find/change text missing search: selection
after making a selection, the Find/Change text dialog sometimes does not offer Selection in the Search dropdown. It will be present under GREP and Object, but not Text and Glyph. Closing/reopening Find/Change does not fix it. Restarting InDesign usually fixes it...until it goes missing again.

I have been struggling with this issue for a long time.
Originally the pull down should have 5 items. Only two items that I never use are displayed.It is very frustrating that I have not been able to find a way to reproduce this problem for several years.
Gerf commented
Still happening as of 09-26-2022. Using find/change I can only select 'Document'. Only fix is to quit and restart indesign. Maddening
JimMcGregor commented
I have the same issue. This is incredibly infuriating, especially when working with tables.
sb2021 commented
This is still happening in the latest version of Indesign — v17.0.1 / 2022.
Restarting works for one find/change, then back to the same issue.
Trashing preferences also only works one time.
Please fix this up ASAP – this is a huge time waster when working on a project such as a book.
Seems it has been happening for the last 5–6 years now. Please fix this Adobe.