Share for Review strikethrough & highlight from online edits aren't visible in InDesign
InDesign Vs. 16 Share for Review: if the reviewer uses the strikethrough text or highlight option, I don't see these in my indesign doc. I can see the strikethrough text on the browser version, but the highlight disppears completely. The review comment is in both places, just not what it's referencing.

The fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Tarama Designs commented
It is not working. I have shared a document for review and the only tools I get online are: place a pin and draw a shape. The customers can't highlight text and make revisions so when they appear on indesign's comments to just press "replace" as the video says. Windows PC, Indesign version: 16.2.1 x 64, Browser Firefox version 88.0.1 (64 bit)
Also, pins on indesign do not show -
Dan commented
Stop saying it’s fixed and works when clearly it’s not. This feature hasn’t worked properly, ever. I lost an entire day on a magazine deadline because of this.
In a time where we are all collaborating from home, this should be the #1 feature Adobe should be focussed on.
Ivana commented
I tried for hours.. than I switched to Firefox and .. tadaa.. it works. Al the tools are available.
PKonig commented
Same here, Texttools are missing. I have the latest version of Indesign and also tried to logout and sign in again. Funny is also that when I send the link to a friend there the Texttool is still there... But I so can't do the corrections in Indesign because I can't see the changes what are made with that tool.
Tim G commented
I just updated to the latest version this morning and now this no longer works. I then tried seeing it in the "Go to review" link and it tells me that I'm not online.
Chris commented
This issue has not been fixed, despite what is being communicated here. V 16.1
Anonymous commented
Just updated to 16.1 and this bug is not yet resolved. Highlights do not appear.
Scott Ledridge commented
Same issue. Highlighting and notes don't show up in Indesign or on the site.
This feature would really streamline proofing for us. A fix would be greatly appreciated.
mark commented
I am having the same issue.
- Indd V16.1
- safari v14.0.3
- chrome v89 -
Guénolé commented
Same problem in InDesign V. 16.1
Share for Review: if the reviewer uses the strikethrough text or highlight option, I don't see these in :
- my indesign document V16.1
- safari v14.03
- chrome v89
- firefox v86.01It's a very high problem for me, please help us fast.
Anonymous commented
For one, I wish this forum supported subthreads, because a lot of these comments are going unanswered and I can't respond to them through a subthread or by tagging them.
When trying to understand what was meant by "Build 15", it took me about 10 minutes to discuss this with my partner, who is an engineer, who was also stumped by the terminology. When I read the past three sets of release notes, I realized that when Ravi is saying "Build 15", he means, not Version 15 from months ago. He's technically correct in using the term, but "version" vs. "build" is a little ambiguous for us designers.
Of course, when you go to the Prerelease website, you can't click on a link that directs you to the download within Creative Cloud, so that's fun. Here are the steps, but full disclosure, these instructions are just to TRY the fix; the suggested workaround DID NOT WORK for me.
1. Sign up for the InDesign Prerelease program:
2. Click "Join" on the InDesign area. There are about four listings associated with InDesign so be sure not to select the Server, SDK, or Developer ones or you'll be lost.
3. Click the permissions link to "read" the licensing agreement and check that you'll follow the guidelines.
4. Sign out of Creative Cloud on your device and close the app. Sign back in.
5. Prerelease" should now appear under "Beta apps" within your Creative Cloud app. However, don't click "Install" unless you have one of the brand-new Macs with the M3 chip. Click the three dots next to the button and you can select "Other Versions". The one he's suggesting is 16.2. Unfortunately, we can't choose between or
As I clarified earlier, it did not work for me. I downloaded 16.2, opened my doc, and had the identical issues I had before: no mapping of highlighted or crossed-out text, only pins. It's the same issue on my browser, except the icons there don't even indicate if I'm missing a highlight or crossed-out text.
Even if I could l see them in just my browser for now, it would be annoying, but still usable. Instead of being able to warn my client and several other people on her team that are reviewing this large catalog, I will need to go back and confirm which line/word they were referring to in each instance. There are hundreds of comments and countless highlights throughout.
This just added potentially hours to their review process and likely another day to our turnaround time. The same likely applies to others in this thread.
I'm all for users opting to give feedback on new builds, but we really shouldn't have to go through all this in order to retrieve a feature that was already there. Share for Review is relatively new, but with so few features, keeping the ones we have should be a minimum requirement.
Please, prioritize this fix as soon as your team can.
Anonymous commented
For one, I wish this would forum supported subthreads, because a lot of these comments are going unanswered and I can't respond to them through a subthread or by tagging them.
When trying to understand what was meant by "Build 15", it took me about 10 minutes to discuss this with my partner, who is an engineer, who was also stumped by the terminology. When I read the past three sets of release notes, I realized that when Ravi is saying "Build 15", he means, not Version 15 from months ago. He's technically correct in using the term, but "version" vs. "build" is a little ambiguous for us designers.
Of course, when you go to the Prerelease website, you can't click on a link that directs you to the download within Creative Cloud, so that's fun. Here are the steps, but full disclosure, these instructions are just to TRY the fix; the suggested workaround DID NOT WORK for me.
1. Sign up for the InDesign Prerelease program:
2. Click "Join" on the InDesign area. There are about four listings associated with InDesign so be sure not to select the Server, SDK, or Developer ones or you'll be lost.
3. Click the permissions link to "read" the licensing agreement and check that you'll follow the guidelines.
4. Sign out of Creative Cloud on your device and close the app. Sign back in.
5. Prerelease" should now appear under "Beta apps" within your Creative Cloud app. However, don't click "Install" unless you have one of the brand-new Macs with the M3 chip. Click the three dots next to the button and you can select "Other Versions". The one he's suggesting is 16.2. Unfortunately, we can't choose between or
As I clarified earlier, it did not work for me. I downloaded 16.2, opened my doc, and had the identical issues I had before: no mapping of highlighted or crossed-out text, only pins. It's the same issue on my browser, except the icons there don't even indicate if I'm missing a highlight or crossed-out text.
Even if I could l see them in just my browser for now, it would be annoying, but still usable. Instead of being able to warn my client and several other people on her team that are reviewing this large catalog, I will need to go back and confirm which line/word they were referring to in each instance. There are hundreds of comments and countless highlights throughout.
This just added potentially hours to their review process and likely another day to our turnaround time. The same likely applies to others in this thread.
I'm all for users opting to give feedback on new builds, but we really shouldn't have to go through all this in order to retrieve a feature that was already there. Share for Review is relatively new, but with so few features, keeping the ones we have should be a minimum requirement.
Please, prioritize this fix as soon as your team can.
Kevin commented
Same issue for me. Not sure why, it was there and working 2 weeks ago, now gone. Hoping this will be resolved soon. It was a very handy tool.
Anonymous commented
What does "Prerelease Build" mean? Do you mean an older version?
April Banta commented
I'm having the same issue...can see the comments but not the annotations (even though the "show annotations" eyeball is checked) :(
Looks like I'm not able to see any text edits or highlights...the pin tool and the drawing tool show up in Normal view.
Mitch commented
I'm having the same issue, I can't see where comments are supposed to go. No highlights are showing up. I followed the instructions and updated InDesign and deleted temp and cache files. What else can I try?
Andrew commented
Having this exact issue and is grinding productivity to a halt while trying to publish a huge document next week. Really killing us. Text that was edited on a document using Share for Review (edited in the cloud) is not visually showing up in inDesign, and the document owner cannot "see" where the text was edited online and does not have the text editing tools online.
Martin commented
Update 24.02.21: Now Strikethroughs do not appear in Webview as well.
I know which page the comment belongs to but not which line it refers to. I have to call the client to ask what their comment refers to. Looking real professional today.... :/
Edit: All tools are there in Chrome, on Safari and Firefox you can only Pin and Scribble.
Come on guys... -
Sean commented
February 19th and still this is an issue.
I cannot see any tools other than pin and shape, whereas the person reviewing my document sees all tools (such as highlight text).This means when they, for instance, highlight text, I see the comment but not the highlighted text. This is both on the web and within InDesign. So they have to go over everything again with a pin which is time consuming and bad UX.
Do we have an update on this?}
Considering Adobe pushes this feature to me at least once a month, highlighting it and encouraging me to use it, I'm surprised to find it's been broken for this long...
Martin commented
Same for me. MacOS 11.2.1, Indesign 16.1
Pins show up (mostly), Strikethroughs and highlights do not. It's all there in Webview. This is really bad – Under Review for months. How hard can it be to display this? I have 160 complex Pages with annotations from 5 clients. Are you guys aware that we are professionals trying to earn money with your tools? If you can't get it to work do not implement it. We are not paying you heaps of money every year to Beta-Test your code.