[ID-4253441]"Don't Save" and "Cancel" Positions are reversed in InDesign 20.0
"Don't Save" and "Cancel" Positions are reversed in Indesign 20.0.
Why in the world would they do this??? Yet another meaningless update to hinder production.
Not OS related, as I have not updated my OS since updating to Indesign 20.
Mac Sonoma 14.7
3.6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9
AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT 16 GB

Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Stephen commented
This is bonkers. It's taking so long my muscle memory is going to be retrained by the time they (hopefully!) switch it back and the confusion will continue!
Larry commented
This decision really needs to be reversed. It's the same careless, dangerous, and plain bad UX that Apple has implemented with their dialog boxes. Putting the two most destructive operations right next to each other where you can accidentally click on the wrong choice and make irretrievable data loss. The proper way was in earlier versions of Mac OS and Adobe apps with the horizontal layout, and "Don't Save" far off to the left separate from Cancel and Save.
troyjack commented
Still not fixed on 20.1 update SMH.
Stephen commented
The differences between the 'Save Changes' dialog boxes for the Big Four (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat) are mind-boggling. Different appearances, different text, different button locations -- why is that not standardised? And even where they look similar, the text is different! Eg, why is Acrobat the only one that starts with "Do you want to..."
Ryan Terry commented
The Senior Lead Software Engineer of InDesign calling his own decision to change something for the objective worse an "issue" that they're investigating is very funny, and that they can't even fix this within a month is positively hilarious.
Eddie Deighton commented
25 years of muscle memory - why would you even consider changing this? Is it Adobe’s mission to completely hinder our workflow?
troyjack commented
New update today, still not fixed. Disappointing.
Claudio Marconato commented
At least 36 people lost time and money to write down this post, comment and vote it. You, Adobe, must refund people for all time and money they waste for your distractions or lack of coordination between developers. This is not a bug, this is between distractions and incapacity.
Craig commented
There was no good reason to switch this. The potential to lose hours of work due to muscle memory trained after YEARS of using the product does not outweigh any possible benefit. It's like literally punishing your most loyal, longtime users.
Leo commented
@Anders: I can't reproduce this; Cmd-S and Cmd-D work as expected for me in the InDesign 2025 dialog.
Anders commented
IMPORTANT about Command + S.
Command + S has always been the shortcut to SAVE in MacOS.
In this dialog window Command S => DO NOT SAVE.
Magnus Gaarde commented
Thanks for confirming that these buttons are indeed swapped. I thought it was me going mad.
Please, Adobe put the buttons back. This change makes absolutely no sense. -
Karl commented
Tomina Funthomason commented
Do something about it!!! Swap it back! This is really critical problem for many of us! Thank you.
Claudio Marconato commented
Adobe, please, come back ASAP to previous (as all other softwares) positions.
Laurie Ruhlin commented
This must be changed. Now I always have to really think and read the dialog.
Alan Burnitt commented
I really hope this was an oversight or a general ***** up as I couldn't imagine the thought process behind swapping these. Its not only different from previous iterations, but also different from the current other Adobe programs. Please swap these back. I haven't accidentally clicked "Don't Save" yet, but it's coming.
Alan Burnitt commented
I haven't accidentally not saved a project yet, but with InDesign's buttons swapped like this and the others are still in the same place, it's going to happen to me. Fix this back, please.
Jorg commented
As said before, this is really annoying! Adobe does this all the time, changing things in updates that don't make sense...I can only image, just to annoy people. Please change this back!
Toby Nelson commented
I'll tell you why - because this app has essentially been abandoned by adobe, and by doing pointless changes like this that achieve LESS than nothing they are seen to be 'updating' this unstable, bug riddled mess of an app instead of actually making the changes is users actually want an need.