Share for Review strikethrough & highlight from online edits aren't visible in InDesign
InDesign Vs. 16 Share for Review: if the reviewer uses the strikethrough text or highlight option, I don't see these in my indesign doc. I can see the strikethrough text on the browser version, but the highlight disppears completely. The review comment is in both places, just not what it's referencing.

The fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Lene commented
It seems that the problem has not yet been solved. I can't see the pins that refer to the comments. I can see them in the browser version but not in Indesign.
It is also annoying that the comments to my catalogue appear on a "spread" and do not refer to a page number. Spread #11 is, for example, pages 20 and 21.
Regards from Denmark
Breanna Lawrence commented
Niether replace text tool or strike through are working any more, drawing seems to be okay along with highlighting...
Makes review mode quite difficult to use.
Courtney Kay Vatis commented
This seems to be happening again. Our compositors and editors are reporting that highlights the editors put into the review link PDF are not showing up in indesign. The comment is there, but not the highlight it's connected to, so the compositor doesn't know what the comment refers to. (We don't typically use strikethrough, so I can't speak to that.)
Courtney Vatis,
Blackstone Publishing -
Fehin Coffey commented
Hello - anyplans to fix the replace text tool for online review?
It flat out does not work with the latest version of Indesign.
Paul Nylander commented
Yes! The limited comment/markup toolset versus the "full" Acrobat set (which itself is limiting, if functional) makes this feature a non-starter for all but the most superficial reviews. And even with the limited tools, alignment and visibility issues make this useless.
Robert K commented
As of March 18, 2023, the review feature does not work. My clients can go to the review page and see the document, but are unable to see the review tools, and are therefore unable to use the service. This seems to be browser related. I can see the tools in Safari and Firefox for Mac, but not Microsoft Edge. I'm using InDesign 18.2.1.
Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 doesn't work, nor does Firefox for Windows 10. -
Cecilia commented
This isn't fixed. I'm on 17.4 (Big Sur) and I just opened a doc in InDesign with lots of comments, and nothing is showing on my InD doc. when I click on a comment, it will jump to the page, but there is nothing there to indicate what the comment is associated with.
Mari O'Donnell commented
Pins not showing up after upgrade. Really made me look like a fool showing new client how this works and oops. It doesn't work anymore. Sorry about that.
Rafael Clariana commented
Hello. I can't see the reviews. In the Indesign window it is completely black, and not even the review tools are visible on the web page.
In the afternoon I worked without problems, but now everything disappeared.
Is it an issue of the Adobe servers? Do you have an estimate when it will be resolved?
MacOs Big Sur. - InDesign 17.0.1Need a link?
Erin Brasell commented
This is still happening with version 17.0.1. Any suggestions on how to fix?
Ryan Lewis commented
Add "&featureset=cc" to the end of your share link and you should see the tools return. Using v16.2.1
Dyrck commented
Any news on this, Ravi?
Vb commented
Still not fixed.
Anonymous commented
Have disappeared again for me as well. There were there in the first iteration, but as I updated link, they disappeared.
Mac Big Sur, 16.3.2
Not working in Safari, works in Chrome -
Tammy commented
I am still having the same issue as well. No text tools or highlighting. I am on the latest version of Indesign: 16.3.2 Please resolve this! It is an important feature that looked as if worked once before and now is leaving many in the lurch.
Dyrck commented
Tried using this today as it would be useful for a new project. I'm using ID 16.3.2, as are my colleagues. When they share a document for review I can only see the Pin and Draw a shape tools in my browser. My colleagues can sometimes see all the tools but not always. So, Ravi Kiran, despite your happy smiling face, it's still not working for actual users.
Edit. It seems to work if I use Firefox or Opera instead of Safari but I don't want to change and I certainly don't want my clients to change. -
Andrea Solzman commented
I have the latest version of Indesign and I still can't get all of the text tools when I send for review. My other reviewers can, but I can't. I really need this to work. It would make my job so much more efficient and would have to use less programs.
Ed commented
Vital commented
Still not fixed for me. I'm using a Mac with the version 16.2.1
Gina commented
This is a horrible issue/bug Adobe needs to fix it IMMEDIATELY. With so many teams working remotely, this feature is imperative. My manager and I have lost time on both ends trying to figure out annotations that I can see in the review panel but they are invisible/do not highlight within the actual document to show where those actual edits go.