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149 results found

  1. Map Process Colors to Spot in Ink Manager

    Allow mapping/alias of process colors CMYK to Spot in Ink Manager. This can be done downstream during the output process, but I would like the ability to preview the change to verify what I will get. Thanks!

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  2. Properties panel: make “Apply to Text” the default for text frames

    When I select a text frame, I find that most of the time I want to change the colour of the text, not the frame. But InDesign defaults to “Apply to Frame“ every single time, which is particularly cumbersome in the properties panel, where the option is now a menu.

    I believe it would be much more useful to have the default either be "Apply to Text“ whenever you choose a text frame or at least remember your preference.

    (I am aware that you can double click to select the text, then select all, then the properties panel applies the…

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  3. Book synchronize feature does not synchronize color groups

    Color groups are not synchronized via the book feature. I'm happy that the colors inside the group are not lost but placed "normal" on the first level of the color panel.

    But to have all book files with the same order even at the color panel would be great. So please make synchronizing work correctly even at this tiny thing.

    Thanks to Heike Burch for discovering this issue.

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  4. Swatches palet should ALWAYS 'Add Unnamed Colors'

    Swatches palet should ALWAYS 'Add Unnamed Colors'!
    especially if RGB or SPOT-colours
    regarding printready files

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  5. Automatic detection of colors with values in all CMYK plates

    For DTP, the color mode must be CMYK. Therefore, RGB black (#000000) is converted to CMYK. This CMYK black color has a value in all CMYK plates. We fix this to K100.

    A function that automatically detects colors with values in all CMYK plates. It is best added to the preflight profile. It will greatly help the user.




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  6. Refresh Library Button

    please add a feature to refresh the libraries, i just made a new pallet in illustrator then added it to the global library , when i went to indesign the colors were not in the library .. does it require a refresh button ?

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  7. Search field in color panel

    I'd like to search / filter the name of the colors in the panel to quickly find what I need...

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  8. Delete swatch / replace swatch

    Please display the swatch that will be deleted on the 'Delete Swatch' dialog box to prevent replacing or deleting the wrong swatch (which is too easily done at the moment).


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  9. Paste Text Only from Other InDesign Documents

    We regularly copy and paste from other InDesign documents. It is really frustrating that every time we do this the incoming swatches and styles are also pasted into the document, resulting in extensive lists of swatches and styles with similar names. Much like the "Preferences - Clipboard Handling - When Pasting Text and Tables from Other Applications - Text Only" option, it would be incredibly useful to offer this feature for "Other InDesign Documents" as well.

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  10. apply swatch to monotone/greyscale with transparency (psd,png,tiff,ai).

    Apply swatch to linked object only currently works with flattened greyscale psd, jpg or tiff. Often I need to change greyscale images WITH TRANSPARENCY (vector and raster) to match colors from other photos in indd. Currently I have to open psd and created several hue adjustment layers, or layers in ai with the color changes, and going back to each as I modify color in the pallette.

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  11. Expand CMYK swatches window

    PLEASE! Enable the user to expand the color swatches window!!

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  12. option to read in spectrophotometer results

    Create a import option to accept readings from a spectro. that can identify its closest PMS color - and or - create a new SPOT swatch that uses the opposite values of the Lab readings to compensate that value to achieve an closer DeltaE reading on the next print of a specified PMS value that you are wanting to reach

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  13. swatches, color, and gradient panels like illustrator

    Illustrator has the easiest to use and most powerful swatches, color, and gradient panels. Indesign would be a much better experience if it just used them. Just make them exactly the same.

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  14. Option to merge swatches when importing from another document

    When Importing Swatches from another document produce a dialog similar to when importing Text Styles. I should be able to choose which ones i want to import and be able to decide what to do if there are swatches of the same name. In some cases i would like it to overwrite the swatch on the active document with the swatch that exists on the imported documents swatches.

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  15. Opening items such as swatches in the columns when hovering the mouse over them

    Currently I do not know of a way to enable it so that anything you hover the mouse over automatically opens without you having to click on it, i.e the swatches/ colour tabs when in a column. Please let me know if there is otherwise this would be a nice feature.

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  16. Colour Themes for in-RIP separation

    Not sure whether to post this as colours, printing or CC Libraries.... Perhaps all of them...

    I print with in-RIP separations to match named colours in InDesign with the printer RIP to always receive accurate colours for comparing to customer colouring scales or calibrating new custom colours with a photo spectrometer. When creating a custom colour theme for a customer, I cannot do this because I cannot give each colour an individual name and as such I need to manually add every colour and rename them as needed.

    I want to be able to rename a theme called X with…

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  17. type colour fill under Properties > Appearances

    Hi, I love the feature under Properties, that I can work on the colours, the shapes, etc in one window. However, I notice that text colour fill is missing. Can I request to have that added in there too?

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  18. Libraries - I should be able to rearrange swatches

    I just got off a long chat with support only to learn that there is no way to rearrange the swatches in my library. The tech support professional told me I can use/select the colors in my document then rearrange them in the swatches panel. This is worthless. I have a long document with about 50 colors which are arbitrarily arranged in the library panel. If I cannot quickly access them alphabetically, then I am wasting a lot of time. PLEASE make it possible to arrange them in the library.

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  19. Save gradient swatch angles to object style

    It would be nice to be able to save angles that you draw with the gradient swatch tool to the object style. I find it strange that we can save gradient feathers at any angle, but not gradient swatch tool angles.

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  20. Distribute gradient colour stops evenly

    It would be nice if there was a button in the gradient palette that automatically distributed all the colour stop locations evenly from 0% to 100%.

    Often gradients have 5+ colour stops in them, and it becomes tricky when adding more stops to then rearrange them all across the entire length.

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