InDesign 16.0 saves Converted files in last used folder, not containing folder
On Catalina OSX (10.15.7), InDesign 2021 (16.0) saves a Converted file to the last used Finder folder, rather than the folder the document is contained in.
Happens with 'Save As...', as well as saving InCopy assignments.

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.0.1.
Please update to this version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Sydnie commented
This is happening on Windows OS too. Please fix ASAP!
Rene commented
I’m working in InDesign, on a Mac machine, with the latest version, all up to date, and working off a server.
So, my day of work with InDesign starts like this:
1.- I open a file, (Off any given file folder off the network) then, I start editing,
2.- After a few minutes of working (because that’s how I work) or even if I just hit command + save, (because I’m in a rush to get things done) and hit enter. (because I think InDesign will recognize the folder where the file it was pull from, (as before I updated my adobe programs to 2021), when I look/search for the file, the file is not in the folder I saved it, and opened from because now InDesign does not recognize the folder from where it was opened. Rather remembers the last folder where I saved the last document that has nothing to do with the new project).
So, now when I’m working I have to take the time to go in in design and look for the folder I opened the file from re-save the file even though there’s a version of that file already created, so it will ask me if I want to replace that document, ( I’m sorry but it is annoying to do things twice in a fast pace environment).
3.- So, to save the file that I have already opened from a server/network, I have to give the hole rot path again to get it save in the right file folder.
4.- Also, after I updated from 2019 to 2020 since then, when I have a pdf file selected in my finder window, and I try to save that file, it will give me an alert telling me that the file is already open. (And this is being going on since almost more than a year).
I Hope I explain my self correctly, but if you guys have any questions please let me know. -
Anonymous commented
really anoying BUG, fix it please!
Anonymous commented
This is a major bug, and it is affecting all users multiple times during the workday ... not just slowing us down, but creating the very real possibility of working on and sending old files to clients (that's how I originally learned of the bug ... from a client, when I sent an old version!!). As expressed in many comments below, this is extremely frustrating and time-consuming. When can we expect a fix on this, please?
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Peter,
the update you mentioned was for InDesign 2020 and is version
It was no bug fix for InDesign 2021 which is still at version,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Ahmet Duman commented
This error needs to be fixed very urgently. We want it to work not only on the mac os operating system but also on the windows 10 operating system.
This REALLY needs fixing ASAP. -
Peter commented
Update today did not fix it.
Steffen commented
Hilfe, ändert das bitte schnell!
Erik commented
Patrick Clark commented
This REALLY needs fixing ASAP.
Matthias commented
Please fix it. I got very confused and saved my files in wrong folders. A week later I opened an old version of my design, because the new one was in the wrong folder. I wondered but never thought that my design is in another folder, I thought I did something wrong with saving or shut down my computer (by mistake canceled save as …). That's really bad. Now I know it but it cost me some time to do double work …
Anonymous commented
Very annoying! Please fix it as soon as possible.
InDesign 16.0
Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7 -
Rhonda commented
Yep, painful. Nice to see that it has been flagged for review though.
Anonymous commented
Please please please fix this bug, its such a time waster. And its so dangerous, because an updated file could be easily missed.
Linda commented
Why oh WHY does the simple act of going to save a document take me to some random location and NOT where I opened the file??
Johanna commented
Adobe, NOW PLEASE!!!! How could your team not run through the update to the point of SAVING files from previous versions and NOT SEE that the new version did not save to the same folder??? This is major, and a major loss of time for me, and a major risk of error — today I opened a file I was SURE I had already edited yesterday, only to find the revisions were not made. They WERE made, but the file, opened in the newly updated InDesign, saved to the job folder of the last file I had saved.
Dan Jewett commented
For the love of god please fix this. It is killing our production team who is transitioning between multiple folders all the time. It is going to force a major mistake on our end.
Anonymous commented
This sucks big time...
Anonymous commented
Come on. This is driving me nuts. Lots of extra work and it can cause serious storage problems whilst lots of docs disappear in the wrong folders. Get it over with! Status PLEASE!
Anonymous commented
This is driving me INSANE!!! I would like to go back to 2020 please and not use 2021.