Revert to original, efficient New Document dialogue box.
An option to revert to the old, more compact and efficient "New Document" window.
There are 8,342 awesome ideas of additions and updates for InDesign on this site, yet someone took the time to make this new interface... If you have used InDesign for more than 1 day you don't need this. It is huge, and inefficient. There used to be an option to revert to this style but it is gone now.
Efficiency is KING in InDesign. If we wanted a clunky, chunky UI we could use a Microsoft product ;-)

Ryan G commented
Well that is very strange...
Thank you Rudolf. I will investigate further. Strange things are afoot! -
rudolf commented
My screenshot is from v 16.1 (InDesign 2021).
Ryan G commented
Rudolf - I just looked again in case I missed it. The option is there in 2020 (v15) but in 2021 (v16) it is gone :-(
rudolf commented
You can revert to the old style New Document window in Preferences: