Spell Check does not work after installing InDesign 15.0.2
Dear Adobe Team,
in our office we use In Design from several years without nothing problems.
Yesterday we had updated the version 15.0.2. After that, the spell-check (we use the Italian language) don’t work if we import text in a existing document.
But if we import text in a new document, the spell-check work without problems.
Please can you help us?

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.3.
Please update your InDesign application to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
A. Wilkes commented
I also noticed this problem beginning a few weeks ago. I assumed it would quickly be fixed, but I assumed wrong.
Robert Ewart commented
I converted some files from 2014 and haven't been able to get spell check to work. Tried all of the above.
Anonymous commented
Dynamic spell check does not work. Never had an issue with this. (For decades). Please don't tell us it's a setting, I have tried everything. Nothing is working. Please fix it.
Anonymous commented
I have a magazine due to the printer and can't spell check it! Not acceptable.
Anonymous commented
This is a serious problem! I can't copy and paste a 250-page file! And yet I certainly don't want to publish a book that hasn't been spell-checked. Adobe, please fix this problem ASAP.
Anonymous commented
Spell check works for me on new documents but not on older documents created in a previous version of ID.
Steve commented
Now that a lot of us are forced to work from home, we need a solution! We haven't had any updates at all.
Brian Acevedo commented
We are having the same issue in our office.
Please address this issue causing huge issues in our workflow. -
Chad Thompson commented
Same here! I duplicated the file, opened the duplicated file in version 2019. The file has to convert to 2019 version because it was created in the 2020 version. Spell check worked for me.
Deb commented
Not working for me. 03/17/20. This needs to be fixed NOW! How looks like this has been a known problem for about two weeks.
Anonymous commented
Can you fix this? Please!
Joe commented
How the f' does this bug pass quality control?!? I'm trying to spell check a 80+ page document and meet a deadline... Fix your buggy, crash-happy software!!!
William Armsby commented
Not working for me either. March 17, 2020
Anonymous commented
Really? Get at togetherr. This as unceptable.
Jeremy commented
Adding another voice that this is a serious problem. Please fix it as soon as you can!
Anonymous commented
No spell check for me either!
Anonymous commented
Same problem
Anonymous commented
I upgraded to InDesign this past week. Spell check was working before, but now it does not. If I go to Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling, I get the Check Spelling pop-up window. I can click on "Start," and the word turns blue, but nothing further happens. Nothing At All. To quote Anonymous's comment, earlier today, "This is a serious problem. if I release a document to the printer and there is a spelling error I can be liable for the cost of a reprint. Will Adobe pay for that? It can be in the thousands of dollars."
Anonymous commented
This is a serious problem. if I release a document to the printer and there is a spelling error I can be liable for the cost of a reprint. Will Adobe pay for that? It can be in the thousands of dollars.
This is not a minor bug. A spelling error can destroy my business and end my Adobe CC subscription. Fix it now.
Karen commented
No spell check for me too :(