10 votes -
Ability to define a swatch that has a transparent gradient.
I want to create a swatch in the swatches palette that goes from X% color to no color. The same end result as applying a gradient feather effect but in a swatch so if I apply that swatch to an underline option in a text frame that is sitting above a non-solid color/image, the fade goes transparent and we don't see it fade to white.
11 votes -
Could we have a 'go to colour' link within Indesign like you do for image links please
It would be really helpful when editing colours within an document to be able to see where a colour has been used before deleting it. I know you can always replace it then convert back but it would be helpful to see where it was being used beforehand.
4 votes -
I need the lasted Pantone Solid coated v3 library please, efi Fiery has them.
Need new Pantone libraries please. efi and Xerox RIPs have them.
3 votes -
Colours /Swatches Problem
There is big problem in InDesign for colours, because not every one remember different type of CMYK property .
Just take an idea so you can understand [ When you draw a owl in illustrator, so you have a lot of colours options to change by using colour helper or if need then add from swatches, it's that easy, but in InDesign that's very hard to that, because if you have to change colour then first you have to know that colours CMYK property, then you can add into swatches then you can use that colour. So that's the big…1 vote -
Refresh available swatches after creating a new swatch in Paragraph styles window
When you create or change a paragraph style, in the window where all the formats of the paragraph style are listed, you can change the character color, you can also create a new swatch by double clicking on the fill or stroke color icon. But once the new swatch is created, you can not imediately select it for your paragraph style, you have to change the category in the window (for example go to underline options), then go back to character color to use the new swatch.
Instead it should be that when the create new swatch dialog is closed,…1 vote -
A button to convert or set swatches from Coated or Uncoated PMS to the opposite in a instant. Like a master switch.
In Prepress there are 2 sets of PMS swatches, and clients do not know when to use either correctly or use both on the same layout.
We need a master switch to use either/or, and be able to switch between them with a click of a button. I would think this would be a page setting or something.
I have attached a zip containing 2 indesign files, 1 of which has been provided by our client and the other has the UNCOATED swatches converted to COATED for press print.
3 votes -
Easy text export of color number information for Branding
On branding projects, I have to provide my clients with all their color number information, and make it look pretty at the same time. A way to export or copy/paste the cmyk, rgb, hex, pantone, lab information would be hugely helpful! See example
1 vote -
Non-transparant inks
We, a printshop using offset and digital (HP-Indigo) presses, are using non-transpartant spot-colors like White or Foil. Indesign handles spot-colors as transparant. For normal inks, this is OK, but not for those mentioned, since these are opaque. I know the overprint-attribute does something almost similar, but it's not exactly the same.
So i need an option to define a spotcolor as 'Non-Transparent'.
It seems to me that for screen-printing this would also be a valuable option.
3 votes -
Conditional colours for chapters
When we work with chapters and styles, sometimes we have a different thematic colour by chapter. It would be very interesting to define one or several conditional chapter colours for a section. We define the "Conditional chapter colour" in styles and depending on the page, these colours change. So, there is no need to create multiple styles with same parameters but different colours within the document or there is no need to split the document to play with these different parameters. Everything is in the same document and it is easier if we need to change the colour palette.
17 votes -
Is there a way to pull a swatch color folder out of the swatches panel for easier access...
s there a way to pull a swatch color folder out of the swatches panel for easier access...
1 vote -
Change the Eyedropper Tool back to default on the tool bar instead of the Color Theme Tool.
The standard Eyedropper Tool used to be the default option on the Tool bar. This was convenient for sampling colors as well as text styles. Now, there is no way to change the default from the Color Theme Tool to the Eyedropper. The Color Theme Tool has its place in Illustrator, but as InDesign is mostly used for text, it is crucial that the Eyedropper Tool is quickly accessible. In my career, I have barely used the Color Theme Tool in InDesign, whereas I use the Eyedropper daily. It is frustrating for my coworkers and I to now change it…
103 votes -
Add "Preview" button when creating a new color swatch
When you have and object selected and a fill or stroke color is applied to it...and you want to create a new swatch using a different color...a "Preview" box in the New Swatch dialog box would be helpful so you can see how it would look before accepting it. Currently, ID will apply your new swatch to your selected object(s) after it's created, so allowing adjustments at the same time could cut down on an extra step should you need to tweak the color.
10 votes -
Pantone colors (Uncoated Solid) are unavailable in March 15 2018 updated CCInDesignuploaded colors which don't show up.
Many Pantone colors not compatible or accessible InDesign CC March 15 2018 upgrade. Specifically 2012 U Solid
When is this essential requirement going to be addressed???????
This is not something to "consider" as a feature request. It is an essential aspect of PRINT design and technology and needs to be accessible in Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop.5 votes -
CC Libaries won't load even though I'm signed in to my account
CC Libaries won't load even though I'm signed in to my account. I'm trying to get to the color swatches that I've added to my library
4 votes
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