Share for Review- White/Black screen only
When I try to Share for Review, I only see this. I have updated my software to the most recent release. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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The fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version of InDesign to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Diane commented
I have started having this issue with the latest version of InDesign (19.4) and it's driving me nuts. I just tried backing down to 19.3 and it still won't update the review copy. Half the time it throws the error, and the other half it says it updated, but the actual file in the browser is old. I used this feature successfully last year, so I may need to back all the way up to 2023 version so I can work with my client.
Liz Knoop commented
Using InDesign 2023, Version 18.2.1, tried logging out of Creative Cloud, starting InDesign, logging in from there, clearing my cache, and using another browser, still when trying to use Share for Review I only have a black box with the spinning circle. Working on a Dell PC with Windows 10.
Rosana Powell commented
Using InDesign 2023, Version 18.2.1 the latest version, tried logging out of Creative Cloud, starting InDesign, logging in from there, clearing my cache, and using another browser, still when trying to use Share for Review I only have a black box. I am using a MacBook Pro - Ventura 13.2.1 - 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7.
Is there a fix for this problem? -
Taavi Sööt commented
same issue with the newest version of InDesign
Silas Tan commented
Hi Ravi, I'm having the same issue. And the question is it was working initially but somehow it stop. Perhaps a glitch in the app or some setting I'm not sure. BTW I couldn't find 16.2.1. Hope someone can help look into it. thanks heap!
Klaas commented
Solution for this is to log out of creative cloud, then restart InDesign and log in there on start-up. Then it works.
Gloria commented
It does not work on my Windows 10, InDesign 17.2 x64. Just get the same blank screen as everyone else
Kapil commented
Hi Elena,
Can you share more details on the issue you are facing?
The issue reported in this thread has already been fixed.
If you or anyone else is facing this issue, please share the version and details on how to reproduce the issue.
I'd be happy to connect and check the issue you are facing.Regards,
Kapil -
Elena commented
I have the same problem on the newest version of Indesign 17.1
How can i fix that? -
Marje Eelma commented
I have the same problem and even in (not to mention in InDesign) where I can see that there marks in text showing that there must be comments, but what me and the client cannot see are the comments themselves. Blank screen where they should be. We have lost thousands of comments, working hours of two full days. Is there a solution.
Brodie commented
Still consistently not working. I'm on Mac OS Monterey (12.0.1) and Indesign 17.0.1. I can pretty much never use the 'update link' button.
Lydia Peever commented
It is still not working. I can see the review file, but clients get a spinning circle and it never loads.
Onkar Singh commented
This issue is still happening on Mac and the share for review link when being updated just gets stuck on loading circle which doesn't end.
JB Froke commented
Hello. Nothing is working. All updates, all shutdowns, and restarts, etcetera.
In the midst of typing, a specific page goes blank... text returns if scrolled and returned to the screen. Constantly. Multiple Macs.
Help, please. I am nervous about committing a substantial project further to InDesign if to lose it.
Gigi K commented
Had the same issue (using InDesign release 17.0) and after reading other suggestions here, I logged out of Creative Cloud and then logged back in and it resolved the issue.
Thoob Yaj commented
Just updated to the latest and greatest InDesign 2022 and now I lost the share for review feature that I really enjoyed using. Instead, I get a blank dropdown window when I try to share for review. There's nothing obvious to indicate it's taking or pending any action, only a window title, "Share for review" with a back arrow. When will Adobe address this issue?
Monica commented
I have version 16.4 and it still gives me the spinning wheel randomly. I've tried logging in and out, rebooting but it just keeps happening.
Chris commented
macOS Big Sur 11.5.2, updated to InDesign v 16.4 and I was still getting the spinning wheel when the "Update Link" is pressed. But following these steps and the problem has been fixed.
Simon commented
Instead of indesign getting stuck updating, it simply crashes now on the latest version.
Deni Zuñiga commented
InDesign v 16.4 have the same problem.