Export to PDF function crash in InDesign 15.1
Today I have updated to InDesign 15.1 and when I try to export to PDF the application immediately crash.
This happen even I change the type of export (small dimension, print, etc.).
I'm using windows 10 pro ver. 1909 build 18363.836, and Indesign 15.1 x64.
The system start to work but the application crash at 16% of the export.
The problem seems connected with something on the file, because I try to export another project and it work perfectly.
The file was all "green" in the preliminary checks panel.
And I notice that the system crash also using other function, example scrolling the pages list or the links list.
There is something wrong in the new version 15.1 that stops the compiling. Unfortunately no errors appear, only application crash.
Coming back to version 15.0.3 have solved the problem and the file was perfectly exported in PDF.

The fix for this is now publicly available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1
Please update to the latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
c commented
Still happening on 19.4... it started when trying to export, but then it became nearly impossible to open the file at all without it crashing InDesign repeatedly. I finally found a thread where Willi Adelberger recommended replacing all EPS files with illustrator or pdfs: https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/indesign-2020-15-1-crashes-while-exporting-pdfs-fixed-in-15-1-1/m-p/11216136
That change finally solved it, now app doesn't crash every time I open the file and exports without issue.
Absolutely about time Adobe got around to fixing this very well-known issue, but of course with their monopoly who cares, right? Not like they haven't wasted millions of people's time already...
Toby Nelson commented
This is NOT fixed - it has been going on for years and is happening on 19.1 still. I've been in touch with abode and they insist it is corrupt files that cause it - when I proved to them it wasn't they stopped replying to me. Indesign is a bug riddled JOKE.
Toby Nelson commented
This still is NOT fixed in 18.5...
Toby Nelson commented
This is NOT fixed. It is still present in 18.3
Anonymous commented
Not working for me too. Keeps crashing. Any chance of an update please Admin?
Anonymous commented
No the fix didn't work. InDesign still crashes when exporting to PDF Interactive format.
This happens on one document, but if I copy the fields to a new document it works well.
Why is this? -
Anonymous commented
Im on 15.1.2 and its still crashing. What is the fix?
Patrice commented
Exporting books with cross references between the documents is still not possible. Tried in 15.1.1 and also in 15.0.3 and 15.0.1. All cross references and hyperlinks are valid. Think back to InDesign 14 is the only possible solution.
T commented
Still problems making a pdf when the document is large.
McFluff commented
This is most definitely not fixed despite the grinning reassurance from the admin. Get it fixed promptly and stop releasing updates with bugs. You had one job to do.
J commented
I have spent hours tonight trying to create a print ready PDF for a print deadline tomorrow. Zero bytes... and zero bytes. I’ve never had this problem until recently.
Pat commented
Failed to export PDF still in 15.1.1
Anonymous commented
I have 15.1.1 and it still crashes. Seems to be something to do with hyperlinks
Anonymous commented
appalling! had the same issues and now took advice to roll back so I can now produce the PDF for my client's document who needed it 2 days ago! Pay a lot for this program so I'd like to know when all this is fixed.
Anonymous commented
New version crashes every time I export to PDF. I've tried it with older files that previously exported without any problems. Reverted to 15.0.3 and no trouble exporting.
Anonymous commented
for some reason my creative cloud says I am up to date and yet I do not have the 15.1.1 version - I am having this same issue with the crash when exporting.
Anonymous commented
It is not fixed. It still crashes even after the update.
Anonymous commented
How do you update? I am not given that option.
Jason commented
Updated today (6/23) and Indesign freezing upon trying to export.
Davide commented
Dear Adobe,
me too: I'm experiencing a lot of trouble with 15.1 and the PDF export. InDesign crashes and the generated PDF is 0KB... This happens with different indesign files in different location/hard discs