Export to PDF function crash in InDesign 15.1
Today I have updated to InDesign 15.1 and when I try to export to PDF the application immediately crash.
This happen even I change the type of export (small dimension, print, etc.).
I'm using windows 10 pro ver. 1909 build 18363.836, and Indesign 15.1 x64.
The system start to work but the application crash at 16% of the export.
The problem seems connected with something on the file, because I try to export another project and it work perfectly.
The file was all "green" in the preliminary checks panel.
And I notice that the system crash also using other function, example scrolling the pages list or the links list.
There is something wrong in the new version 15.1 that stops the compiling. Unfortunately no errors appear, only application crash.
Coming back to version 15.0.3 have solved the problem and the file was perfectly exported in PDF.

The fix for this is now publicly available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1
Please update to the latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
I have Adobe InDesign 15.1. Since the upgrade I am not able to export to a pdf. When I export, it quits the InDesign application and the pdf that it exports will not open and it has 0KB. This is happening since I renewed the subscription.
Linh commented
Where can I find version 15.1.1? It's not showing up in the previous versions to install on creative cloud. Please link if possible.
Kagan commented
I created idml file. Then export works fine for me:)
Anonymous commented
Test your software more before public release, it's expensive!
v15.1 introduces two bugs that crash the program in the middle of workflow (which for professionals usually has deadlines).One is a PNG related crash - still not fixed. (Asking to use beta software, which introduced potential new bugs, is not a fix.)
Other is - it just crashes without any message or dialog, while opening a INDD file (worked in previous version just fine).Going back to previous version - messaging client to extend deadline an hour or two.
Alyson commented
me too! ever since the 'upgrade' I cannot export either a pdf or even a jpeg .... I'm not happy!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Today I have updated to InDesign 15.1 and when I try to export to PDF the application immediately crash.
Marianne Goetheer commented
Where can I find version 15.1.1? It is not in creative cloud
Audra commented
Experiencing the same issue. I get no error messages. InDesign freezes and I have to go end task via Task Manager to close it. A blank pdf saves in my folder. When I attempt to open the file, I receive the attached error.
Paul commented
Experiencing the same crash issue as Alessandro Francescati. Please advise once resolved.
Linh commented
Been having the same issues as everyone since Wednesday. Can't export or package, indesign freezes up and then I end up having to end task just to close it out. When exporting I get this error message.
Anonymous commented
Same problem with 15.1 (PC), after the re-link PNG files (without the trasparency) works.
Printing PS files without the re-link works the same way - Indd crashes
SteveTustin commented
Ive just turned off 'optimise for fast web view' under 'general' also
'compress text and line art' and 'crop image data to frames' under 'compression' and it exported.
Hope this helps everyone -
Anonymous commented
Dito in the Netherlands.
Anonymous commented
I am on a MAC (OS Catalina 10.15.5). Same immediate crashing for any PDF export. Reloaded software, renamed file, fixed all preflight errors, still crashes. I need to make a PDF ASAP!
Adam P commented
I am having the same issue after updating to 15.1.
Anonymous commented
Yeah, this is related to PNGs as another user reports.
I removed all PNGs to test and it works.
I imagine converting them to JPG will make it work as well.
Dani commented
INDD updated yesterday, and repeatedly crashes after multiple tries to export an interactive pdf as well as attempting to package the document. I've tried to submit a crash report, and that is not working either. :(
JV commented
This is an issue with the new update and the workaround is to re-link the PNG, which has transparency.
Anonymous commented
super - thanks for the fix
Clement Batifoulier commented
It crashed 6/7 times for the first day of use...........
Very disappointing!
It crash first time i tried to generate a online review document (didn't crash the second time)
It crash on scrolling fast on a previous file updated from the last version with lot of images (reproduced several time)
it crash on exporting interactive pdf (reproduced several time) IMPOSSIBLE TO EXPORT how can it be possible ?pretty sad... i received an email this night from a teacher saying not to update he found a nasty bug too...
I though it was a quick fix update... How studid i was to update adobe software :)