My feedback
28 results found
1 vote
swapan shared this idea ·
1 vote
swapan shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
same problem in Adobe CC 15.0 also in windows 7 environment. Hope to see the fixes in next version.
swapan shared this idea ·
131 votes
Hi All, thanks for this feature suggestion.
If I understand this correctly the idea here is that you need a faster way to be able to apply Master Pages to the various pages in the document. One use case is that you want to apply a particular master page to Even and Odd pages.
Are there other such scenarios too, where you need more support. It would be helpful if you can mention other such scenarios.
swapan supported this idea ·
663 votes
MathML support was added to InDesign 2025 version.
Work on adding more options in future releases of InDesign has started.
Adobe InDesign team
swapan supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
Not sure whether this features is available on placed object. Indesign treat this as an object/image not an text. Thus not creating any links. Is this feature available earlier? Please do check in Interactive->hyperlink
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
Which OS you're. Here are the steps.
First use "Adobe World Ready Paragraph Composer" in each paragraph to use Kannada or any Indic languages. Then you can place or paste kannada text.
1 vote
swapan shared this idea ·
2 votes
swapan shared this idea ·
ID 2020 15.1 - All text variables (including page numbers) replaced by "ss" text
Adnotare 2020-06-19 220139.png 78 KB -
Annotation 2020-06-18 114245.png 3 KB -
Annotation 2020-06-18 113938.png 2 KB -
Annotation 2020-06-18 113957.png 18 KB -
Screenshot 2020-06-18 at 14.54.05.png 10 KB -
Fehler-Querverweise.png 670 KB -
Caminando por Fe_sample 5.pdf 431 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 12.46.36 PM.png 128 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-06-16 at 22.04.35.png 96 KB -
corrupted text variables.png 4 KB -
proper text variables.png 8 KB
223 votesThe fix is now publicly available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign teamAn error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
Nice to see the fix quickly. Hope no any major bugs at the moment. Updated to 15.1.1.
Also request to check the footnotes span bugs in 2 or more column. Though it's fixed but it's too slow to re paginate the rest of pages.
swapan supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
it's very simple to reproduce the above errors. All page numbers changed to "SS".. Do you still need a sample.. One should not ask like this..
Better to use older version.. Adobe should not update any product like this kind of "bug". Although seems minor, whereas its a major bug, one cannot use without page numbers and other various just by changing to composer.
166 votes
Thanks a lot everyone for the feedback. I am moving this under review.
swapan supported this idea ·
217 votes
swapan supported this idea ·
273 votes
swapan supported this idea ·
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
I agree it's not user friendly not a intuitive, though I placed a request to rebuild it. such as when creating any style give an option to add it in TOC. e.g. while creating any heads, there should be a check box "add to toc".
For present systems you need to create a TOC styles from from the "Table of Contents Style" menu. and add the headings to that menu..
You can create multiple TOC style, e.g. Contents, Tables, and Figures. This way you can apply the required styles to pages.
If not clear let me know, I'll explain in details how to create a effective way to handle this..
3 votes
swapan shared this idea ·
47 votes
swapan supported this idea ·
5 votes
swapan supported this idea ·
40 votes
We’re reviewing this issue.
Adobe InDesign teamAn error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
Thanks a lot for fixing this bug. Checked in old files after playing couple pages work perfectly although it takes time to refresh. But it freezes in long document. Competitors has good features to use footnotes, even Word. They don't freeze like this.. Scary to use footnotes in Indesign.
An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
What I personally feel the lag is due to large number of footnotes with span column. In my file with 86 footnotes with more than 2-5 lines of text in each footnotes. While editing text first couple of page, Indesign crashes and seems it's unable to reflow the rest of text as footnotes also effects on editing text.
My file contains lots of inline table, images and paragraph shading boxes.
so what I did is split the files in 3 sections and it works perfectly. Gets irritated while finalizing the file for delivery.
An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
Using "span footnotes across columns" won't work properly even it crash the indesign cc. So find alternate solutions for this.
1. Don't use this from document footnotes options.
2. Use master page text frame, there use ctr+b (cmd+b), to go text frame options and use last tab footnotes. Here use "enable overides" and "span footnotes span columns".
3. In my case a large document of 120 pages work perfectly.swapan supported this idea ·
2 votes
swapan shared this idea ·
10 votes
Thanks, we were able to reproduce the issue and looking into it.
An error occurred while saving the comment swapan commented
try to disable "create pdf bookmarks" add few styles, save and close the style, then add further style.. doing so you'll be able to create toc. I follow this and successfully create toc for 9 files
it seems this has been fixed in updated version. checked in 15.1.1 in windows 7. No issue. Much appreciated. Thanks