My feedback
32 results found
2 votes
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2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
You can export in grayscale, see settings in picture. Try different "Dot Gain XX%" for different grayscale output (i use 15, 20 or 25, based on content).
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
Set your paper color back to white and use blue rectangle as background?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
Are you still updating one original file for your newsletters? Look in File -> File Info… for Document Title. Also try change in File -> User.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
My screenshot is from v 16.1 (InDesign 2021).
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
You can revert to the old style New Document window in Preferences:
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
Be sure in InDesign, in Edit / Transparency Blend Space / Document CMYK is selected. Also be sure your imported AI files are in same color space as InDesign, or with no color space assigned (if they differ, you get rich black from pure black in imported AI, also all colors with unwanted changes).
6 votes
rudolf supported this idea ·
10 votes
rudolf supported this idea ·
10 votes
The issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign – InDesign 2021. The fix was also available in the previous version of InDesign – InDesign 2020 (v 15.1.2).
Please update to these newer versions of InDesign to get the fix.—
Adobe InDesign teamAn error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
here is screenshot
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
They missing on macOS version of InDesign, a colleague with windows has them.
rudolf supported this idea ·
9 votes
rudolf supported this idea ·
2 votes
Thanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it
-InDesign Team
rudolf supported this idea ·
149 votes
As confirmed by multiple users, this issue is fixed in latest version of InDesign.
Thanks for your feedback.
-InDesign Team
rudolf supported this idea ·
5 votes
rudolf supported this idea ·
102 votes
The InDesign team appreciates your valuable feedback and concerns. These go a long way in helping us make InDesign better for you and update it continuously to cater to evolving user needs. The app bar design was changed as part of these improvement efforts, and will also help us in introducing some modern and exciting functionalities which we have been working on.
While doing this, we have taken care not to remove any existing functionalities which were available in the previous App Bar design. These have only been relocated – either grouped along with similar functionalities (based on results from our user research) or shifted to improve usability (to provide a consistent experience) while working across Creative Cloud apps, especially Photoshop (Ps) & Illustrator (Ai), which are frequently used by InDesign users. We do understand that it takes time & effort in adopting these but we sincerely hope that the…
rudolf supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
It still works, just check your preferences for Live Screen Drawing:
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
Interesting. I tested A5 document export do JPG and PNG, both at 300 ppi, and they both combined in Acrobat at correct A5 size. BUT, next i tried your size 480x330 mm to JPG at different resolutions, and weird thing happens when combined in Acrobat (all exported jpg files open fine in right dimensions in Photoshop):
at 72 ppi -> 480x330 mm in Acrobat
at 96 ppi -> 640x440 mm in Acrobat
at 150 ppi -> 1000,1x687,6 mm in Acrobat
at 300 ppi -> 2000x1375 mm in Acrobat -
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
Hello, i reported same problem here (i even send test files to aman) with no solution (he found no problem):
I (as-so) solve this by placing (your A) file in a separate InDesign document and copy/paste this frame (with newly placed A file) to main document (your B). Then it work OK (export B to PDF X1a) - until next update of A document (using right-click and "Edit original file") - then again separate copy/paste is needed for correct export to x1a. Sorry for my english...
PS: it probably has to do with InDesign version upgrade. I had problems with version 14 too, not only 15. My main (B) document comes from even older InDesign version (export to IDML and reopen in new InDesign has no effect to this problem).
2 votes
rudolf supported this idea ·
46 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment rudolf commented
GPU acceleration now works without Retina Display too, using 14.0.3 version of InDesign on Mojave (using Mac Pro 2010 with RX 560 and two non retina displays).
rudolf supported this idea ·
1 vote
rudolf shared this idea ·
It was a bugfix in InDesign 2020 (v15), read more here: