InDesign CC2023 forces paragraph in overset
Since the update to InDesign v18.0 (CC2023) the first line of a Paragraph with custom Bullet (Numbering) text, gets forced in overset when the first word is longer than 8-9 characters. They don't flow to the next paragraph and there is still enough space to keep the word in the Text Frame.
In the example you'll see two Text Frames with one with the word "Duurzaamheid" cut in two and the second in overset with no space between "Duur" and "zaamheid" wich forces everything in overset. In InDesign 17.4 everything works as desired. Uploading an InDesign-file was not possible so you can download the file here:

Fix for this issue is now available in the latest release of InDesign 2023 - that is, InDesign 18.1 version.
Please update to this version of InDesign to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Douglas Forsyth commented
Something seems to have gone wrong with indents in paragraph styles. Existing files when opened in 2023 now don't fit in the text frame.
Aligned right text with a 0.5 indent previously.
Can fix by adding 3mm then cancelling it out with -3mm in first line indent
Jillian McCauley commented
I am experiencing the same issue. We use numbering for figure legends and this error has caused a lot of issues. My company continuously updates a set of files as book sets, and if my team tries to adjust ANY figure number (that has been there at it's current size for months to years) the adjustment causes the previously fine figure number to immediately overset until it gets resized to way larger than the box originally was.
I've attached a screenshot going over the issue. In this example I've simply copied and pasted the exact same box, and upon pasting it is immediately over set, and must be expanded to way bigger than it originally needed to be.
Anja Stuckenholz commented
The same problem but with numbering in tables. I use numbering for automatical numbering of rows in a table. It works fine for layer 1, but from layer 2 on, the row number forces an overset and will not be displayed. In InDesign 17.4 everything works as desired.
Philip Byrne commented
I'm facing the exact same problem with Bullets and Numbering in two separate documents with slightly different Numbering Style setups:
1. Where Numbering Style/Number is followed by a tab – it fitted perfectly in the text box (with plenty of room to accommodate it) in CC2022 but now in CC2023 it is overset. I have to make the text box much wider to bring the overset text back.
2. Where Numbering Style/Number has text preceding the number – again, it fitted perfectly in the text box in CC2022 but now in CC2023 it is overset and I again have to make the text box much wider to bring it back.